I bought a camera form fingerhut in the states. I got it a few days later, getting the two year extended waranty, a memory chip for it, a tripod, bateries. I inserted the memory card and I recieved 2000 some photos I can take. I take a few and turn it off. Then turn it on and it says I can only take 18 photos and the pics that i took erlyer are no longer there. The cam being on I take out the memory chip and it says I can take one photo. I reinsert the chi[p and back to 18 photos with none in memory. Well i try turning it off then on, off then on, and after a while I get the photos I took and the 2000 some pictures I can take like it was before. But what is happening?!?!?!? Why?
4 answers
asked by
Justin K
Consumer Electronics
➔ Cameras