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Many Christians will be surprised to learn that the Muslim share a lot of common beliefs about Jesus and his mother Mary. It is the central belief for all Muslims that Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God, and he was born miraculously to Virgin Mary who was a noble lady - virtuous and pure - without any male intervention, as a Sign of God, and completely free from all sins. Jesus Christ performed many miracles during his lifetime, and he healed the blind, the lepers and raised the dead by the permission of God. He is the one of the most highly revered Messengers mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and all the Muslims throughout the world recognize him as a Prophet and a Messenger of God.

In the Holy Qur’an, the Muslims are told that Prophet Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent to the world not just to perform miracles as a Sign of God, but as a Prophet to reform the “lost children of the House of Israel.” During his lifetime, he preached the Unity of God in its Pristine Purity – that God is Alone and without a partner - confirmed the Law of Moses, which was written in the Torah, and stressed the continuity of its lineage to its last letter, both in the word and in the spirit. And, a Muslim cannot be considered as a Muslim until he believes in Jesus Christ, and all the verses that have been told to him to the last letter in the Holy Qur’an – and if he dies in the process if a Muslim of holding to this disbelief in Jesus Christ – then, his faith is not complete, and such a Muslim will be doomed to an everlasting Hellfire in the Hereafter!

However, the hardcore Christian Missionary is on the warpath. They hold the Muslim’s faith in the Apostleship of Jesus Christ is not enough for their Salvation in the Hereafter. They hold the view that it is necessary for a Muslim to believe that Jesus, the son of Mary was the Son of God – unlike all the other Prophets of God in the Old Testament - and One in the Holy Trinity. He was sent to the earth for the sole purpose of redeeming mankind, and he died on the Cross, for their sake, and for the Salvation of Mankind. He was the Incarnation of God – his Father – in heaven, and he descended on earth, to endure their pain and sufferings, by living among them, as a human being in blood and flesh. If the Muslims, wish to attain Salvation, they should hold a belief in the Doctrine of Atonement, which means that he died for the sins of mankind, by offering himself as a sacrifice to atone for the Original Sin of Adam. God in his Infinite Mercy, and love towards all human beings sent his only Son to be offered as a sacrifice to redeem the sins of all human beings. And, without attesting to this Cardinal Belief, which is propagated by the Christian Church, the Muslims of the world, and people belonging to all other religious persuasions, and holy callings in this world will be doomed to an eternal damnation in the Hellfire in the Hereafter. If the Muslims desire Salvation in the Hereafter, then they should unlearn what has been taught to them by the Holy Qur’an, and wipe their minds – clean like a slate – and learn the Gospel, as the Christian Church teaches it!

However, the noble teachings of the Holy Qur’an had fortified all Muslims to the flawed doctrines preached by the Christian Church, and the permanence of their character remained unchanged over a period of more than 1400 years. The Holy Qur’an with its strict interpretation of Monotheism, which is the fundamental basis of the Religion of Islam, stands for took a hold over the mind of the Christian masses, and many among them started deserting the faith of Christianity to adopt this new faith as their ‘way of life’ and became devout practicing Muslims. This interpretation of Monotheism, which has been uncorrupted from error from the past fourteen centuries made the Christians to examine the Doctrine of Trinity preached by the Christian Church more closely, and invented a new unity in the Doctrine of Trinity. But, the new interpretation preached by the Christian Church instead of clearing the cobwebs, which were found in the old doctrine, confounded them more than ever, and the desertions to Islam continued grow more by the day.

In contrast, with the teachings of the fundamental Doctrine of Atonement preached by the Christian Church, is to the effect that Islam preached that Salvation can be obtained by attaining a purity of life, by shunning all evil and doing righteous deeds, and the past sins of human beings are forgiven by the All-merciful, Almighty God, by Repentance. The reasonableness of these Divine teachings proved more appealing to the modern day Christians, for it does not stand against any logic and reasoning, and cannot be questioned in any age or any time, in any country becuase of its flawless reasoning.

