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Remember that Jesus once walked on this earth as a human for people to witness.

Ofcourse He performed all kinds of miracles to claim Himself as God. He even rose from death and ascended to heaven before the very presence of humans.

What I am saying is that people back then had the privilage to witness actual facts. They saw Jesus and knew for certain that Jesus was God with all the miracles. Therefore they needed no faith and got a free pass to heaven.

Unlike modern people that can only rely on blind faith to believe in Jesus. As you can see, there are countless unbelievers all around the world. No one would choose to refuse Jesus if they actually had the privilage to witness Him like ancient people.

The fact that there are so many unbelievers goes to show that we are underprivileged.

Does this make Jesus biased?

2007-11-13 14:29:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Those people did need faith...they needed to have faith that he was who he said he was and that his powers came from where he said they did. Remember that a LARGE number of people who saw his miracles did NOT believe him...they dismissed them as a trick, as the work of a sorcerer, or even as the instrument of satan.

Furthemore, I disagree that we can only rely on "blind faith"...I'd argue that we are in the same position they were in...miracles are all around us but people choose not to see them. The first step is the hard one...but once you begin walking the path the way becomes clearer with every step. My faith isn't blind...I've seen and experienced miracles.

2007-11-13 14:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by KAL 7 · 0 1

No, many of the Jews of Jesus time were able to witness His miracles and THEY still didn't believe, what makes you think people now days would be any different?

There are magical/supernatural acts going on all the time on earth and some people still don't believe in God/Satan.

The Catholic religion has crying/bleeding statues, waffles with Mary in them, The Stigmata, demon possessions, and supposed exorcisms. (personally I believe these are the work of Satan) But the fact that these "miracles" occur and still not everyone believes is proof that even if Jesus were here today, most people wouldn't recognize Him or accept Him as authentic.

The atheist would say there was some natural explanation for it. Some Christians would say it was the Devil doing it. There are always reasons NOT to believe.

2007-11-13 22:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I agree. These days Christian faith is based on the biased & ill-interpreted writings of countless people over two thousand years. Who knows how different the message of Christ might have been back then. I'd much rather believe what I see & hear for myself, than unquestionably follow what a complete stranger or anonymous person has taught. No-one knows what the agenda of those involved in translating the original events was, if these events even actually happened.
I'm an atheist by the way - just looking at it logically for hypothetical thinking's sake.

2007-11-13 22:44:08 · answer #3 · answered by MJF 6 · 1 0

Sorry, this is for YY4me: many doubt the divinity of Jesus, but few now doubt the historicity of Him. Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman historian, wrote of His execution in his Annals, written 14-68 AD: "Christus, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius...". Additionally, his writings confirm Judea as the source of the Christian movement- proving the story of Jesus was not adopted from pagan cultures. Thallus, in his History of the Mediterranean World, mentioned Christ (this was written AD 52.) A Syrian philosopher, Mara Bar-Serapion, wrote of Him in 70 AD. These were all writers who were neither Christian nor Jew, merely reporting on events of their day. Jewish historians also verify the execution of Jesus. The Jewish historian Josephus also wrote of the stoning of James "the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ".

2007-11-13 23:15:00 · answer #4 · answered by Amalthea 6 · 0 0

ummm they got anything but a free pass to heaven. Do you not know what was occurring during that time especially in what is todays Rome?

Fact is, you are not making any point. If they had the privileged to go to heaven because they saw him, why did they*Romans* crucify him in the 1st place? It wasn't until after they (unbelievers,mockers,) believed.And this wasn't anything universal. They would have claimed him to be God and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

even one of his 12 disciples doubted he was God.

