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note: i dont want to use dsl, or broadband (voip)
using regular landline with a common rj11 phone cable
i want to use my computer as an aswering machine and as virtual phone /on screen phone that will allow me to log/record phone calls using mic/headset

2007-12-04 13:31:18 · 2 answers · asked by steve G 1 in Consumer Electronics Land Phones

2 answers

First you have to consider whether your computer has a modem that will allow you to plug in a regular phone line.

If so, I suspect that there is some software out there that will allow you to do what you want. In fact, I believe a dialer program comes standard with Windows operating systems.

2007-12-04 13:38:42 · answer #1 · answered by drshorty 7 · 0 1

US Robotics Voice Modems did this on Windows 95. Not sure if this product still exists and works with current versions of Windows. Ask in the computer forum. Might be other modems that do this. Might be better hardware out there for this application ask your phone company.

2007-12-04 21:37:48 · answer #2 · answered by Broadcast Engineer 6 · 0 1

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