The more the world advanced in learning and civilization, many more became convinced to the Divine Truth of Islam that it is not befitting the Majesty of God to come down to the earth in a human form, and live among the human beings as an ordinary mortal as the Incarnation of God, but chose to reveal Himself to his Righteous Servants, and to show to the human beings beyond any shadow of doubt His wonderful signs, His extreme power and abundant knowledge, which was unknown to human beings before that time. The same Living God appeared to all His Prophets of the old in the past and to Prophet Moses – and those who came after him – and to Prophet Jesus and finally through Prophet Muhammad – may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon them all – as the seal of all Prophets from Him, as the crowning glory of all the Prophets and there would be no other Prophets or Messengers sent to earth after him, preaching the Holy Qur’an – the Last Testament of God – for the entire mankind, which has been perfected for them in the Religion of Islam. And, after perfecting the Religion for the entire mankind, if a person desires to follow any other religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted by God in the Hereafter after him, and he will be doing so at his own risk to the point of damning himself and his soul to eternal perdtion in the Hellfire in the Hereafter!

However, Allah (swt) has promised that he would always be close to all His righteous servants even now as those who seek Him, so that attaining to certainty that they shun all evil acts that have been forbidden by the Holy Qur’an, avoid every way that may incur His displeasure and wrath, and walk in the path of those who have found favor with Him, which will lead them to their Salvation.

The Holy Qur’an gives the good news to Muslims beforehand that God accepts all their prayers directed towards Him will be accepted by Him, and He will continue to guide all His righteous servants in their search for the Truth about Him, and those who seek Him earestly, will be blessed with his everlasting faith of Islam and will find contentment in their hearts, that all their prayers are heard and accepted from them. The Holy Qur’an promises to all believing Muslims the that His signs and miracles are not a thing of the past but promises them even now to such servants who walk perfectly on His path. And again, among those who have reverted to Islam, they have shared a lot of experiences with others about the wondrous ways of God, and the changes that have been brought about in their lives are too amazing to be repeated here.

The Muslims are taught the belief that Islam is a living religion, and its blessings are real in every way, its principles do not require any modification in any age or any country. If at one time, if some of the people have objected to its principles in their ignorance, they have soon discovered the error of their ways at their own peril. For, these principles have been molded according to human thought, but God Himself has revealed them, and hence, they are infallible! Humanity, today, cannot deny that the Holy Qur’an has shaped they have enriched humanity. The Knowledge of God if superior to all His creation - and the new converts to Islam – have discovered – like the Muslims that it the most perfect religion that is the most right for all mankind!

Today, the Christians nations are deeply disturbed and distressed by the growth of Islam at the expense of Christianity, that their hatred towards Islam is conspicuous that it is clear to all and sundry alike. In the past, they have tried various ways to make inroads into the Islamic societies, and have found to their dismay that their efforts have been thwarted by the Divine will of God. They have alleged that Islam preaches the indiscriminate slaughter of non-Muslims, and to their horror soon found out that their own scholars have discredited them during these arguments, debates and seminars and have exposed their lies to the world. They preach that Islam is a menace, which preaches nothing but violence and evil, but they have soon found out that these utterances, which have been made by no less than a person of the likes of the Pope have done Islam more good than harming it in any way. The general public, which was influenced initially by these remarks after having done their readings on Islam that the opposite of the this belief is true and have found out that they have found everything that is good has been taught in its original sources the Holy Qur’an the teachings of the Prophet. Finally, the perverted among them tried their hand at drawing rude caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws), to incite the Muslims all over the world to violence. But, they soon found out to their dismay, that the other impartial Christian scholars entered into the fray, and told the world that they have been caricaturing their Lord, the former prophets and Jesus Christ worse than all other than what they have done to Prophet Muhammad, in the Bible, for the past two thousand years!

