correct interpretations of the bible-
love everyone
respect everyone
dont kill people
lying is bad
adultry is bad
stealing is bad
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
false teachings
pretty much everything else
2007-11-29 05:12:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow. That question is a good one, but also conflicting. If you want an interpretation of the Bible that is as close to the original language check out the ESV.
Also, to the person who wrote that the BIble is highly influenced by men. That simply isn't the case. Literary historians have proven time and again that the BIble is the most accurate ancient piece of literature out there. I don't have the stats on hand, but I'd be glad to look them up if you are so inclined. To that end, the same argument could be used with the Quran.
2007-11-29 05:16:40
answer #2
answered by Tony W 2
you might as well ask people what the best color is!
your mistake isnt in believing the wrong thing, its in believing that there is only one right thing!
heres the only false teaching from the bible you need to know: The only way to get into heaven is through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, for he is God, incarnated as a man, set to die on the cross for your sins so that yours may be the kingdom of heaven.
sure, that a great way..... but the ONLY way?!?
2007-11-29 05:14:06
answer #3
answered by nacsez 6
Here's a list I liked- but you have to confirm thinsg from your own Bible. Don't just take my (our) word for it!
1. means the beliefs and attitudes of Christendom
2. is what the Bible really says
**1. God’s personal name is unimportant: “The use of any proper name for the one and only God . . . is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.” (Preface to the Revised Standard Version)
2. Jesus prayed that God’s name be sanctified. Peter said:
“Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.”
(Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32; Matthew 6:9; Exodus 6:3;Revelation 4:11; 15:3; 19:6)
***1. God is a Trinity: “The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God and yet there are not three Gods but one God.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912 edition)
2.The Bible says that Jehovah is greater than Jesus and is the God and head of Christ. (John 14:28; 20:17;
1 Corinthians 11:3) The holy spirit is God’s active force. (Matthew 3:11; Luke 1:41; Acts 2:4)
***1. The human soul is immortal: “When man dies his soul and body are disunited. His body . . .decays . . . The human soul, however, does not die.” (What Happens After Death, a Roman Catholic publication)
2. Man is a soul. At death the soul ceases to think or feel and returns to the dust from which it was made. (Genesis 2:7; 3:19; Psalm 146:3, 4; Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20; 9:5,10; Ezekiel 18:4, 20)
***1. The wicked are punished after death in hell: “According to traditional Christian belief, hell is a place of unending anguish and pain.” (The World Book Encyclopaedia, 1987 edition)
2. The wages of sin is death, not life in torment. (Romans 6:23) The dead rest unconscious in hell (Hades, Sheol), awaiting a resurrection. (Psalm 89:48; John 5:28, 29; 11:24, 25;Revelation 20:13, 14)
***1. “The title Mediatrix [female mediator] is applied to Our Lady.” (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967 edition)
2. The only mediator between God and men is Jesus. (John 14:6; 1Â Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 9:15;12:24)
***1. Infants should be baptized: “From the very beginning the Church has administered the Sacrament of Baptism to infants. Not only was this practice considered lawful, but it was also taught to be absolutely necessary for salvation.” (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967
2. Baptism is for those who have been made disciples and taught to obey Jesus’ commandments. To qualify for baptism,
a person must understand God’s Word and exercise faith.
(Matthew 28:19, 20; Luke 3:21-23; Acts 8:35, 36)
***1. Most churches are divided into a laity class and a clergy class, which ministers to the laity. The clergy are usually given a salary in exchange for their ministry and are exalted over the laity by titles such as “Reverend,” “Father,” or “His Eminence.”
2. All first-century Christians were ministers and shared in preaching the good news. (Acts 2:17, 18; Romans 10:10-13; 16:1) A Christian should “give free,” not for a salary. (Matthew 10:7, 8) Jesus strictly forbade the use of religious titles. (Matthew 6:2; 23:2-12; 1 Peter 5:1-3)
***1. Images, icons, and crosses are used in worship: “The images . . . of Christ, of the Virgin Mother of God, and of the other saints, are to be . . . kept in churches and due reverence and honor be paid to them.” (Declaration of the Council of Trent [1545-63])
2. Christians must flee from every sort of idolatry, including so-called relative worship. (Exodus 20:4, 5;1 Corinthians 10:14; 1 John 5:21) They worship God not by sight but with spirit and truth. (John 4:23, 24; 2 Corinthians 5:7)
***1. Church members are taught that God’s purposes will be accomplished through politics. The late Cardinal Spellman stated: “There is only one road to peace . . . , the highroad of democracy.” News items report religion’s involvement in the world’s politics (even in insurrections) and her support of the UN as “the last hope of concord and peace."
