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I work in local government, and since being employed my duties have changed significantly and are of a higher level and I feel that I am justified in asking to have my job re-graded from level 2 to 3.

There is currently a hiring freeze due to budget cuts throughout the department, but would this be an appropriate reason for my employers to refuse my re-grading request?

I have also been asked to undertake a major project that is currently done by a higher graded individual. Should I wait until I am doing the work, to ask for a re-grading, or ask prior to starting the work?

Does anyone have any relevant experience to share that can assist me?

2007-12-18 16:04:04 · 1 answers · asked by concerned neighbor 5 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment Government & Non-Profit

1 answers

I feel this new project is a good opportunity for you to introduce the idea of a job reclassification to your boss. You can say that you have taken on increasingly higher level responsibilities, ,and in light of this new project, feel that a reclassification is in order. If the response is initially negative, don't be upset or refuse the new project. You can ask that you would like to revisit the subject at a after a period of time (3 months) so that your work on the new project can be considered as additional leverage. As you are in a government position, I suggest you first check the relevant rules specific to yoru agency regarding the proper channels for reclassification requests and timing. Good luck!

2007-12-18 17:27:48 · answer #1 · answered by Piggiepants 7 · 0 0