For instance, if we wish to read the Bible as the Christian Missionaries would want us to do, then we are dumbstruck with horror at the blasphemes found between the covers of the Bible printed in its pages: Read Ezekiel 23, 1-4 about the whoredom of the two sisters Aholah and Aholibah. The language used here is lewd and indecent, not befitting the Majesty of God. (2). Both the daughters of Lot have an incestuous relationship with their father (Genesis 19:36) (3) Prophet David commits adultery with the wife of Uriah (Samuel II, 9:4) (4) In Genesis VI, 5and 6, we are told that God is repentant at heart of the evils committed by men on earth, and He regrets His act of creating man on earth (5) In Jeremiah 15:6, we are told that the All-merciful God is weary with the repentance of men and vows to destroy them. (6) Genesis 111.22, we are told that God is afraid that man may become immortal like Him, after eating from the tree of life, and live forever (7) In Genesis XXXII 24-28, we find Prophet Jacob wrestling with God and overcoming him, and lets Him go after He makes him the Prince of Israel. (Now consider, how much derogatory it is to God to wrestle with a mere mortal, and meets His equal? How can then be God called as the All-Powerful God? (8) In Exodus VII, 1: 2 Moses is told by God that he was made a God (9) In PsalmsLXXX11, 6 “Ye Satan are God” (10) In Philippians IV; 19 My God (i.e. Master and Tutor), if Christ is believed to be God by the term that is applied to him, why should the Christians on the same grounds call all others as God? (11) In one instance in the New Testament, we are told Jesus feels hungry. He goes a fig tree with the intention of plucking a fruit. He finds that the fig tree is not in season, and it has no fruits, and curses it that no fruit will grow on it thereon. Presently, the fig tree withers away and dies. (Mathew XXI; 19,20) Now, let us consider this fact, was the fig tree to blame that it had no fruit. Then, it is nothing short of a sin to curse because he could reap any advantage from it. If the tree was a private property then it was a positive loss to its owner and if it is public property, then to the public at large. (12) In St. John V: 30 Jesus Christ is made to say: “ I can of myself do nothing.” This shows his powerlessness (13). And, at the ninth hour Jesus Christ cries with loud voice saying ”Elai, Elai, Lama, Sabacthami? The learned Christian theologians interpret this as: "My god; My God; Why hast thou forsaken me." (Mathew XV: 34) The same is repeated again in Mathew XXVII: 46 and Luke XXIII: 30. It is clear from these verses that Jesus is powerless and used to beg things from God, and this is opposed as being one with God. Again, it appears that Jesus did not ascend the Cross on his own accord by these words. He did not like the experience and hence this prayer to God. Then, it does not stand to reason that he embraced crucifixion, to save others from sin. Had it been the case, he would have enjoyed the experience, for we are told in unambiguous terms in Mathew VII: 21: “he that doeth the will of my father, which is in heaven, shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” (14) In I Kings III, we are told all the Prophets of God told a lie and practiced frauds in the name of God (15) in Genesis XXXVIII, we are told about Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah committed icest with her father-in-law after deceiving him as a harlot, and after fulfilling his desires, she conceived From this act, we find Judah commits adultery with her father-in-law, and her son Pharez is written in the Genealogy of the Bible as one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ! In Joshua II, he speaks of Rahab as a harlot. She gives birth to Boaz, and he is also believed by the present day Christians as the ancestor of Jesus Christ according to their genealogy, which is found at the end of the Bible!

(The list here is too long to be compiled in a short paragraph in this magazine, we invite the readers to open the King’s James Version of the Bible and read the other lurid stories that are filled in it. Nevertheless, the Muslims are taught to respect the religious scriptures of the Christians as it contain intact some of the Words God, exactly as it is found in the Bible. If this Commandment in the Holy Qur’an had not been revealed by Allah (swt) acknowledging his previous books, and upholding the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, and his mother Mary pure and hold “raised high in esteem over the women of all nations of the world,” and addressing the Jews and the Christians in the most honorable terms as the “People of the Book,” and demanding from the Muslims to call them to Islam in the most honorable terms, and invite them and engage them in a dialogue, and ague with them with terms most fair, and made binding on all Believing Muslims; then the equations we share with the Christians would have been entirely different. The Muslims would have required no swords, no conventional weapons of warfare, or nuclear weapons to fight wars against the Christians for all they had to do was to laugh them off from the face of this earth for their beliefs!)

If a Muslim wishes to issue a rebuttal to the charges made by the hardcore Christian missionaries – who put themselves beyond the shade of any argument that is logical and reasonable, they get infuriated, and circulate among people false damning reports about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

However, if we read the Bible, they have done far worse to their own Prophets of God. In Mathew V: 18.19.20, Jesus Christ claims that he had not come to change the Law of the Prophets but to fulfill it…But Galatians III: 23 wishes us to believe that the opposite of what Jesus said in his own words, now stands abrogated! These verses further confound a Muslim student who wishes to discover his Salvation in the pages of the Bible and faced by the discrepancies and inconsistencies throws up his hand in despair and is content to remain a Muslim, in a faith, where the Holy Qur’an contains no such inconsistencies.

Today, the original Bible has been lost to Christendom and what exists are mere translation of the original texts, and even the most ancient Bibles possessed by Doctors of Divinity of the Christian Church will tell you, that the thousands of ancient manuscripts, which they have in the support of the Bible, there are no two manuscripts, which corroborate with one another to the clinching proof that the most ancient texts translated are the exact words of God! On the other hand William Muir writing on the Life of Mahomet (Muhammad) in part I, page 15, is forced to conclude that: “There is hardly any book, except the Holy Qur’an, which has remained intact without any change for 1200 years!”

The more deep we go into the study of the Bible, we find that the Christian Missionaries of today should be ashamed at the manner that their prophets are reviled in the Bible. It is the Muslims’ belief that all the Prophets God – those whom we know about on the authority of the Holy Qur’an, and many others sent to different parts of the globe preaching the Universal Message of God - (i.e. to different corners of the earth) were all born and died sinless. But the Bible tells us a different story altogether that they were not the men sent from God, as we Muslims believe them to be.

Some ignorant missionaries claim – who are not conversant with the Bible – that Jesus Christ was the Last Prophet of God to bring the Message of Christian belief with the belief held by Muslims. No Prophet has appeared after him. However, we find that the opposite of this case is true. In Acts XI-27 that a person by name Agabus prophesized that there would be drought throughout the year, and this happened in the days of Claudius Caesar, and further down the text in Paul accepts him as a Prophet! If Jesus Christ was the last Prophet, then why did Paul, who is considered to be the Savior of Christianity, accept him as Prophet? The Missionaries do not have any answer to this question, which are posed to them.

The Christian Missionaries, it appears, are now learning more of Islam and less of Christianity. They speak of Prophet Muhammad’s ascension to the heaven as they like, and ridiculing the idea, whether such a thing could happen? Some of them assert that it cannot be done according to the laws of Astronomy, while others relate that according to the principles of Philosophy there is no way to the sky etc. etc. However, when we read II Corinthians XII, 1. Is it not expedient for me to doubtless to glory? I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord 2. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago - whether in body, I cannot tell; or whether out of body: God knoweth, such as one caught in the third heaven! (3) And, I knew such a man whether in body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth. How was that he was caught up in the third paradise. The Muslims simply do not take objection to the ascension of Christ and the reason why they depend on it for the verses and quoted above and for the sake of argument with the Christian Missionaries. We wonder why the Christians, have left these passages untouched in the Bible when they refuse to believe in the ascension of Prophet Muhammad (s) to heavens. By this, they simply betray their enmity and spite against the followers of the Religion of Islam.

