I agree with this and did you also know that it works the same if you spell out that phrase in Greek and Hebrew as well?
Interesting isn't it?
EDIT: I don't believe each individual Pope IS Satan, but I believe the Papacy is controlled by Satan. This number alone would not be enough to convince me that 666 refers to the Papacy if it were not for the other passages about the anti-Christ. It would come up out of Rome, it would seek to change times and laws. (the papacy claims responsibility for changing Sabbath aka Saturday to Sunday) Also Anti-Christ does not have to refer to someone who is obviously against Christ, It can refer to someone who leads people away from God's true teachings in a covert way as well.
2007-11-13 18:18:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure how solid that logic really is, but maybe. It's true that the best place to hide things are in plain sight.
The pope is a very powerful man. He has control over the way a billion or so people percieve good and evil, and what they focus on.
Considering how the world has become so lost with religion lately, maybe he is evil and has done these things so that someone could become more powerful.
What I mean is, if he focused everyone on whether or not God exists...and not about how to identify good and evil...then you'd have a whole generation of people growing up in the scientific age throwing away religion entirely because "God doesn't exist like they say it does". The problem is, they throw away all the morals and the lessons that it teaches too, that have NOTHING to do with blind faith.
Like how people gathered in the church because it was a community...so everyone would work together...if someone in the church had troubles, they'd all help them out. If the church needed money they'd all pitch in a little. And so, their community would be very strong.
Take that away, and it's every man/woman for themself. Forget all the faith in stuff that can't be proven / clearly isn't true (ie: the earth is 6000 years old)....and just look at that simple fact I just explained. We are stronger when we stand together, than apart. And atheism isn't exactly a strong community builder.
My POINT is that if the pope really is the antichrist then he could have failed the world by allowing people to forget what is important about religion...and so, he could have destroyed it -- or made it so the scientists in the world reject it, while the fanatics accept it...creating a division of people...eventually leading up to a war.
Or, by seperating the goals of people (instead of for the community its for the individual) he has created a competitive world where everyone is out for themselves.
And in competition (look at business) the BEST competitor wins EVERYTHING.
Which is absolutely perfect...for a world dictator. A new, much worse, hitler.
The REAL antichrist.
2007-11-13 18:25:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
One common myth surrounding the papal tiara (not mitre) involves the claim that the words Vicarius Filii Dei exist on the side of one of the tiaras.
The myth centres on the widely made claim that, when numerised (ie, when those letters in the 'title' that have roman numeral value are added together) they produce the number '666', described in the Book of Revelations as the number of the Antichrist.
This claim has been made by some fundamentalist protestant sects who believe that the pope as head of the Roman Catholic Church is the antichrist.
Four definitive sources are sometimes given:
- A protestant woman visiting Rome said she witnessed Pope Gregory XVI wearing a crown with the words on it, in or around 1832;
- Pope Gregory XVI had worn a papal tiara with these words clearly visible on it at a Pontifical High Mass during Easter 1845;
- The 'existence' of a photograph of a papal funeral at the start of the twentieth century (which probably means the funeral of Pope Leo XIII in 1903 but could possibly be Pope Pius X's in 1914) showing the words on a papal tiara.
The tiara (with the words mentioned) is always used to crown popes, but specifically was used in 1939 to crown Eugenio Pacelli as Pope Pius XII.
The claim is demonstrably false.
Whether or not the numerised total of the letters in Vicarius Filii Dei produce the total '666' is irrelevant because no such title actually exists for the papacy or the Holy See.
While the words did feature in the Donation of Constantine (now known to be a forged document) they referred to St. Peter and not subsequent popes.
In 1832, only two tiaras existed; one from the sixteenth century and one, given by Napoleon I to Pope Pius VII in 1804. Neither contain writing.
With love in Christ.
2007-11-21 07:01:21
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
It's nothing but coincidence. While it is unnecessary for the Pope to refer to himself as the "high priest of God" (literal translation of Vicarius Filii Dei), it doesn't make him to be the Antichrist! For one thing, the Rapture hasn't occurred yet and while I believe the Antichrist is alive on Earth now, he doesn't appear on the world stage until after the Rapture. While Catholicism is a HUGE religion, the religion of the Tribulation period will be a one-world amalgam of Satan's creation that will mimic the type of worship we're supposed to be carrying on for God with, so I doubt ANY religious leader (let alone the Pope) could be the Antichrist, for he'd never be able to rein in all the other religions on the planet under a common banner sponsored by Catholicism!
