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I'm 16 and I would get these tiny red dots all over my leg (and just my leg) every month. It's horrible! It's always unbearably itchy which makes it worse. Sometimes they get inflamed and i feel a burning sensation. Half of them are just flat... itchy red dots (no its not chicken pox) and half of them are bumpy like (kind of like a mosquitoe bite but its not) and in the middle is a tiny hole. Look for yourself.






2007-11-29 16:33:16 · 10 answers · asked by Vball_addict 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

I dont have any pets but my neighbors have cats and dogs. Sometimes at night about 4 racoons will roam around the grassy areas (where i have to cross to get to my bus stop everyday). There are also stray cats running around... I also dont live in a rural area... It's a pretty clean neighborhood where rent is about 1200-1400 a month.

2007-11-29 16:45:24 · update #1

10 answers

Dermatitis ... you are getting into something like poison iv y or you have food allergies ...

I have that rash, too ...

go see an allergist ... you do NOT want to see the list of food I would recommend you to avoid (includes wheat, dairy, shellfish, etc.)

mine flares up when I eat thai curry b/c of the shrimp paste ...

2007-11-29 16:43:55 · answer #1 · answered by slinkies 6 · 2 0

This looks like an allergic rash. Is it possible that your house has flea's? (maybe a pet in the past had them and the pet is no longer in the house?) Typically if a flea has an animal to bite, they don't bite humans but if the animal is removed and they are hungry... they will bite humans.

That flea thing is just a guess but it totally looks like an allergic rash. You really should go to the doctor as they can give you something to make you more comfortable and maybe they can figure out what the allergy is.

2007-11-29 16:39:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It looks like it's in your sock area - maybe you are allergic to the rubber/laytex used in the socks? There is an elastic thread they use on the ankles of socks to keep them up. You should try wearing a different brand, maybe all cotton for a month to see if it helps that go away.

Also, seeing a doctor for this would be a good idea.

2007-11-29 16:44:43 · answer #3 · answered by pam-i-am 4 · 1 0

Its hard to say what this might be . . . In order of likelihood: atopic dermatitis or allergic reaction caused by wearing something that irtitates you skin; fungal infection (Tinea or Candidiasis), or some type of herpetic infection (similar to cold sores - not the STD).

2007-11-29 17:07:54 · answer #4 · answered by formerly_bob 7 · 1 0

I can see from the picture that you sent that it must be a contact dermatitis. This happen when any surface, like your socks, water or any allergen for that matter get in contact with your skin. In your case, your foot. The itchiness is cause by the allergic reaction. You can wash your feet daily and put dry and clean socks when needed. You may as well apply any anti itch cream like dermovate or probably you can take in some anti- histamines which you can just buy in any drug house, over the counter. :)

2007-11-29 16:39:36 · answer #5 · answered by AmUrBoi 1 · 1 2

its not odd to think about. im 100 % positive that the girl is shy and that she thinks you dont like her. she doesnt want to avoid you but she thinks that you may know that she likes you. truth is she probably does like you a little bit =) go for it. and maybe its just awkward now because she thinks you dont like her. try talking to her alot more or try sitting next to her. she wont avoid eye contact it could also be that she is self conscious or thinks shes not pretty, therefore she doesnt want you looking at her hope that made sense, and hope i helped!

2016-03-15 03:04:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It looks like poison ivy or poison oak. Have you been out in the forest? Do you have pets with fleas? I would get to a dermatologist, quickly! If it itches that badly.

2007-11-29 16:38:29 · answer #7 · answered by MELBA1220 3 · 1 1

sounds like chiggers..have you been in grass,woods etc...by being on your legs only you think of crawling insects etc...
possibly fleas or scabies.
could be allergic rxn to socks or detergent..but should be where rest of your clothes touch too?

2007-11-29 16:37:14 · answer #8 · answered by carpal-tunnel-provider 5 · 1 0

go see an allergist ... if your parents don't take you, they either have crappy insurance or are clueless ...

2007-11-29 16:51:48 · answer #9 · answered by sassy 3 · 1 0

you need to go to the Dr and have these checked out!

2007-11-29 16:36:14 · answer #10 · answered by holly f 3 · 2 0