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2007-11-11 12:08:27 · 7 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Travel United States New Orleans

7 answers

In the sixties, morticians gave green shield stamps on casket purchase!
Even as a promotional offer. I'm not for taking lol

PS I notice CPG has cremated his sense of humour ! perhaps CPG might have a rarefied sensitivity just its rude to call anybody "SICK"
PPS.CPG alanna, Sick is, is sick does. You did associate the the action with SHAME ,which you amplified with poppy-red guilt.: You did not posit the" utterance" as specifically sick but bullied your reasoning in the flare of condemnation. ' Going west can hardly be the the measure of your intelligence quotient ..just don't go sicko for pray what sickness is the illness of words!
Hardywhiskers pp BOOFUS

2007-11-11 12:14:30 · answer #1 · answered by boofuswoolie 7 · 1 0

That is sick and you should be ashamed of yourself for even posing this sort of question - humor or not - it is just not considerate of other people, some of which may be grieving as they read this - even more so on remembrance Sunday!


Boofuswoolie - Perhaps your reading ability is not quite up to par, please point out to me where I called anyone 'sick'? If you could indeed read at a literate stage then you would see that I wrote 'That is sick' implying the 'question' and not the person asking.

If I was calling 'anybody' sick I would have written - 'You are sick'.

Remember the old saying? - "Sometimes it is wiser to just look stupid, than opening your mouth and removing all doubt"

Finally my sense-of-humor is just fine, after all, I am a Brit living in the States.

2007-11-11 20:15:36 · answer #2 · answered by CPG 7 · 2 4

if you were 50% burned, they charge 50% for the cremation, etc...

2007-11-13 15:14:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not in New Orleans, they don't. Nor anywhere else, for that matter, I expect.

2007-11-13 08:39:48 · answer #4 · answered by ~RedBird~ 7 · 0 0

Of course not.

2007-11-12 06:43:29 · answer #5 · answered by WC 7 · 0 0

Why don't we set you afire and see? You're sick.

2007-11-12 09:30:38 · answer #6 · answered by deanie1962 4 · 1 3


2007-11-12 19:05:37 · answer #7 · answered by ReturnOfTheFly 6 · 1 1