Okay, I'm 16 years old, and I've been dating a guy for close to a year now. I love him, a lot...it's just that lately, I've been feeling bored. Tired of the same old things over and over again. I feel like I still love him, I'm just really tired of him. I feel really bad about this, cried over it ect. he's a great guy, good to me, sweet. He's really clingy though, and possesive. Always tells me what to wear, and gets mad if I talk to guys. It just gets so annoying. Yes, I've talked to him about this and whatnot, but it just results in a fight. Recently, in my Spanish class, I've met a guy...that I relize I really like. He likes me too, and he saw me in the hall today holding my boyfriends hand. He looked confused. For some reason it really botherd me, made me feel funny, and upset, like I didn't want him to see me with my boyfriend. I feel horrible, I don't know what to do, nor what my feelings mean. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but that seems impossible, what do I do?
17 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
it's ok to want more excitement when you are 16... if you were in your thirty's and thinking of leaving him because you were bored I would worry about you..
have fun and enjoy being young, it will be over a lot quicker then you think.
2007-12-21 02:08:57
answer #1
answered by Sammi 6
Sounds like several different issues going on here.
Every relationship goes through a period when everything seems new and fresh and wonderful, then later settles down into something more stable for the long haul. So, just because it begins well doesn't mean that it will end well. Sometimes, the only way to find out is to wait it out and see.
His clingyness might feed your feelings of boredom, but it's not the same thing. If all you guys do is fight and fight over this, you either need to learn how to fight more productively (no, I'm not making that up, it's the most important part of any relationship!), or realize that this isn't going to change.
It's normal to find yourself attracted to someone outside the relationship. But what you do with that attraction is the test of the relationship. If it's just something fun to think about, that's one thing. But if you find yourself thinking that being with someone new would be better, then maybe that's a sign you should move on.
And if this all seems like it isn't giving you a simple answer, that's exactly right. You have to decide what you want, and how you feel about your boyfriend, both the good and bad things about him. Take some time and decide what really matters to you in a relationship, and then decide how your boyfriend fits into that.
2007-12-21 02:16:28
answer #2
answered by El Jefe 7
I think you just need to relax and take a deep breath. You are only 16! This should be a time when you date, not act like you are married. I think you need to cool it with you current boyfriend, even though you do love him. First loves should be exactly that..first. You should not tie yourself down to one man at that early of an age. For some people, it works out for them but in most cases, feelings change, people mature and go in separate directions.
It will be hard to break it of with your first love but it sounds like now is the right time.
I just might wait until after the holidays.
2007-12-21 02:16:24
answer #3
answered by davidb8627 1
Break the news gently that you have decided that you are too young to commit to this kind of relationship and would like to get to know more people. Tell him that you will continue to date him if he will not get upset if you date others. That puts some of the responsibility on him. If he cannot handle this, you will need to tell him, "sorry, then it's over." Then explain the situation to the guy in Spanish class. He would be pretty stupid if he didn't get your message.
2007-12-21 02:13:30
answer #4
answered by Gerald G 4
Get rid of him! No one needs to be in a possessive relationship. Plus, if you are bored and having feelings for someone else (nothing wrong with that by the way) it is probably time to move on. It's ok. People fall in and out of love all the time. While it may hurt to break up with your current boyfriend it'll be worth it!
2007-12-21 02:10:20
answer #5
answered by akc1106 4
BOys need to learn asap that being clingy and possesive is going to drive away their girl. It has been happening since the dawn of man, you don't need to feel bad about it. You are normal for feeling smothered, and you have the right to move on, or take a breather. C'mon, you are young.
2007-12-21 02:10:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Aww this is just the sort of thing that happens in a movie.
Okay, well first you need to decide which guy you would prefer to be with. No one can answer this for you apart from yourself.
It sounds to me like your boyfriend isn't a very good one. No ofense but boyfriends are supposed to be there for you and everything but they are not aloud to stop you from talking to other guys.
If you feel like you didnt want this other guy to see you with your boyfriend, then it is obvious you have feelings for this other guy and you do defiantly really like him.
Just follow your heart. Its always right, Goodluck :)
2007-12-21 02:12:31
answer #7
answered by stardustox 1
Atlético Madrid- detached Boca Juniors- Like Arsenal- Like Liverpool- detached guy United- Dislike Chelsea- Love! guy city- detached actual Madrid- Like Valencia- Like Barcelona- blended thoughts Villareal- detached Sevilla- detached Inter Milan- Dislike AC Milan- Love Juventus- Like Roma- Like River Plate- detached
2016-11-04 05:17:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't sound like you have the same feelings for your current boyfriend. I know its hard but you are young and its probably time to move on. Its better to go through this process when you are young then to go through it at 22 like I am. It hurts like hell but everyone has been there and you will see it will be better for both of you.
2007-12-21 02:10:04
answer #9
answered by TG 6
You're 16, so you are going to have feelings like this. Honestly, your boyfriend doesn't sound all that great - clingy, possessive and jealous are not good qualities. Maybe it's time to think about ending it. Just be honest with him.
Good Luck.
2007-12-21 02:09:50
answer #10
answered by Ray 3