It depends on whether you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It is Hell without Jesus.
2007-11-14 13:33:19
answer #1
answered by Apostle Jeff 6
well it depends if you believe in jesus its gonna be the best for you, its gonna be heaven its sooo great that your not even a boy or a girl when your in heaven and you even get to meet jesus himself.
if you believe in other gods or dont believe in god at all its gonna be hell. Its gonna be the worst thing ever your gonna be burning in hell all your immortal life.
2007-11-14 21:41:47
answer #2
answered by hellokitty♥5_16 2
You will never know for sure while you are alive, and depending on the real answer you may not know even after you die. You can find all kinds of potential answers with potential references, but they are all based on some belief, not on proof positive.pp
2007-11-14 21:41:02
answer #3
answered by ttpawpaw 7
Death is the opposite of life, you do not exsist anymore. Look at the folowing scriptures to see what the Bible says.
Gen. 3:19: “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
Eccl. 9:10: “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [“the grave,” KJ, Kx; “the world of the dead,” TEV], the place to which you are going.”
Eccl. 9:5: “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.”
Ps. 146:4: “His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts [“thoughts,” KJ, 145:4 in Dy; “all his thinking,” NE; “plans,” RS, NAB] do perish.”
John 11:11-14: “‘Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.’ . . . Jesus said to them outspokenly: ‘Lazarus has died.’” (Also Psalm 13:3)
2007-11-14 21:39:12
answer #4
answered by Mr_Dees_65 4
Nerves gone and coldness sets in and brains blanks out.
My beloved departures tell me that they trust Jesus for us to be brave and face reality.
Just some few worrying for the reality that our loved ones faced where God resides.
2007-11-14 21:38:31
answer #5
answered by wacky_racer 5
"Man came to be a living soul." --Genesis 2:7b
"The soul that is sinning--it itself will die." --Ezekiel 18:4
"His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
In that day his thoughts do perish." --Psalm 146:4
"...There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom
in She′ol [the grave], the place to which you are going." --Ecclesiastes 9:10
"You will ... return to the ground, for out of it you were taken.
For dust you are and to dust you will return." --Genesis 3:19
2007-11-14 21:41:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, it's very relaxing and peaceful. Just make sure to have really long-lasting batteries for your cd player. When you hit REM4 death, it's lights out forever.
2007-11-14 21:35:42
answer #7
answered by Wired 5
It's either going to be the absolute best thing that ever happened to you - or the absolute worst.
No middle ground when you're dealing with your immortal soul.
2007-11-14 21:34:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get A Grip
2007-11-14 21:33:56
answer #9
answered by Get A Grip 6
i dont know..i didnt die yet. all i know is that u feel nothing and ya u might go to hell/heaven
2007-11-14 21:41:00
answer #10
answered by amal a 3