In order to support their claims on the authenticity of the Bible, the Hardcore Christian Missionaries state orally as well as in tracts published from the Missionary schools that the Bible is scientific and can withstand all textual criticism on this score. It appears to a person studying the Bible that the Missionaries look upon the sciences of geography and astronomy as true sciences. It follows that a book, which teaches what is contrary to the true sciences, cannot be a book from God. So, the person studying the Bible is made to go through it again looking for scientific proofs. Let us now examine whether the Bible contains anything that is contrary to the sciences that are accepted by them as true. In Mathew II: 9, we read: “When they heard the king, they departed, and lo, the star, which they saw in the east was sent before them, till it came and stood where the young child was." The movement of this particular star is against the science of astronomy, and the arrest of its motion is against the Law of Nature, for the stars have the same motion throughout. In Mark I: 10, we read: “And, straightaway coming out of the water he saw the heavens opened and the spirit like a dove descending upon him." The Missionaries should carefully ponder over this verse and tell others who are keen to know about the scientific truths found in the Bible according to the Laws of Astronomy, which does not admit the sky above as material. All the verses found in the Bible about the creation of heavens in the opening chapters of the Bible should also be considered in the same light.

Further in Psalms LXXVII I, 23 we are made to read: “Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors to heaven. In Genesis VII, Malachi III, 10, II Kings VII, 2 – there are verses, which speak of more doors and widows of heaven. Can they quote a law to account for them? In Joshua X, 12 we read: “Sun stand thou still upon Gibbon: and thou Moon in the Valley of Ajalon. (13) And, the sun stood still, and the moon stayed until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. These verses also show that that the earth also stod still for the very reason that Joshua asked the sun to stop and it did so. The Missionaries who wish to convert all non-Christians to their faith should explain to them by what principle of astronomy did this all happen?

Again, in Job XXXVII, 5 we read: “God thundereth marvelously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. (6). For, he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength. (10). By the breath of God frost is given; and the breadth of waters is straitened. In Jeremiah X: 13, when he uttereth his voice there is a multitude of waters in heavens. (11). In Genesis IX, 13, we read” “And, I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a token of my covenant between me and the earth." (15). And every being creature of all flesh: and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. (16). And the bow shall be in the cloud. Let all those Christian Missionaries who wish to convert others to their faith state all those laws of geography about how the snow and rain occur, which is completely out of tune with the above verses found in the Bible. If they cannot, then the question arises why the missionaries slander Muslims in spite of so many inconsistencies, which are found in the Bible, which contradict all the known laws of science. It is my guess that no Christian missionary has ever read the Bible living an indolent life on their high salaries. And, if they read it, then they set down these verses as false and never dare to read it in front of their flock.

Again the Christian Missionaries claim that the Bible is the Word of God because it is historically accurate. Now, if anyone trying to understand the Christian faith from this point of view will be confounded when he reads Mathew XXVII, 35, which states: “They crucified him (Jesus). (45). There was darkness all over the land. Now if we go through all history books, we find the universal phenomenon is not mentioned anywhere by historians nor it was witnessed by people of other lands to leave even a passing mention of it in their book. In the time of Jesus Christ, there were historians all over the world documenting events for the other generations who would come after them, and they should have corroborated this verse, making a mention of it in their history books. But, try as we may, a student of history finds no evidence of such an occurrence in all history books that were being documented since the time of Jesus Christ.

Again, this article is directed at those Christian missionaries who wish to settle for nothing less than conversion to Christianity, from people who are adherents of other religions. This article is not directed at those ordinary Christians who are simple folk or against the religion, which they follow, or at the various denominations of Christian sects, belonging to different schools of thought. This article is not anti—Christian, or against Christianity, but against those “perverted transgressors," “who claim to profess the Christian faith and those Doctors of Divinity of the Christian Church who mislead the Christians about the different aspects of their faith, and those Divines of the Christian Church who read esoteric meanings in the plain written text of their Bible and deceive those Christians who are looking for truth about the higher aspects of their faith, hiding the truth behind these verses into mystical interpretations, which allow them to decipher the plain written text of the Bible in any manner they like; and when they find themselves cornered on those questions by Muslims, they resort to slander, vile and abusive language at others and label them as anti-Christians, who are intolerant to the Christian faith!

