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2007-12-13 05:08:01 · 5 answers · asked by Love #me#, Hate #me# 6 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Hmmm...well at least nobody made anything up!!

2007-12-13 06:51:13 · update #1

If anybody comes up with a #, provide a link or it's not credible.


2007-12-13 06:51:50 · update #2

5 answers

Well, I looked and looked and I just can't find it. I found out many other things, such as with an acquisition in 2001, they are now the world's third largest food produce (behind Kraft and Conagra) and the worlds largest meat producer.

The only relevant statistic I could find was that, in 1994, poultry sales made up about 75% of the company's revenue. It's on Tyson's Wikipedia entry. I know it's not gold-star research, but do yiou have any bronze stars to give out?

2007-12-13 08:49:37 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

There is little possibility of getting such information from either Tyson or KFC. The same way you couldn't get the prime sources of meat for Wendy's burgers. There are certain business relationships where private information is known only to the companies involved.

2007-12-13 05:16:46 · answer #2 · answered by googie 7 · 4 0

I think KFC gets their chicken exclusively from Tyson, so probably quite a bit. Don't know the exact percentage though. I used to work at KFC and I can tell you, it doesn't matter what percentage of Tyson Foods' sales are purchased by KFC because it's all DISGUSTING!!!!!

2007-12-13 05:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by mintyminions 3 · 4 2

I agree with vegon. I am not sure of the number but I am sure it beats their store sales. What other franchises uses Tyson, does anyone know?

2007-12-13 09:02:17 · answer #4 · answered by traceilicious 4 · 1 0

Its not just Tyson, its other places too that are cheap and fast like maybe local farms.

2007-12-13 05:16:27 · answer #5 · answered by Ƕāūţē çūīşīņē ḟōŗ Ṁŗ.Đēāţħ ® 4 · 0 0

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