2007-11-14 05:57:13
answer #4
answered by bigvol662004 6
Revelation 13:16 read the words carefully here in the NIV (New International version. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark ON his right hand or ON his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Now I will give you the same scripture from the KJV (King James Version) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Now you might ask what is the big deal the big deal is this changing that one word makes it seem different ON make it seem like the mark will be something visable...while IN makes it seem like something on the inside...Now look at the technology with the Veri Chip and it may make sense to you that this mark indeed will be IN not ON because that is what is happening right now, watch the video clip someone else used in a post here (takes 10 minutes) and it makes even more sense on how this could actually happen and very soon at that
copy it and paste it in a new tab I hope it opens your eyes a lot Peace to you all.
2007-11-13 18:59:03
answer #5
answered by candi_k7 5
I am certain that when we get to the judgement day Heb.9:27; and 666 is ask to step foward to face king Jesus the Judge, that German Nation Hitler will be the culprit to step foward. He had to give each a mark of identification for death a plan they could not escape. Man born in sin is so imperfect he has no right to do mass murder of other human beings, was Satan in him?
Like Judas Iscaiot, he commited suicide. Rev.13:11-18; Man wisdom.
Bible wisdom OF 666 [ Babylon, Year 3460, 606 B. C ]:
Rev.11:3; 1260 + 1260 = 2520 less 606 B. C. = 1914 C. E. 1260 days, WW1.
Dan.4:16,23,25,32 [ 7x 360 = 2520 over king, beyond Babylon Empire #3, is ________________end of #7; Rev.17:10-14; in 8th is 2nd coming of Jesus.
Dan.7:25 [ 1150, 1250, 1260, 1290, 1335 twice Eze.4:6 ];
------------- [ 2300, 2500, 2520, 2580, 2670 less 606 B. C ].
------------- [ 1694, 1894, 1914, 1974 , 2064 plus 606 B. C ];
Dan.12:1-13 [ time of the end, Dan.8:12-14; 2300 WORD, last days ];
Dan.12:1-7 [ 2500 year Michael in the last days, 2520 time of the end ];
Dan.12:8-10 [ 2520 years Michael & Satan in the time of the end at WW1 ];
Dan.12:1-10 [ 2520 years Michael at Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12; Satan down in time
__________ of the end, Matt. 24; 3 [ end ], 7 [ after wars ]. 14 [ Jesus 2nd __________coming ]; 15 [ Daniel's time of the end, Satan down a short time ]
666 B. C. + 606 C. E. + 666 C. E. = 1938, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, WW2 end.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAN WISDOM !!!!!!
Dan.12:11 [ 2x 1290 = ] 2580 less 606 B. C. End Vietnam conflict. 1974 C. E.
Dan.12:12 [ 2x 1335 = ] 2670 less 2520 = 150 years for Satan's short time.
__________________ 2670 less 2613 at 2007 C. E., bible in world 396 yrs.
No Satan 1000 years, Heavenly are with Jesus for new heavens Rev.3:12;
to resurrect earthly 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; for new earth 2Pet.3:13; Heb.9:27; all Judged, Rom.14:9-12; Philip.2:5,9-12; Rev.21:1-5; All made as new as before Eden.
Eph.2:7; 3:21; World with Jesus is without end. John 3:16; 17:3,17; All enter into the kingdom of God.
2007-11-13 19:16:31
answer #6
answered by jeni 7
Hum. Kris. This is interesting. I will investigate further. I have always taken issue about confessing your sins to a man in a box that should probably be confessing first. But I have never thought that some frail weak deathly white hunched over man might be the one. What a perfect deception! Again. Warrants more research.
2007-11-13 18:34:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No--the number 666 refers to nothing more or less than money.
Look carefully at the actual text, and you will note that John did not write “666 (“six hundred threescore and six”) is the mark of the beast, nor did he say “666” is the number of the beast. He specifically and purposefully wrote that the number “666 corresponded to” the “number of the beast, which is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.” Neither did John say: “is the number of man (as in ‘mankind’),” but he specifically wrote: “is the number of a man,” meaning a particular man.
That particular man to whom John was pointing those who “hath understanding,” is Solomon. “His number” corresponds to “money,” as in the amount of “gold” he received in a one-year period:
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. (I Kings 10:14)
2007-11-17 07:24:34
answer #8
answered by smallone 4
What you have said is very interesting and I always knew the Catholic church is a counterfeit and is a fake and is there to fool people. It was not the church set up by Jesus and there was always Christians throughout the ages who had the copy of the bible with them and did not corrupt it and that is what really disappoints the catholic church that there is people who know the truth.
2007-11-13 18:27:44
answer #9
answered by Wally 6
Nah, just numerology. Even Jack Kemp was talking this way while running for vice president in 1996.
2007-11-13 23:16:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous