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2007-12-04 01:01:50 · 10 answers · asked by erikgormley 1 in Environment Global Warming

10 answers

People who believe in global warming tend to be bitter people who just want to see others harmed.

Some even have issues with their families.

2007-12-04 01:21:37 · answer #1 · answered by Dr Jello 7 · 2 4

The arguments that claim global warming is not a man made problem are so silly ! It's as if they would argue that the Sun goes around the Earth,because it's obvious it does. They won't listen to Science! All they have is a personal attack on people who speak the truth to power! Many of the postings on here that deny the facts,are just trolls who are probably on the payroll of the oil companies! They're easy to spot. There is a distinct division between the 'deniers' and the 'understanders'. When Copernicus discovered that the Earth went around the Sun ,there was a huge resistance to the proof! The VERY SAME THING is happening now with the 'debate' over global warming. My research tells me that most deniers are also very religious in their beliefs. I think this climate change thing is too big for them to really get a grasp on. All they have is insults and B.S. ! All that gets'm is a following of dummies! It might put'm at the 'top', but it's not gonna prove that there is ANY credibility to their answers. If any of them really believed the stuff they say,they would be in Atlanta, building a waterslide park!

2007-12-04 03:00:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The argument is not over whether the Earth has warmed since the Little Ice Age (and what an optimal climate THAT was!) but whether the warming observed in the late 20th Century was "unprecedented," "catastrophic," "ongoing," and/or "man induced."

It can't be argued whether it was "unprecedented" because we have never in the past been able to measure temperatures on a Global Scale. While ice-cores and tree-rings and a variety of other "proxies" can be used, their resolution and accuracy suffers greatly, and they can only give us long-term trend information. They can't tell you year-to-year what the temperature did exactly.

"Catastrophic" it obviously was not. There has been no increase in Tropical Cyclones, no increase in Storminess in Europe, no massive "die-offs" of animals or plants, no increase in flooding or drought, or any other weather events. The world seems to be going along just fine, thank you very much.

"Ongoing" is questionable. The earth has not seen any trend in temperature for the last 10 years - despite the continued record increases in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. This, of course, brings us to the final (and most contentious) argument.

Is the observed warming of the late 20th driven by CO2 emissions? The AGW crowd will tell you definitely "yes," but they have a problem. Their "models" all predict continued warming with increased CO2 levels, and yet the Earth refuses to warm. Their models all say there should be a "hotspot" in the Troposphere over the Tropics - an area where the CO2 would most effectively trap heat and re-radiate it back to the surface. The predicted (and required) "hotspot" doesn't exist, so they either need to rewrite their models or explain how it really does exist, we just can't see it.

The skeptics say "maybe not," "probably not," and "definitely not." However, all three are lumped into the "deniers" camp, a claim made to incite emotion against them, as if they were gassing Jews at Auschwitz.

Time, and Data, of course, will eventually resolve the issue.

2007-12-04 05:45:09 · answer #3 · answered by jbtascam 5 · 0 2

One very serious issue is what global warming is doing to the ozone layer. This is a layer that although you can't see it with the naked eye exists in the atmosphere. What is happening is that as more harmful things are being put into the atmosphere the hole in the protective ozone layer is growing.

This layer protects us from the suns harmful UV radiation. To much of this radiation causes cancer. Also as more sun reaches the earth, earth is warming up. The warm up is causing polar ice caps and glaciers in places like Alaska to melt. When the glaciers melt the water doesn't just go away. It increases the depths of oceans all over the world. This The melting also takes away the homes of some animals such as polar bears.

The increased ocean depths are of concern because more water means worse storms, hurricanes.

Have you noticed how hot it has been in parts of the world? Lots of that is global warming.

2007-12-04 01:23:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

i agree, there are non! There aren't a lot of laws to protect the environment in this county (US) because certain people profit from destroying it. and the rest simply doesn't seem to care too much. religious people i spoke to seem to think god will fix it all in the end so we don't have to worry too much about it. So the only way to really enforce a more environmentally friendly way of living is by using what really hurts most: money! if you have huge fines for polluting then people will eventually quit. or we can use the money they pay to work towards another solution.
But were i'm from, recycling wasn't even a question. the way i grew up i would never dream of throwing my used batteries in the trash. I would never think twice about using a bicycle or walk if i didn't have to go too far. but a lot of people here have never been taught to use resources responsibly. it is hard for me as a european to be over here and watch people burn used oil or spill huge amounts of diesel fuel without and consequences. i hope its not like that everywhere in the US...

You rule J Dog!!

2007-12-04 01:30:11 · answer #5 · answered by scarekat 3 · 2 1

This speech outlined many arguments against man made global warming.


A cute quote:
"If the atmosphere was a 100 story building, our annual anthropogenic CO2 contribution today would be equivalent to the linoleum on the first floor," D'Aleo wrote.

2007-12-04 02:45:45 · answer #6 · answered by Rick 7 · 0 2

There aren't any.

Those who argue against it just appeal to emotions and tell people that are going to lose their freedoms.
Freedoms like being allowed to be tacky and drive Hummers.
Freedoms like being able to freely pollute rivers and not pay fines.

Those who are opposed to dealing with global warming are greedy or lazy. There arguments always resort to monetary issues. What does money have to do with being responsible? Rich people want their jets and stupid cars. Capitalists should have to live where their workers do. Maybe then they would care about pollution. As it is, they hide from the filth and poverty they create.

Fear the rich people. They profit from pollution.

2007-12-04 01:14:46 · answer #7 · answered by The J Man 5 · 4 2

Human made global warming is a fact, not something you can beleave or not beleave.

Read the thousands articles in this forum, please, and stop this endless global warming questions!

2007-12-04 10:53:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Here are 26 of them, explained with scientific data:


"for those who are not sure what to believe, here is our round-up of the 26 most common climate myths and misconceptions"

2007-12-04 03:09:09 · answer #9 · answered by Bob 7 · 1 1

There are none. The issue is wether or not there is a significant human contribution.

2007-12-04 01:10:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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