There are many people who believe that. They are mostly confined to areas of the Southern USA.
However believing something doesn't make it so.
Speaking in toungues is a ritual practiced mainly by the pentecostal sect of christianity. It is based on the last 12 verses of Mark, where it was said the apostles were given the gift to speak foreign languages, be immune to poison and snakes, and heal diseases. Of course, it is now accepted even by most christian bible archeologists that those verses aren't found in the earliest, and most accurated versions of Mark, and were added nearly 1000 years later by partys unknown, and came to the English by way of the KJV.
It is a silly bit of ritualized self hypnosis, play acting, and peer pressure. Children grow up seeing this sort of behaviour, see it as normal, and know it is expected of them to conform to the group norm. The setting gives them permission, actually positive reinforcement for acting out these bizarre ritualistic behaviours.
The "speech" has been analyzed by linguists and bears no resemblence to any known language. Sort of useless if the purpose is to spread gods word to people too rude to speak english. It also bears no relation to anything even like a language with syntax, context or grammar. It is just random gibberish .
thanks for a good question
2007-11-11 18:39:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Coming of the Holy Spirit
'When the Day of the Pentecost had full come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing of a migthly wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divied tongues, as a fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with their tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.' Acts 2:1-4
The Crowd's Response
'And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound accured, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another "look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?" Acts 2:5-8.
So I believe "speaking in tongues", one of the gifts from the Holy Spirit is in a proper language that a person can understand.
2007-11-11 19:51:36
answer #2
answered by gg 2
No i don't because if you further read in this area(Acts 2) you will notice that it really was a language. The people where given a language so they could witness to them about Jesus in their own language.This was the at the feast of Weeks and feast of Harvest ,also know as Pentecost. All of these people spoke diffrent languages and where converted to Christians. Which they took home with them to preach it among their own people that spoke that language. In Cor 12:10 They are talking about a person who can tell with another person is talking for God or is speaking by an evil spirit. In Cor 14 it goes on to say that it is a desirable gift from God but NOT a requirement of faith. Speaking in tongues only profits the person not the church. In verses 5-12 he preaches in the hears language is more clear and helpful. Paul goes on to say he would that his hearers can understand rather than speak in tongues and they can not. Also if you speak in tongues do you have an interpreter cause every church should have one.It's not just a bunch of babbling words that no one can understand. Paul said that clear preaching is better than speaching in tongues.Verse 28 IF there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God . This is to help convert non- believers not push people away from believing in it. Is this going to keep you from heaven? No. Does the Holy Ghost feel me up to where i shout or holler or cry ? Yes. I have gone to alot of Churches where they speak in tongues but i have never been in one where someone could interpret. Verse 33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
2007-11-11 19:07:19
answer #3
answered by oreo8 2
I think you speak in tounges. I think you stand there saying weird things and you think you are filled with some "holy spirit." Hey whatever floats your boat.
2007-11-11 18:52:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why is it that when God set up the church the apostles spoke is tongues which could be understood by people there but now we have tongues who no one understands and who knows who you speak to and what you say and it may be a way for the devil to use you. Just need to be careful
2007-11-11 18:42:19
answer #5
answered by Wally 6
I am Christian,I think it is insane babbling words you do not understand.In the biblical days when someone had the "gift"
there words were understood,this is the same as passing out when a televangelist touches your forehead,Ludicrous !
2007-11-11 18:49:41
answer #6
answered by gwhiz1052 7
Of course people speak in tongues. All you have to do is go to a Pentecostal Church and you can listen to people speak in tongues every Sunday. I'm not saying anyone can understand them but I'm sure they believe their God understands them.
2007-11-11 18:37:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I do not believe any god would want a message delivered and yet have the person who he chose to deliver it speak in a language no one would understand. What's the point? The speaking in tongues thing ranks right up there with seeing the virgin Mary in a waffle or the image of Jesus in a water stain. Gullible people sometimes will believe most anything.
2007-11-11 18:36:15
answer #8
answered by ndmagicman 7
Don't you think if this speaking in tounges garbage was a message from god for you to give others, don't you think he'd just have you say it in English or Spanish? I mean come on folks if somebody starts babbling like a retard and then blames it on a message from "their" god, oh yea you really have me convinced.
2007-11-11 18:41:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This is something private between you and the Lord. Yes I speak in tongues, but He gave me the gift of His Holy Spirit for my relationship with Him. Your friends don't believe, so what.
The only thing important here is your personal relationship and journey with God. Let your friends see God through you, by your example.
2007-11-11 18:45:48
answer #10
answered by Noel J 4