An example will suffice here to prove this point. The Christian Missionaries on the warpath, wish others to read the Bible because it is a Book, full of Prophecies and Miracles, and therefore, it is worthy of being read as the absolute, uncorrupted world of God. In Mathew XII, 30 we read in the Bible: “But he answered and said unto them: "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of Prophet Jonah (40). For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly (in other Bibles a “big fish,”); so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” It clearly appears from these verses that instead of giving proof of his superhuman character, by exhibiting miracles for those who asked for such evidences, Jesus abuses such people harshly. Here, he is caricatured by the Christian Missionaries who force those words out of the mouth of Jesus Christ in the Bible should revolve in their minds, the words of Jesus Christ, “There shall be no sign given.” The promise of the Sign of Jonah also did not take place as it was predicted beforehand by Jesus Christ, for we read in the Book of Jonah that he was “alive” for three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, when God in his Infinite Mercy hears his Prayers and Repentance and delivers him “alive,” out of the belly of the whale, whereas, the Christian Missionaries would like us to believe that he (Jesus Christ) “died” on the Cross and was buried in a sepulcher, and he resurrected “alive” after being in the tomb, or the sepulcher of the cave. This miracle certainly did not take place as it was predicted by Jesus Christ who promises that the sign that will be shown to them “will be like Jonah,” and the present day Christians all hold the belief that the sign was “unlike Jonah” who remained “alive” for three days and three nights in the belly of the whale! So, the Christian Missionaries should explain to others why they attribute this falsehood to Jesus Christ, as it is found in the words quoted from the above Bible? If they cannot answer this question in a satisfactory manner then how can the ordinary readers of the Bible believe in all the other miracles performed by Jesus Christ as true? In this case, the belief of the Muslims who base it on the authority of Holy Qur’an emerges out as more stronger than what is written about him in the Bible, that Jesus Christ performed mighty miracles, and he did them all, by the permission of God, and the Muslims believe in all the miracles that are cited to Jesus Christ in the Holy Qur’an to be true without the need of any prompting and persuasion from our modern day Christian Missionaries who are on the lookout for potential converts among Muslims hunting for them in their Muslim lands, trying to allure them into the Christian faith by asking them to believe in the marvelous miracles done by Jesus Christ found in the passages of the Bible!

In addition, a student of the Bible reads in St. Mark VIII, 11: “And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him. (12). And, he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, ‘why doth this generation seek after a sign? Verily, I say unto you, there shall be no signs be given unto this generation. Here, the reader is advised to mark the words of Jesus Christ. He does not tell the people who had come to him about the mighty miracles that had worked in the past, or claim that he had shown others many signs in the past, nor did he promise to show any to those who had come looking for them in the future, but simply sighed, and gave them distinctly to understand that no such proof would be given to those who had come seeking it!

In St. Luke XXIII, 8, we read: “And, when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad: for he was desirous to see him of a long Season, because he had heard many things of him; and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. (9). Then, he questioned with him in many words; but he answered them nothing. (10). And, the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him. (11). And, Herod with his men of war set him as naught and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. It is quite clear from these verses that Jesus never worked a miracle. If he had shown any at that time, he would have probably received better treatment at the hands of Herod.

Further, we read St. Luke XXXII, 63: “And, the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. (64). And, when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face and asked him saying Prophecy; who is that who smote thee? This clearly shows that Jesus could not answer those questions. In Mathew XXVII, 42, we read: “Himself he (Jesus) cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the Cross.” However, Jesus did nothing of that sort, and made no attempt to oblige the man or men who were taunting him. In Mathew IV, 3: “And, when the tempter came to him, he said: ‘If thou, he said, ‘ If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made into breads,’ and further in St. John VI, 30, states: ‘They said therefore unto him. ‘What sign shewst thou then, that we may see, and believe thee.’” Let the Christian Missionaries who seek to convert the others to their faith mark these words in their Bibles. The people were ready to believe in him, but he did not show them any miracle! How can a student who is studying the Bible place his trust in the other mighty miracles worked by Jesus Christ found elsewhere, in the other pages of the Bible? And, when the student further reads down into the New Testament, it will appear to him from Romans III, 7, that telling a lie is not is not a sin, if it is done in the interests of Religion. Then, the student who is not a Christian and in studying the Bible objectively will be forced to come the conclusion that these miracles, which are attributed to Jesus Christ in the Bible, are probably introduced by the Christian Missionaries of the old, in their evangelism for the spread of Christian faith. He will find that Evangelism has undergone many omissions, additions, and even changes over the passage of time since Christianity started existing as a religion in this world, as a student becomes more familiar with the Christian faith. Then, the question arises that how he can put his faith all those mighty miracles of Jesus Christ that are narrated in the passages of the Bible? The adherents of other faiths in this world will be eager to know the answers from the Christian Missionaries who seek to convert people of other religions into their faith, for the objections that are raised from the texts and passages, which have been quoted from the Bible in this paragraph.

