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Yesterday WORLDLUV asked me to qualify a passing comment I made about this, so I am now doing so :)

The 1920 Nebi Musa riots took place on April 4th and 7th in the Old City of Jerusalem. By 10.30 am on April 4, almost 70,000 Arabs had congregated in the city square, and Arab gangs had already been attacking Jews in the Old City for over an hour. From the balcony of the Arab club, inflammatory anti-Jewish rhetoric was being delivered, much of it by Hajj Amin al-Husayni. The Arab mob ransacked the Jewish quarter, beating many people, looting shops and homes. The Toras chaim yeshiva was raided and set on fire. During the next 3 hours, 160 Jews were injured and seriously hurt.
Muslim eyewitness Khalil al-Sakakini: 'Stones were being thrown at the Jews, I saw them covered in dust and blood. The crowd was yelling 'Muhammad's religion was born with the sword'.

2007-12-04 23:38:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

The next day, things were so bad that the Old City was sealed off and martial law declared. Arabs continued to attack Jews and break into their homes. Several homes were set on fire and tombstones shattered. British soldiers found the majority of illicit weapons were hidden on bodies of Arab women.

On Monday evening, British soldiers were evacuated from the Old City. Five Jews were killed, 216 were wounded, 18 critically wounded. Most of the victims were members of the old Yishuv and had lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. It was after this that the Haganah, the Jewish self defence organisation, was created.

References: Khalil al-Sakakini 'Such Am I, Oh World!'
Tom Segev, 'One Palestine, Complete'.


2007-12-04 23:44:17 · update #1

I WAS ASKED TO PROVIDE THIS INFO, SO I HAVE. Ok, my question: why does everyone ignore the Arab violence towards Jews BEFORE Israel was established?

2007-12-04 23:45:16 · update #2

SHERMAN D - if you bother to read the material from the link, you will see that back then, the Jews there were the Old Yishuv - they had been living there for hundreds of years! They were the Jews being killed and attacked. Get YOUR facts straight before having the temerity to call me a 'liar'.

Your response also makes it clear that you think 'zionists' can be murdered and that it's OK - so if anything, I've caught you out and exposed your real attitude.

2007-12-05 01:04:55 · update #3

MARK - no, they don't, and I've listed two that don't. Plus many more I have read. The Jews attacked back in the 1920s were the 'old yishuv', the Jews that had been living there for HUNDREDS OF YEARS ALREADY.

2007-12-05 02:31:54 · update #4

B - I never denied that that there were people in Palestine! The term 'Palestinian' referred to Arabs, Christians and Jews; to everyone. And MICHAEL J and MONEYMAKER - todah robah :)

2007-12-05 03:43:38 · update #5

WORLDLUV - FIRSTLY, the Jews DID legally purchase the land. You really shouldn't state as 'fact' things that clearly you are wrong about. I have many Israeli friends and they have family homes for which THEY HAVE THE DEEDS. So please delete your absurd comment.

Also: you asked me give more detail about Arab violence prior to Israel - I have done that. Now you want more on Hebron - fine! Look out for my post later.

I find it interesting that even now several of us have given you proof, you still don't condemn or even address the fact that Jews were treated so badly even prior to Israel. Now I know that you are not remotely objective, nor fair. Shame on you.

2007-12-05 21:56:37 · update #6

18 answers

Sherman D wrote:

"Those 1920 riots were due to invasion of Palestine by zionists. "

Translation into plain English:

"Some Arabs couldn't stand to have the Jews around so they started a pogrom, not very unlike other pogroms Jews have be subjected to by anti semites throughout history."

But you are right. It is connected to what is happening in today's times. And that was what I think the poster's whole point was (if I interpret it correctly).
Some people like to deceive themselves and argue that everything was idyllic until the State of Israel came along and "ruined everything". History shows us that the tensions predated the Jewish state and the same horrible attitudes unfortunately prevail today. How else can we explain YOU, Mr. Sherman?