2007-11-13 22:36:43 · answer #5 · answered by Reese 6 · 0 0

As a born again Christian what you are saying makes me a failure and I agree with you, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. His Holy Spirit lives within me, I know he is real, its no longer about faith when it comes to my salvation, I know that I know, the problem is my life doesn't reflect what it should, if it did more people would not be unbelievers because they should see Jesus in me. When you get Born Again and Jesus sends hes Holy Spirit to live in your heart you can feel the joy and peace it brings and there is no doubt anymore whether Jesus is real, its like have a security blanket over you that nothing can penetrate. Of course that doesn't mean everything in this world is going to go good, Jesus was a perfect man and they crucified him in a little over 3 years of preaching.Jesus said in the world you will have tribulation. When Christ died on that cross he died for my sins and yours. Our sin debt has been paid and now anyone can be saved if the believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ, if you would like to become a Christian and have your future secured in heaven just pray this sinners prayer believing with all your heart, just pray Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross at calvery and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me, I pray this Prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart you are now a child of God, rejoice that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life. Jesus will now send his Holy Spirit to come and live in your heart and guide you into all truth. If you have any questions just send me an email, God Bless YOU!!

2007-11-13 23:05:18 · answer #6 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 0 1

Jesus is a fictional character, therefore, he never "walked on this earth."

* * *
Did a historical Jesus exist?


No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus got written well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources derive from hearsay accounts.

Hearsay means information derived from other people rather than on a witness' own knowledge.

Courts of law do not generally allow hearsay as testimony, and nor does honest modern scholarship. Hearsay provides no proof or good evidence, and therefore, we should dismiss it.

* * *
The Myth of the Historical Jesus

Pagan origins of Jesus:

2007-11-13 22:47:51 · answer #7 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 0 1

The perception of Jesus, as presented by Christianity - is of course biased. He is claimed to be the Son of God, and world saviour, etc. But no where did he actually claim, this himself --- this is claimed by Christianity after his disappearance.
The story is that - after the events of a man, whose life follows the 'Jesus' story - that Christianity actually borrowed/stole the original story, and tweaked it, to what we know as the 'Jesus' story today. Remember, that serious researchers looking at history, cannot find the person named 'Jesus' in history - and that stories of Jesus suddenly appeared, many years after the date of the events themselves. That there is no historical record within the time of 'Jesus'.

2007-11-13 22:49:03 · answer #8 · answered by TruthBox 5 · 0 1

#1. MANY Jewish & other eyewitnesses Rejected Jesus as God's Son. They certainly would have rejected him as God, too, but that wasn't who he himself indicated that he was...

Quote just ONE Scripture where Christ claims to be God, or, God claims to be Christ, & give the location, & Bible version or translation--It doesn't exist...

Here is what Christ himself said about who he & God were & are, in relation to each other:

"...The Father is greater than I [his Son] am." --John 14:28 http://watchtower.org/bible/joh/chapter_014.htm?bk=joh;chp=14;vs=28;citation#bk28

"...‘I am ascending to... MY FATHER... MY GOD...’” --John 20:17b http://watchtower.org/bible/joh/chapter_020.htm?bk=joh;chp=20;vs=17;citation#bk17

And here are a few other quotes, that show the agreement of God's people, both before & after Christ's earthly sojourn:

"He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;" --Colosians 1:15 http://watchtower.org/bible/col/chapter_001.htm?bk=col;chp=1;vs=15;citation#bk15

"Jehovah is greater than all the other gods." --Exodus 18:11 http://watchtower.org/bible/ex/chapter__018.htm?bk=ex;chp=18;vs=11;citation#bk11

Underpriviledged? No.
Biased? No.
Needed no faith? Incorrect.
Blind faith? Incorrect...
None of what this 'questioner' claims gibes with what God's own Word says...

Modern people have the testimony of several eyewitnesses of Christ Jesus' life on earth. Those who choose to refuse him, wouldn't choose otherwise even if they could see his physical body... The truth is that he is present in the heavens currently, crowned as King of God's heavenly kingdom, & preparing for Armaggedon. However, the majority of mankind reject him NOW, just as they did THEN, when he came in the flesh.

2007-11-13 23:30:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i believe god used jesus as a messenger. save your self . it makes jesus look like a useable instrument. jesus said the kindom of god is within. you might call that heaven. he might have wanted us to realise there was'nt any other way but his. so in the afterlife it is his way or the other way. is there another way according to god there is... i found it. ANGELS ha. beat the game i did. religion and science are man made and bring that @#^% into gods world and watch what happens.

2007-11-13 23:10:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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