[It was the Holy Qur’an, which first came to the rescue of Jesus Christ 1400 years ago, in the verses that were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saws) that Jesus Christ was indeed, a mighty Prophet and a Messenger from Allah, and raised him to the lofty position, which he deserved to be, in the long chain of Prophets and Messengers that were sent to every corner of the earth by Allah for preaching His Universal Message to the Mankind, and in His Mercy had sent Jesus Christ as a Prophet for the people of Israel. The Holy Qur’an was the first book outside the Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith for all Muslims to place his faith in Jesus Christ, as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, who worked mighty miracles by the permission of God, he healed those who were blind, the lepers, and those afflicted by a host of other diseases by his touch – with the permission of God – and he raised the dead – with the permission of God. His mother Mary was raised to the loftiest position among, “women of all nations of the world,” was pure and free of all sins, and was a virgin, when she gave birth to Jesus Christ, and he was born, without any male intervention by a miracle of God. The Muslims are also told to hold the belief that Jesus Christ was given the Book Injeel (Bible) that affirmed the Law of Moses, and , which contained in it the wisdom to implement the laws, which had been corrupted by the Jews who followed it in its letter and not in the spirit in which it was revealed. The Holy Qur’an also stresses the fact most emphatically that the Jews were unsuccessful in their attempts to kill Jesus Christ for God protected him from them (Allah) in carrying out this task, and God raised him unto Himself, before they could manage to carry out their evil machinations against him. If it had not been for the timely verses of the Holy Qur’an that cleared the cobwebs surrounding the Christian faith, then probably Christianity, as we know it today – with its many sects and denominations – would have met an untimely demise as a Religion, and it would have been rejected by people as tales and myths told by the men of old. Jesus Christ has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an 25 times to clear the various myths and falsehoods that were attributed to the noble personality of Jesus Christ by the different denominations of the early Christian sects, and along with Islam saved Christianity from being cast into the dustbins of history, by making it mandatory on all Muslims – the only Religion outside the Christian fold - that makes it an article of faith for a Muslim to believe in Jesus Christ both as his Prophet and a Mighty Messenger from Allah!]

We are forced to end the Genesis of the problems between Islam and Christianity here, for the subject is of encyclopedic proportions, which is outside the scope of this answer to the question of the reader for it will run into thousands of pages. For those who interested in learning more about the errors, contradictions, the omissions and additions, are directed to refer to Izharul Haqq written by Muhammad Rahmatullah Kairanwi, which is sold by Ta Ha Publishing House in London. The author of this book has carried an in-depth analysis of the Bible and painstakingly pointed out the errors, inconsistencies and the inaccuracies and the contradictions that have crept into the Bible, which he studied, and after years of research came out with a masterpiece as a rebuttal to the lies, which were preached by the Christian Church against the Holy Qur’an, which is enough to convince the most diehard skeptic- beyond any shadow of doubt - that the Bible as it exists today is not the same book that was revealed to Jesus Christ, and has undergone many changes to make the Religion of Christianity, a pale shadow of its former self, and the teachings of Jesus Christ have been corrupted beyond all recognition, which makes it difficult for both the layperson and the professional scholar to understand the Religion of Christianity.

And, in the meantime, the Crusades launched by the early Christian Church against the Religion of Islam will continue in different guises and forms, until Allah (swt) wills it otherwise. Our humble effort was to acquaint the puzzled readers, who are unfamiliar with the subject, about the reasons for conflicts and wars that are taking place in the world between the Christian forces and their conflicts with the Muslim world in different parts of the globe today!