"Very deceitful but so very typical of zionists."

Translation into plain English: "Those Zionists are always lying and deceitful, sounding exactly the same as one of the standard anti semitic canards."

2007-12-05 15:21:06 · answer #1 · answered by BMCR 7 · 6 4


The Jewish community had anticipated the Arab reaction to the Allies' convention, and was ready to meet it. Jewish affairs in Palestine were then being administered from Jerusalem by the Vaad Hatzirim (Council of Delegates), appointed by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) (which became the Jewish Agency in 1929 ). The Vaad Hatzirim charged Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky with the task of organizing Jewish self-defense. Jabotinsky was one of the founders of the Jewish battalions, which had served in the British Army during the First World War and had participated in the conquest of Palestine from the Turks. Acting under the auspices of the Vaad Hatzirim, Jabotinsky lead the Haganah (self-defense) organization in Jerusalem, which succeeded in repelling the Arab attack. Six Jews were killed and some 200 injured in Jerusalem in the course of the 1920 riots. Had it not been for the preliminary organization of Jewish defense, the number of victims would have undoubtedly been much greater?

After the riots, the British arrested both Arabs and Jews. Among those arrested was Jabotinsky, together with 19 of his associates, on a charge of illegal possession of weapons. Jabotinsky was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labor and deportation from the country after completion of his sentence. When the sentence became known, the Vaad Hatzirim made plans for widespread protests, including mass demonstrations and a national fast. Meanwhile, however, the mandate for Palestine had been assigned to Great Britain, and the jubilation of the Yishuv outweighed the desire to protest against the harsh sentence imposed on Jabotinsky and his comrades.

Zionist start this in salf defence
not write number Paleseniens dead.
lady you delate yur link, in all net i can see this one link only, why?

2007-12-04 23:54:38 · answer #2 · answered by Gareeb 3 · 3 2

in the beginning, this is impossible for Bedoin Arabs to have lived there, considering the fact that Arabic replaced into no longer a spoke language 7000 years in the past. Hebrew isn't possibly a spoken language besides. this is the lack of expertise many can see in this communicate board. maximum individuals merely merely do no longer examine books. those are additionally a similar people who declare that they are non secular yet say they have lived there 7000 years in the past. 7000 years is against the bible, Torah and the Q'ran. perhaps 5000 years potential 5000 earth days (from the e book bible and genesis). As for the question, the only reason arabs say this is with the help of the fact otherwise they could have not got any declare to the land.

2016-09-30 21:58:45 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Paperback - I was hoping for a link in the last question, not a whole new question on it. As well, you mentioned that there was a time when Arabs and Jews got along in Hebron so why not focus on that??

First, WHY would the Arabs attack? There has to be provocation, which you left out but thankfully other posters gave the answer.

Second, how does that help create peace now? Let's focus on NOW, the illegality of what is happening, the inhumanity of what is happening, and what can be done to make things better rather than harping on negativity!

Michael J - Jews did not purchase territory - they have, and are continuing, to illegally confiscated Arab-owned land!

PAPERBACK - Do not EVER put words in my mouth such as I do not condemn violence on one side. I have repeatedly condemened ALL violence by ALL sides!!!

It is well documented that Israel has ILLEGALLY confiscated much Palestinian-owned land. I'm sure some land has been bought legally, but 121 Jewish-only settlements and 102 'outposts' are built on illegally confiscated land. You talk about your friends, well I have several friends whose land has been taken from them and another whose land is being threatened to be taken in the next couple of months. The illegal actions of land-grab by the Israeli government continues.

2007-12-05 10:56:25 · answer #4 · answered by Worldluv 4 · 3 5

In late 1928 a new phase of violence began with minor disputes between Jews and Arabs about the right of Jews to pray at the Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem. These arguments led to an outbreak of Arab violence in August 1929 when Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem, fomented Arab hatred by accusing the Jews of endangering the mosques and other sites holy to Islam. Observers heard Husseini issue the call: Itback al-Yahud "Slaughter the Jews!"

