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Okay so I'm a type 1 diabetic and recently my doctor increased my insulin levels and most of the weight that i lose last year through exercise and dieting is starting to creep back on. I'm on a pretty low carb diet which is hard because low carb sometimes results in a low blood sugar. But i wanted to know, with regular exercise and this low carb diet, will i lose weight? Or am i just destined to be slightly chunky for the rest of my life. How does low carb work anyway? And i'm tired of people telling me to speak to a nutritionist and doctor, i have been calling both for about two week and both are apparently too busy to get back to me. I would really like some/ANY advice.

2007-12-09 17:27:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Diabetes

9 answers


2007-12-09 17:31:01 · answer #1 · answered by Kay G 5 · 0 0

I can say the low carb diet did help me. Although, when I stop the diet I put the weight back on as with everything you just have to stay with it. Once you get down to a size or weight you like and that is healthy you can raise the carbs. You do need to talk to your doctor about any diet you are on some doctors do not like the carb diets. Most clinics have what they call diabetic classes maybe you could ask your doctors office if they have any or where you can find one.

Try calling: 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) Monday through Friday, 9 am – 8 pm (EST).

2007-12-09 18:05:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My husband and I are both diabetic. The answer to your question about losing weight on a low carb diet is a big yes. You absolutely can. My husband has lost about 65lbs and has cut way back on his insulin, and I have lost about 28lbs on a low carb diet. He eats 5 carbs plus a small amount of lean protein and side salad at a meal and I eat 4. The weight for him came off pretty fast, for me it was slower; but I did not give up and now a year later I am still losing weight without any extra exercise.

My question to you is have you been educated on how to really count carbs? After eighteen years we finally found a wonderful Endocrinologist who sent us to a great dietitian at our local hospital. It made all the difference in the world!

I understand you are flusterated with trying to get your doctor or a nutritionist, but this is your health you are talking about. Don't give up. If your doctor is too busy to care about your health, then if I were you I would change doctors.

Most doctors just tell their patients to cut back on your carbs without explaining what carbs are or why they need to cut back on them. Carbohydrates are: Any of various compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen including the sugars and starches. Carbs affect your blood glucose levels more than proteins or fat. That is why it is so important to count your carbs in the food you eat. Foods such as grains, fruit, vegetable, and low-fat dairy products should be your main carb sources. It is also wise to choose high-fiber, such as 100% wheat bread with at least 2% fiber in each slice, fresh fruits, vegetables, and beans.

This is what our dietitian told us: 1 carb = 22 grams or less. She also taught us how to read labels. She said always look on the package or can for the serving size, then look for the total grams of carbs for that serving size. Example: I have a can of peaches without added sugar. The serving size says 1/2 cup. The total carbs is 12. That is under 22 grams, so that would be 1 carb. 1 slice of whole wheat bread would be 1 carb. A cup of l% sweet milk would be 1 carb. A 1/2 cup of corn would be 1 carb.... and so on.

I hope this will help you. It is very important for a diabetic to eat balanced meals. Please don't skip meals because this will cause your blood glucose to drop too low. We never skip meals, and we eat very good; and we still can drop lbs. This is the best thing concerning our dibetes that we have ever done. It is really not a diet, it is more of changing our lifestyle. It is working for us. I can assure you that with the proper diet it can work for you too!

2007-12-10 02:34:35 · answer #3 · answered by cubby 4 · 0 0

I'm not a doctor, but I have diabetes, and I'm a personal trainer. I can give you what I have learned about some things.

If you've upped your insulin, that might be the reason. You need to increase your exercise, too. Diabetes makes it easier to put on weight, but you can control it, too.
I'm type one and have lost a lot of weight since I've gone stricter on my diet. A lot of my belts are too big now. I either spend a little time in the garage making holes in my belts, buy new ones, or stop wearing pants.

2007-12-09 17:44:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pledge your self to Fitness. work out and get on a regular work out schedule. Eat a Diet that would be fit for a Muscle man. Proteins and carbs that are Digested easily. Exercise like your life depended on it and you will see good results. This applys even if you are in a wheel chair. Good Luck

2007-12-11 14:20:41 · answer #5 · answered by George D 3 · 0 0

The doctor at Wake Forest University hospital in Winston-Salem, NC, put me on a Mediterranean diet. Lots of whole grain pasta, vegetable and fruit. Helps me, as I am a diabetic with a A1C of 4.9

2007-12-09 18:47:48 · answer #6 · answered by answerlady 3 · 0 0

My sincere advice is take the word diabetic from your mind and soul. Be happy. Keep telling yourself you are healthy and happy. Visiting doctors/nutritionists is ok, but their advice also required, but donot go behid that always. Take regular food, do exrcises and walk and keep yourself happy. You are all right and courageous man

2007-12-09 18:25:15 · answer #7 · answered by sainathan k 1 · 0 1

its realy the way to go and yes if you have to wait and get appontment with them they are the ones that can help you and show you what to eat and not. its the best advice to do. take care.

2007-12-13 14:37:43 · answer #8 · answered by Tsunami 7 · 0 0

Answer --> http://DiabetesGoGo.com/?hEJe

2016-03-23 08:18:23 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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