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2007-12-07 23:53:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

7 answers

The magic ingredient is vegetarian dashi stock. You can make it from dried shitake mushrooms or kombu seaweed or both.

Basically you soak the seaweed and mushrooms in water, but for more details read about it here:


2007-12-08 02:25:47 · answer #1 · answered by unnua 4 · 0 1

First you will need one medium-sized fresh vegetarian.

Cut the vegetarian into small chunks. Set the fleshy parts aside for later and boil the long bones along with some of the fat in a large pot to make a stock. You will have more stock and fleshy chunks than you need, but you can freeze the rest of it for future use. Reduce the stock until it takes on a rich feel and flavor. Then add things like celery, carrots, pasta, whatever you like in a hearty soup. Add some of the fleshy chunks from the earlier step, and simmer the whole thing in a slow-cooker or crock for three to five hours.

You can find more recipes like this one in the celebrity volume "Hannibal Can Cook!", available in bookstores everywhere.

2007-12-08 03:41:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Doing it today!!!!!
I save scraps from vegetables as I prepare them and store the scraps in the freezer until I have enough of them. You can start with fresh ones though.
First step is to make a veg. stock. Take the scraps, or 2 onions, 4 stalks celery, 3 carrots a stalk of broccoli, heck anything else you have. Put 2 whole cloves in the onion. Coarsly chop everything and cover with water. Add fresh parsley and Thyme and salt. Let this simmer at least 4 hours. Strain discard the veges. Add whatever fresh vegies you want (Grean beans, broccoli, corn)
season with salt and pepper soups on.

2007-12-08 00:21:05 · answer #3 · answered by David C 6 · 0 1

Very difficult to cook smething tasty when the main ingredients have very little taste or are bland to begin with. But anyway, just add enough seasoning and spices to add both aroma and flavor. Herbs and spices like curry can add flavor without the added salt. Otherwise, everything would just taste like V8 (which is not bad anyway)

2007-12-08 00:03:46 · answer #4 · answered by exsft 7 · 0 1

Roast veggies one day when you have time. A day (or two) later, combine them with fresh or frozen veggies to put in a soup. Also, use about one cup of your favorite sauce in the soup. (I use Rozzano's Marinara sauce - It's the best!

Also, another good idea is to add canned beans, and cubed baked and sweet potatoes.

Good luck with your soup!

2007-12-08 01:28:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Find some tasty stuff that doesn't have animals in it.

Boil it.

Sorry, I'm not very good at recipes.

2007-12-08 01:06:23 · answer #6 · answered by majnun99 7 · 0 2

there is a vegetarian bouillon that adds great flavor to whatever your cooking.

2007-12-08 01:56:15 · answer #7 · answered by Kookie M 5 · 0 0