2007-11-12 04:22:38 · answer #1 · answered by wordfromnowhere 2 · 0 0

The basic differnce is Jihad has always been used for offinsive and offinsive wars while the first Crusade had started as definsive and latter turned offinsive.
Ceaser Alexis Comenius of Constanitnople wanted to re capture terrorty lost to the Muslim invaders.
Ceasear Alexius wrote to the Pope requesting that he ask soldiers to help him defend the Eastern Roman Empire.
The Turks invaded the Eastern Roman Empire in the 1060's and took Antioch by 1085. The Crusaders slowly became a problem as some were hestitnt to lestine to the Ceaser they took vows of loyalty to..and started playing politics between east and west.
ultimilty they broke Christian cannon with the formation of the military orders- as they often did take monatic vows. Monks are not supposed to carry weapons or fight as well there were some armed preists in the Crusades and priests are not suppsoed to fight in fact canon law states you can not be come a priest if you have ever killed. When these orders were being formed the crusades were turning offinsive as the crusade banner started being used for conquest.
the Northren Crusades which started in 1147 were waged against Orthodox Christians in Russia Pagans along the Baltic and then the Albigensian Crusade which was launched against the Cathari in France. So the two started with differnt intent but ultimitly became simular in agression.

2007-11-12 02:37:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The difference between Jihad and the Crusades is that the Crusades ended a long time ago.

2007-11-12 01:58:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Crusade is just a war against the others for material gains and colonizing only. at least this what it was and it is .
Jihad is an organized war to spread the light in the universe, no personal gains are involved, only divine merits.
But you have to make a clear difference between Jihad and terrorism which is not approved by Islam and true Muslims.
Islam and True Muslims reject terrorism from any side.

2007-11-12 02:07:32 · answer #4 · answered by samy J 3 · 1 2

Crusade and Jihad were manifestations of philosophy of Mr. Samual Huntington. He believes that civilisations clash. This is true for the organised religions/civilisations. But Indian Philosophy defers. Indian philisophy of civilisation is that it assimilates, synthesise and change under mutual influence, but do not clash.
Common to both above denominations is misplaced understanding of civilisation and dogmatic perception of religion by Christians and Muslims. Unfortunately these misconception still continues.

2007-11-12 02:07:28 · answer #5 · answered by Panchal J 4 · 0 0

http://www.islambyquestions.net/jihad/index.htm :

What is the basic message of Islam?

What is the meaning of Jihad?

Does Jihad have any aspects or dimensions?

The greater and lesser jihad

What are the stages of Jihad?

Has Islam established any rules for Jihad?

Can you make a comparison of the attitudes toward war of Islam, other religions' and modern civilization's?

Islam and war, and why people accept Islam or how Islam spreads?

What is Islam's attitude toward terror?

Killing for religion?

Who is responsible?


2007-11-13 18:33:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In christianity you should love your enemy, so crusaders didn't have any law and principle of wars, so they did whatever they felt like doing.
In Islam, Jihad is properly instituited action under the laws and principle. So, there were clear laws to dos and donts in war.

In short Crusade is Chaos
Jihad is organized

2007-11-12 01:53:38 · answer #7 · answered by Happily Happy 7 · 4 1

the first crusade was a reaction to the jihad committed against Christians and its interests in the middle eastern region...basically Islam attacked first...

2007-11-12 01:50:58 · answer #8 · answered by turntable 6 · 1 1

there are no similarities whatsoever. No event that resembles the crusades - except the wars by the Jews of Washington - has ever occured.

2007-11-12 04:46:51 · answer #9 · answered by Question Time 1 · 1 0

The Christian knights initiated the Crusades to bring Christ to the people of the land of the Moors. They were armed against resistance. That's ANOTHER way of looking at it.

2007-11-12 02:05:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

An excuse for engaging in terrorism.

2007-11-12 10:40:19 · answer #11 · answered by geeyen 7 · 0 0

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