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I realize this probably has already been asked, but I don't come to this Yahoo stuff that often? sorry? I'm a former Roman Catholic, and now basically an agnostic. Wasn't Christianity established in 316 or 314 A.D. at the Council of Nicea?? You know the "Apostle's Creed" etc.?? My understanding is that Mormons don't subscribe to that credo? I'm an outsider these days, but if Mormons don't go along with that creed, then how can they be called "Christian"? Doesn't that delineate the issue??? Mormons are Not Christians by the generally accepted terms? This obviously ain't something new either?? why do I keep hearing all this debate crap on tv??

2007-12-04 22:50:34 · 12 answers · asked by JIMMY 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

they believe Jesus is satans brother.....

they believe God was a man

they believe they will be Gods (satans first lie they fell for it )

they believe they will make their own planets and populate it

they follow Men rather then God

2007-12-04 22:57:15 · answer #1 · answered by jesussaves 7 · 2 3

We are surronded by mormons, and we can't seem to get straight answers from anyone, or really any that answer the same. When you get to the meat of Christianity with them, they use the excuse "You have to ask the missionaries, because they are the only ones qualified to answer your questions."
The reason that you keep hearing of it on TV is because the Mormon church is a very wealthy business that can't stand to be labeled NON-christian. "We have Christ in our name, isn't that enough proof?" That's one of the biggest quotes I hear.

The bible is clear on those appearing as angels of light, well the Mormon church is it. They are still growing quick and if your name is ever on their rolls it's almost impossible to get off.

They say they worship Jesus Christ, but thier definition of who Jesus is, differs from the Holy Bible.
So, if you try and change the deity of Christ, then no-not christian.

One of the things we must remember is that every person can believe anything they want. Especially if it's what they want to hear.
I, as a christian, must love everyone and show them loving kindness, even when I believe they are wrong. That doesn't mean I support them in their belief, or tell them it's okay or be super tolerant, but I still want to be gracious to them. If I tear down the only house they have, I could injure them forever. If I want to talk to them about the differences, there is a loving way to do so. When they present that they believe the Bible just as other christians do, they I offer to sit down and read it with them. Study together so that we can see what it says. The usual response is "no, you'll just interpret it wrong."
So there is no place to go then. I've compared the Pearl of Great Price, the book of Doctrines and Covenants and parts of the Book of Mormom to the Bible and there is so much difference.

Hope this helps.

2007-12-05 08:46:09 · answer #2 · answered by Miss Margaret 2 · 0 0

Mormons consider themselves Christians but they have another book which they believe to be a second testimony of Jesus. Lots of Christians wouldn't agree with the Apostle's Creed- that's a Catholic thing.

2007-12-04 23:05:49 · answer #3 · answered by Morgaine 4 · 0 0

Yes in the respect that we worship Jesus Christ and our precepts are as those in the OT and NT.

No in that we reject many of mainstream modern Christianity's theories such as the Trinity.

Snoot: Where do you get your information from? The Book of Mormon does not refute anything of the sort. Have you actually read it of have you just seen a movie made by Ed Decker?

We believe in the virgin birth AND the resurrection. Jesus IS the Son of God.

We do not believe in the Trinity because it is not a truly Biblical concept.

It seems you're confusing the LDS Church with something else

2007-12-04 22:55:55 · answer #4 · answered by Bangbangbangbang 4 · 1 0

provided that the KJV is the LEAST precise of all the bible translations, you're on shaky floor already. (btw, that is LatTer Day Saints. 2 "T's"). If I have been to found a faith referred to as the "Church of Jesus Christ of financial company Robbers", could that make financial company robbers "christian"? Jesus replaced water into wine, yet LDS do not touch alcohol (in concept, i've got regularly occurring some that do, however), so there's a discrepancy there as properly. i'm not asserting that LDS at the instant are not "christian", only which you do could want again up with greater beneficial arguments to lower back up your declare. advantages on your experience!

2016-12-17 07:50:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First of all, the idea that one must believe in the Nicene creed to be a Christian is nonsensical. By that definition, Christ Himself is not a Christian, as he died nearly 300 years before the creed was established.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) is a beautiful Christian religion. Because Mormons believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and consider Him to be the way to salvation, they are clearly a Christian denomination. It is true that they are not an orthodox denomination (they are neither Protestant, Catholic, nor Eastern Orthodox), because they don't accept the post-New Testament creeds, but their Christ-centered theology clearly qualifies them for the Christian label.

Most objective scholars agree that Mormons are Christian. Consider this quote from an academic book entitled “Anthology of World Scriptures” by Robert E. Van Voorst.

“…the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…see themselves as Christian, and most experts in comparative religions would view this labeling as basically correct. That they…accept the Christian Bible as their first cannon is a good indicator of this. Moreover, “outsiders” to [Christianity], such as Buddhists, would almost certainly recognize them as belonging to the stream of Christian tradition.”

Likewise, a recent poll showed that the majority of Americans believe that Mormons are Christians.

You should be extremely careful when trying to learn about Mormons from others. There are many who hate the Mormons and spread lies, distortions, and conspiracy theories about them. Others think they understand Mormon doctrine because of "what they've heard," but are actually misinformed.

Because Mormons are Christian, we believe in most of the things that Christians believe, including:

1) Christ is divine and salvation comes only through Him.
2) The Bible is the word of God.
3) Men ought to love one another.

Mormons are a unique branch of Christianity, however. We are neither Catholic nor Protestant, so naturally we have some different beliefs. Most of the differences are minor. One significant difference has to do with the authority to act in God's name. Mormons believe that soon after the death of Christ and His apostles, the early Christian Church was greatly influenced by Greek and Roman philosophies and political pressures. Despite the efforts of many good men and women, the true Church of Christ was eventually lost because of these outside pressures and internal, man-made changes. Mormons believe that God reestablished the original Church of Christ in 1820 through a man named Joseph Smith.

To learn more about Mormons, visit my site at http://www.allaboutmormons.com !

Hope this helps! Mormon Christianity has changed my life by helping me better follow Jesus Christ.

2007-12-05 05:31:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As with most things it depends on your definition. To a Shiite a Sunni is an apostate and vise versa. If accepting Christ, worshiping Christ, rejoicing in Christ are not enough in your mind and you insist on Mormons toeing the line on a particular doctrine in order for you to tolerate them taking upon them the name of their Savior and calling themselves Christians then that is between you and your Maker. But know that whatever you decide it will not interrupt our rejoicing and worship for a instant. Nor will it reduce in the slightest our love and adoration of and devotion to this being we call Christ however our concept of Him may differ from yours. God speed on your journey whatever you seek.

2007-12-05 01:36:23 · answer #7 · answered by Mike B 5 · 0 0

Ask any Baptist or Evangelical Christian in this country..The "NEW" position that being a Mormon is Christianity just began a few years ago...MOST Christians do NOT buy it...They regard the Mormon belief as a "CULT"

2007-12-04 22:56:13 · answer #8 · answered by Dog Rescuer 6 · 1 2

To be Christian is to be christ like, Yes they are Christian

2007-12-04 23:06:56 · answer #9 · answered by barcode soul (almost suspended) 5 · 2 0

i can say they were also Christians if the one they're worshiping is Jesus Christ our Saviour and believing that Jesus can only be they're personal Saviour, i can say they are christians

2007-12-05 00:48:04 · answer #10 · answered by GerNel 1 · 0 0

This forum is full of christians calling other christians "not christian."

2007-12-04 22:55:21 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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