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a koala spends 1 full hour in your house, it entitled for free food
and lodging in it for life; so many enterprising koalas wander around people's houses, trying to snick in; to make humans responsible for collecting 500 grams of eucalypti leaves they need to feed themselves daily and comfortable lodgings; and that they can bring all their relatives up to cousins twice removed, with them if they succeed?

2007-12-04 17:16:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Australia Other - Australia

and that it completely ruined one man's life, as one koala got in, and then brought with him his wife, four children, his mother in law, her second husband, his father, a paternal uncle and two underage cousins, and the man had no life, and after his work he ran to the woods to collect the leaves to feed them all; and though they slept 19 hours
every day, the rest 5 they ate and ate and ate; and they grumbled constantly, and he could never please them, so, in despair, he emigrated from the country clandestinely, leaving his house at the mercy of the koala family.

2007-12-04 17:51:38 · update #1

5 answers

yes it is true. Under Australian Federal Law and the Law of Disney any Koala unwittingly wandering into your lounge room after 6pm monday to Friday are entitled to free food and board and Abstudy or Austudy, whatever takes their fancy at the time.
I have a Futon especially designed to sleep 8 koalas at any single time, they were on special at Harvey Norman.

2007-12-04 17:48:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Yes, it's true.

You certainly are digging up all the information that we have been trying to keep secret for years.

(I have a family of koalas living in my spare room & I just can't get them to move on. They also get first pick of what to watch on TV.)

2007-12-04 19:55:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

similar to with the kangaroos (like the one who is our prime minister) - koalas are a superior race to humans - and there is one on it's way to wherever you live atm to stay in your comfortable lodgings and to live off you forever and ever :).

2007-12-04 19:01:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, there is no law like that at all in Australia, Federal or State.

It might be an American law. Check out legal databases over there. You may find something.

2007-12-04 17:43:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Silly billy. That is Alabama.

2007-12-04 19:25:48 · answer #5 · answered by iansand 7 · 3 0