On Friday, August 23, Arab mobs attacked Jews in Jerusalem, Motza, Hebron, Safed, Jaffa, and other parts of the country. The Old City of Jerusalem was hit particularly hard. By the next day, the Haganah was able to mount a defense and further attacks in Jerusalem were repulsed. But, the violence in Jerusalem generated rumors throughout the country, many carrying fabricated accounts of Jewish attempts to defile Muslim holy places, all to inflame the Arab residents. Villages were plundered and destroyed by Arab mobs. While attacks on Jews in Tel Aviv and Haifa were thwarted by Jewish defenses, there were Jewish deaths in Hebron, where 67 Jewish men and women were slaughtered and Safed, where 18 Jews were killed, as well as scattered other losses totaling 133 Jewish deaths, with more than 300 wounded.

2007-12-05 13:26:09 · answer #5 · answered by mo mosh 6 · 3 4

Hate is usually based on lack of knowledge. When people say "Oh well, if Israel just left the occupied territories everything will be fine :) " In my opinion they have no idea what they are talking about! While meanwhile, Arab violence occurred before the creation of the state of Israel. Not to mention even when Israel didn't occupy anything outside of the original borders, all of her neighbors attacked mercilessly with the goal of pushing Israel into the sea.
Good post!

2007-12-06 15:37:10 · answer #6 · answered by subxerorock 3 · 1 3

Mark and Sherman D, let me get your point straight: since the Jews legally purchased land in a territory, even at higher than market value, the local Arabs had the right to slaughter them. If this is a zionist 'invasion', then I suppose every migration of peoples is an invasion. I guess the Jews, Poles, Indians, Pakistanis, Asians etc. have all invaded America at some point or are currently invading. What an incredibly zenophobic viewpoint. Event accepting what you say, what is your point? Since Jews moved to an area with the intention of one day founding a state, Arabs were justified in killing and maiming innocent civilians? These Zionists did not even have any form of militia at that point to be a threat! Your attempts to pass the blame off to the Zionists are ludicrous.
Either way, the case given is not the only case of Arab/Muslim violence and persecution against Jews. Pogroms happened throughout the Middle Ages in Muslim lands, and the Jewish dhimmi status was simply one of second class citizen to the point of almost no rights whatsoever. Progroms occurred in: Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jerusalem (1847), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901-02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901-07), Port Said (1903, 1908), Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891), Istanbul (1870, 1874), Buyukdere (1864), Kuzguncuk (1866), Eyub (1868), Edirne (1872), Izmir (1872, 1874).There was a massacre of Jews in Baghdad in 1828. There was another massacre in Barfurush in 1867. Prior to that Muslim anti-Semitism was more rare than its Christian counterpart, and thus is often disregarded but it did exists. Can Israel really explain all that?

2007-12-05 03:19:03 · answer #7 · answered by Michael J 5 · 11 7

1929 Palestine riots
In the summer of 1929, a long-running dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem escalated, and erupted into a series of violent demonstrations and riots in late August. During the week of riots, 133 Jews were killed and 339 wounded (mostly by Arabs); 116 Arabs were killed and 232 wounded (mostly by British-commanded police and soldiers).


1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine

1947 Jerusalem riots

2007-12-05 02:37:18 · answer #8 · answered by moneymaker 2 · 7 5

Thank you for sharing, paperback. You should now that there are many self-centered people. These people tend to forget or try to justify their own mistakes, but always remember or even dramatize others' mistakes.

2007-12-05 00:54:48 · answer #9 · answered by Duke of Tudor 6 · 7 3

All history books say the violence was a reaction to the Zionist movement to take the native people homes and give it to Zionists immigrants from other countries.
Your point ignore the Zionist movement role in the violence. Jews lived in peace for years in most of the Middle eastern counties before the Zionist movement.

2007-12-05 02:00:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 8

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