They came crawling out of the woodwork to spew their nonsense! It's so obvious that being ignorant can be a competitive sport. They just climb all over each other to make their ignorant claims that AGW is a hoax. I'd be willing to bet NONE of them got better than a 'D-' in Natural History or Science.
2007-11-29 04:12:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know one fact that the scientific community or what ever they are don't know. Is they don't know what effect more Co2 will have on the climate. They use climate models as if they're god and they can't even model cloud cover. Have you ever worked with modeling? It's a very difficult task and trying to model a complex system such as the atmosphere is near impossible at this time. So they're predictions are nothing but a hypothesis. So they go around boasting as fact that the sea level will rise this much and the temp will rise this much. They know as much as we know, which is nobody knows!!! Now I do know that it is fact that the sun warmed the earth for the first half of the 20th century and new studies suggest it kept warming the earth for another 20yrs after that. No skeptic says that man's Co2 might not have an impact, they just say you can't tell and some say the impact will be minimal. Also that Antarctica will not thaw out for thousands if not millions of years. Snow will keep on coming!!! Have you ever tried to think for yourself and question authority and take things for what they're worth and not follow the herd, especially when the herd uses a hypothesis as a fact!!!!!!! Man might have an effect, but I doubt it is as catastrophic as they proclaim.. I hate scare tactics!!!!! Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, lets go kick his ***, and he doesn't have ****!! Go figure we jump the gun, we get hurt!!! Same might go with this. We should not jump the gun!!!!!!
Pantagruel: That one hell of a statement. I've been to three university currently working at one and most of the scientist here whether they have a geology, meteorology, climatology background don't believe it is man-made. I did good in all earth science, natural history courses, even then in 2006 my environmental geology teacher discussed GW and he was convinced as well that it is to early to tell. Which is still the case now. You'll see it will get cooler.
2007-11-29 04:16:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
that would desire to be a first rate first step in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it ain't gunna ensue. there's a reason they use the be conscious denier and not doubter. Doubter could be well mannered and first rate. they generally are not. additionally they are not fascinated in dissent. the government sees a huge money cow with carbon credit / taxes. The left relies upon on it sales much extra so than do the main dazzling. by using tying sales onto some thing you're attempting to shrink, that's purely techniques-boggling stupid. They the two have not have been given any concept of incentives or they are disingenuous or the two.
2016-10-09 22:20:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
BOATMAN1 - Please read your own link. His point is that the present change, while not unprecedented, is one caused by us.
"But the future of humanity depends crucially on what happens in the "short run": the next millennium or two. If we didn't mess around with the climate, our Earth's climate might remain stable for another thousand years or more. As it is, we're bringing on more sudden changes."
MARK G - You seem like a smart guy. Please go to a college library (the Journal of Climate should be easy to find, it's the most important journal of climatology), and read this article. It specifically addresses your concerns.
Meehl, G.A., W.M. Washington, C.A. Ammann, J.M. Arblaster, T.M.L. Wigleym and C. Tebaldi (2004). "Combinations of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings in Twentieth-Century Climate". Journal of Climate 17: 3721-3727
There's a "Cliff Notes" version on the web, but clearly you need the real thing. If that moves you somewhat, download and read Chapter 2 of this. It locks this down with MASSIVE proof.
There's a reason all those scientific guys and organizations know this is real, and it ain't grant money.
2007-11-29 04:30:33
answer #4
answered by Bob 7
Neither one is true! There is serious scientic debate about what causes temperature variations on Earth. There does not seem to be any "OPTIMUM" temperature; and no one really knows what causes us to suddenly FLIP into an ice age or a HOT period.
Other causes might be:
Sun activity
Cosmic ray increase causing an increase in cloud cover
Volcanic activity
and so forth
This article explains the widely varying Earth temps throughout the last several million years. (long before "man" had anything resembling cars or factories!)
2007-11-29 04:06:40
answer #5
answered by Bullseye 7
I notice in statement 1) Dana takes pride that the "vast majority" of scientists are on his side.
Then in statements 2) and 3) we're back to bona fide Climate Scientists again, your everyday archaeologist isn't qualified to talk about it any more.
Tsk tsk.
2007-11-29 04:31:21
answer #6
answered by The Father of All Neocons 4
This question is a classic example of the type of logical fallacies used in propaganda. By its structure, it assumes that the questions can be answered with a simple true or false. In fact, the correct answers would be much more nuanced, and include factors that are not explicitly included in the text. Politicians and lawyers love questions of this type, because the essentially direct the answers. The other main source of questions of this type are people who really do not understand the issues involved. If you really want answers, and not a predetermined outcome, you should ask open ended questions.
2007-11-29 05:25:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
None of the statements are true.
Science is knowledge, not dependent on any consensus. Objective science speaks on its own through math and calculations.
We can land men on the moon or send a satellite to orbit an outer planet because we know exactly what is needed to send a spacecraft to these destinations. Our knowledge about gravity is so good that we can do these things very well. And these calculations are done by just one or just a small number of people. There is no consensus to determine they are right. The objective calculations are above any person, and political party, any personal views.
Global warming however isn't to that point yet. To say the planet is warming because of man is just a guess. Your political views, your personal feelings cannot be separated from your opinion that warming is man made or not. You cannot know, you cannot say that it will be warmer or not next month, next year, next decade. Anything you answer is only your personal belief.
Man needs to learn much more before he can make claims knowing what causes our climate to act as it does. What current scientist are looking for is a low bar to clear. Science needs to be kept to a higher standard.
2007-11-29 04:06:09
answer #8
answered by Dr Jello 7
1 is true but that is only because some scientist are bullied to say that they believe it or people will ruin there creditability.
What global warming really is, is a natural cycle.
2007-11-29 04:01:15
answer #9
answered by Rocketman 6
Scientists speaking outside of their field of expertise are no 'smarter' than you or me. Therefore, most of them are just as susceptible to the GW scam as the rest of us. The truth is that the earth's natural co2 level is ABOUT 3%. the total anthropogenic contribution of co2 is about 0.0007%. This is an insignificant figure no matter what you believe. In truth, GW is perfectly natural, and can be traced to solar activity. Occam's Razor demands we accept the truth that we are NOT AT FAULT.
2007-11-29 03:59:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Your questions do not allow the possibility that other answers may be true - they are totally misleading and should be deleted or changed!
2007-11-29 04:49:40
answer #11
answered by Anonymous