You should sit down with him at a time that is calm. Go out for ice cream, or have a sit down at the kitchen table. Outline your expectations for his behavior. Let him know that he MUST be respectful and yelling at you is not. Show him what behavior is wrong and what consequences will follow.
He is getting independent and wants to exercise that. Let him know that he is old enough to control his temper and his reactions and he needs to practice choosing the right way to respond to you.
Follow through with your consequences and be consistent. You need to not let little slips get by. Calmly say, "I'm sorry you chose to yell at me, you'll need to have no video games today."
Don't be afraid to let him be bored. He is old enough that 5 minutes in the corner won't really phase him. Let him sit in the corner for 15 or 20 minutes and he might think about being bored the next time he wants to be disrespectful.
Make sure he has enough outside run around play time. This helps all kids control their little bodies a little bit more.
Make sure he is getting positive attention as well, and praise him when he responds appropriately. "Thank you for doing what I asked, that makes my day so much easier."
Say I Love You at least twice a day.
2007-12-18 06:54:00
answer #1
answered by crave knowledge 7
if he has a tv in his room take it away take everything he really like away and tell him he is not getting it back into he changes his behavior and know that he may change it for a couple of day and once u give him his stuff back he will go back to the take some time to give him his stuff back and give it one by one not all at the same time also if he like mcdonald for example do take him to eat there if he his waching cartoon and is not listening turn it off unplug do what ever u need to let him know u are the mom not him and one more thing lady spank him not hard.if you have to if nothing works im not saying to beat the crap out fo the kid either but boys are hard so u have to be strong for his own good in the future. i know doing this hurt you more then anything but is the best the only person that can help him be a better man in the future is you. good luck
2007-12-18 06:57:55
answer #2
answered by evita 2
I would suggest a new approach that involves mutual respect. Start by getting one, some or all of these books: "Positive Discipline" "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk" and "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline"
Most libraries have some of these.
Getting a new perspective and really thinking about what you want to teach your child as far as self-discipline and cooperation are concerned is a must.
Here are somee links to get you started, but some discipline books are really in order:
2007-12-18 06:51:09
answer #3
answered by Terrible Threes 6
You let him get away with too much as a younger child, and now he has "learned" to do it all the time. He yells at you? That would be the warning sign of even more fun when he becomes a teenager.
Sometimes the old saying "spare the rod and spoil the child" rings very true. You don't have to do more than swat his behind once or twice to get his attention. It's not child abuse...
2007-12-21 05:41:13
answer #4
answered by C>/ 4
Go pick up a copy of the book 'Parenting with Love and Logic' & see if the ideas in it make sense to you & for your family.
The first thing you need to do is get him to understand that the two of you actually have the same goal - for him to learn how to be a polite, safe, happy, friendly person. He needs to understand that you're not telling him to do things randomly, but for a reason. The next thing is to help him understand the reason for each of your requests & see how it benefits him, someone who he loves and respects or the world around him (which should make him feel good - doing good in the world around him).
Right now, it sounds like he's thinking it's him against you. That's your real first step, though - is to get him to understand that it's the two of you working together. From there, he'll start trusting you to teach & guide him, with respect to him as an individual.
2007-12-18 06:50:18
answer #5
answered by Maureen 7
Ha I personally have my son hold a phone book in his hands arms straight out in front of him for one minute. HE HATES IT! He thought it was funny at first but now wow lol. Really it's hard to disipline a older child without spankings so much respect goes to you for doing it. Good luck also you can slowly take away hours of his weekends and tv time. For every two times you have to tell him no or correct him he gets one hour on his off days. Hope this helps a little!
2007-12-18 06:44:04
answer #6
answered by Really now... 2
I am a mother of 5. I have 3 boys ages 10,8,and3 and 2 girls ages7,and5. When any of them get out of control They have to sit and think about what they did and they loose all privilege's they have at that time. It is a hard age and it will get better with age. My oldest was like that and he has gotten a little bit better. I wish you luck and a Merry Christmas
2007-12-18 09:03:48
answer #7
answered by princessbrandy 1
You say that you don't believe in spanking, this may be a good time to start. Give him one or two quick spanks on the rear and he will get the picture that he is not allowed to yell at Mommy.
2007-12-18 07:56:29
answer #8
answered by That Gay Guy for Da Ben Dan 5
person with the name really brother does the same exact thing....and it works! also....he used to try sticking him in the corner, but then he was able to turn around when others weren't looking, and then get his brother and sister to bring him stuff or do now, my brother instead of making him put his nose in the corner...makes him put it on the floor..thats right, he is made to lay down on his stomach and put his nose on the floor! and now works....let me brother is in the military..and believes in corporal punishment (spanking) but he says the floor issue works much much better.
I have a 7year old daughter, and she does the same thing, she argues with me endlessly over everything, and it drives me finally the other day, I asked her to clean up her toys before dinner, and she argued, I used a tactic I'd never used before, I told her "okay thats fine" and went back to what I was doing.....her eyes got real big, and the toys got picked up immediately, I had to leave the room so she didn't see me laughing...I don't know if she was shocked that no argument came, or if any thoughts ran through her head of what "thats fine" actually meant for her toys. but it worked,,,,,,and she hasn't argued with me in two we'll see how or if it continues to work. but be patient...its normal, they are just testing their limits...which will end..oh..never?
2007-12-19 02:40:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
At some point you have to lay down the law somehow, If you don't believe in spanking him try taking his stuff away for longer periods of time, and don't give them back til he shapes up. If you have to act like your throwing them away. Take care of this before he becomes a big surly teen.
2007-12-18 09:04:06
answer #10
answered by gryffindoregirl 3