2. Jesus preached God’s Kingdom, not some political system, as the hope for mankind. (Matthew 4:23; 6:9, 10) He refused to get involved in politics. (John 6:14, 15) His Kingdom was no part of this world; hence, his followers were to be no part of the world. (John 18:36; 17:16) James warned against friendship with the world. (James 4:4)
These are by no means all of them.
2007-11-29 05:54:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, that's a fool's errand. You will get as many interpretations as there are people, and there is no way to determine which of these are more "correct" or more "false" -- even if those concepts apply to biblical teachings, which is questionable at best.
2007-11-29 05:14:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Surely you joke !!!
Check out the following !!!
A. Some would depart from the faith and go into devil worship-1 Tim 4:1.
B. People would mock about the last days and not believe-2 Pe 3:3; Jude 18.
C. People would become lovers of themselves-2 Tim 3:1,2. Remember the TV commercials—"I do it for me"?
D. People would be disobeying their parents-2 Tim 3:1,2.
E. People would be grateful for nothing-2 Tim 3:1,2.
F. Homosexuality would increase-Lk 17:28,30; ref Gen 19:5; Ro 1:24,26,27.
People would be without self-control in sex-2 Tim 3:1,2,6; Rev 9:21, Lk 17:28,30; Jude 7. Is this not the great sex generation?
H. People would love pleasures more than God-2 Tim 3:1,2,4. This is true. Shall we go on a picnic, watch football, or sleep. Church?—we can go another time. Our American motto "In God we trust" has become a joke. Remember, these were all predicted centuries ago as part of the signs that we are at the time of the end.
I.People would be taking drugs-Rev 9:21. The Greek word for sorceries, in Rev 9:21, means pharmaceuticals or drugs. God’s Word is 100% right on every one. That’s 6 out of 6. How could you have any doubts at this point?
Note: Fifty years ago, many people seldom locked their doors at night. There was little or no profanity on television, radio, or in the movies. One of the biggest problems in public school was gum chewing. Those days are long gone.
There is hope on the horizon, check out the future below !!!
#1: The Rapture Of The Church (This could happen now) 1 Thess. 4:15,17; 1 Cor. 15:51,53
#2: The Judgment Seat Of Christ (This will happen in heaven where believers will be judged according to their works and receive or lose rewards. 2 Cor. 5:10; Romans 14:10-12
#3: The Marriage Of The Lamb (This will happen in heaven) Rev. 19:7
#4: The Seven Sealed Book - The Crisis (This will occur right after the rapture) Rev. 4
#5: The Tribulation (Known also as: Jacob's Trouble & Daniel's 70th week)
#6: The Second Coming of Christ (Will be visible and invincible) Rev. 1:7
#7: The Millennium (The Reign of Christ on Earth For one-thousand years) Rev. 20:4
#8: The Final Revolt Of Satan - Revelation 20:7,9
#9: The Great White Throne Judgment (Where Sinners Are judged and cast into the lake of fire) Rev. 10:11,15
#10: The Destruction Of This Present Earth And Surrounding Heavens 2 Peter 3:10,11
#11: The New Creation Of Heaven And Earth - Revelation 21:1
[Rom 5:8] But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
[1John 1:8] If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
[1John 1:9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
[Rom 10:9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
[Rom 10:10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
[Mat 10:32] Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
2007-11-29 05:15:50
answer #6
answered by rapturefuture 7
That would take up several books. Pick a few out and discuss them one by one. Keep in mind anything concerning the Bible is certain to generate a lot of discussion.
Keep in mind that God wants you to believe for yourself. Don't take someones word for it. Read what they refer to and try your hardest to logically shoot them down.
I'll be around when you have a few questions, and I am very serious. Try to shoot me down. That is how you find the truth.
2007-11-29 05:14:46
answer #7
answered by braincase 2
Well, there are a LOT, but one I really dislike is
If you are in MY religion, you will go to heaven, otherwise you will go to hell.
That is just silly, but many Christians repeat it very often. However, Jesus refutes such a statement in Luke 12:47,48. He says that if you do not know God's law, and disobey it, you will be lightly punished, but if you know God's law and still disobey it, you will be severely punished.
2007-11-29 05:10:57
answer #8
answered by Free Thinker A.R.T. ††† 6
Would you be content with a list online from anonymous sources?!
2007-11-29 05:10:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Excuse me.
*leaves the room*
*wild laughter from the hallway*
2007-11-29 05:10:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous