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2007-12-04 06:59:54 · 16 answers · asked by Hillary M 2 in Travel Australia Other - Australia

16 answers

"cold" is relative.
To North Queenslander - cold is anything below 20 degrees Celcius.

In the outback in the deserts - it can get prety cold - below freezing at night.

Where I live in southern New South Wales and winter here it can get down to minus 4 or 5 (it has been known to go down to minus 10) celcius in winter nights.

We also have snow fileds here in Australia.
I think that answered your question.


2007-12-04 11:38:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Australia is a very big varied continent! The north of Australia is tropical while the south (where I live) is temperate.
Typical winter temps here range fromabout -3 degrees C to about 14 degrees C and summer can be about 8 degrees C overnight. It is not unusual to have snow on Mount Wellington on Christmas Day - Mount Wellington is above Hobart - Australia's southern most capital city. Coastal parts of Australia do not get as cold as inland parts as the sea has a moderating effect on temperature.

2007-12-04 07:47:39 · answer #2 · answered by lynlands 2 · 0 0

It all depends on 2 things:
1. Where in Australia you are.
2. What do you consider cold?

We don't get regular winter snow falls except in the Snowy Mountains.
Generally speaking, in southern Australia, if you were to compare our winter to Northern Europe or Canada our winters are more like their springtime and sometimes summer.

2007-12-04 10:18:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I now live in New Zealand - noted for a cooler climate than Australia - yet I got chillblains when I lived in Sydney!
I have lived in South Island as well as north island of NZ yet have never been as cold in my life as when I lived in Toowoomba which is in Queensland near Brisbane.
homes, shops, offices in very cold climates are built to protect against the cold whereas in warmer climates they aren't, so you can be much colder in winter in a "warmer climate". And it all depends on the area. There are parts of Australia that rarely get cold (upper North and west) but there are parts where it snows.
That is what is so fantastic about Australia - IT HAS EVERYTHING.

2007-12-04 07:48:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

What do you mean "cold"? There are plenty of places where temperatures drop below freezing, even places in the Tropics. Frost is common in inland towns in winter, even along the Tropic of Capricorn. To have frost you need to get a few degrees below freezing. But we never see "40 below".

In this city it is not unusual to have winter overnight temperatures of -5 centigrade, that is about 24F I suppose. Sometimes it gets even colder. This area does get some snow, but it usually melts the instant it hits the ground. Drive south for 90 minutes and you are in the Snowy Mountains where the winter snow fields are bigger than all of Switzerland and there are several ski resorts.

2007-12-04 09:00:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

depends what part of australia but around brisbane and north of that it does not every snow. i had a foreign exchange student in oklahoma from australia and she was 16 and had never seen snow in australia.
but australia is a big place and down in the more southern parts the weather is probably a lot different--i don't completely know about that.

2007-12-04 07:03:30 · answer #6 · answered by Sufi 7 · 0 0

The lowest recorded temperature in Australia was -23 Celsius, at Charlotte Pass. It has snowed in every Australian state and territory (even at Uluru in the NT and the Stirling Ranges in WA).

Every winter there is snow on the ground for extended periods in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.

2007-12-04 09:13:57 · answer #7 · answered by iansand 7 · 4 0

definite it receives chilly. I stay contained in the Blue Mountains (about an hour out of Sydney) and this is 2 ranges celcius the following. this is raining, foggy and freezing! It snows the following contained in the iciness. We get somewhat warm summers yet an excellent style of Australia receives very chilly winters too with some especially sturdy ski lodges.

2016-10-25 10:55:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cold In Australia

2017-01-19 05:10:57 · answer #9 · answered by live 4 · 0 0

Some times it gets too cold but most of the time its hot, but unfortunately I never have seen snow;)

2007-12-04 10:51:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0