Yeah, hence the term Atheist Peace
2007-11-11 10:35:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No it wouldn't and until God comes its always goin to be wars and people killing other people. It hard to understand but if you would open your bible and read revalations there are all your answer's. The bible can answer any question you have and if you are religious or even if you are not Just pray and ask God in your heart and he will show you all you need to know. If you are lookin for the right answer well you are not goin to get it asking people, you have to find that on your own, I know that God is real and if you aren't saved or into the word you will never understand, That is the problem now days people are always tryin to compet with one another when God made us all the same, some are a differnt color, others are a differnt race, I mean yeah the religion is a good thing but some times if you get to religious you are only goin to let your self down. and the terrorist are killing them selves for a false God. God never intended life to be this way and I can't sit here and really explain it to you, like I said read your Bible it's all in there I promise.
And to be honest people did discover medicine, But I know that God is the one who heals and the medicine only makes you worse than you started, and If most people would just save them selved instead of having premarital sex they can both get tested so instead of saying basically it's Gods fault in all reality it's the person who put them selves in that situation.
And if you really question Jesus do you really think that the whole world is just the big bang theroy? Come on even the most honored scientist in the world can't explain it, and if the world was just an inch off we wouldn't have gravity, Just read and read some more and before you know it you will have the answers you asked for and more Hope you can find the real truth in your own heart instead of other's God Bless you
2007-11-15 09:57:47
answer #2
answered by charaldana 1
i think that there is a point in life therefore people should follow a true religion. if Muslim women are not complaining why should anyone else. America has the highest rates in girls raped does that not make you wonder. is it just because these men are bad which they are or do girls dress a little too provocatively. And medicine plays a big role in religion. in The Holy Quran The Creator actually talks about medicine,the prophet Mohamed (PBWH) told his followers to eat dates and they are scientifically proven to help cure and protect against many diseases and sicknesses. Homosexuality is just a stereotype if any "lesbo"finds a man to sweep her off her feet she will admit that she loves him and finds him attractive.,and vice versa. Religions are supposed to make people better , i am not a christian but i believe that people should not lie or steal. AND isn't it weird that the u.s. has been picking fights killing Arabs and Muslims around the world and when they bomb themselves they're considered terrorists. it all depends on the way you look at the situation. i do not approve of war or terror but i think people should be more open minded towards things and ideas society has crushed.
2007-11-11 11:19:28
answer #3
answered by carmen 2
Religion is commonly used as justification for war, though it's not necessarily the catalyst. Most wars are either fought for land or for independence (either as a civil war or from a foreign government). Look at your history, all the world wars, etc. The only prominent religious wars were the Crusades and the Inquisition, with the exception of some small-scale European conflicts (such as the French War of Religion between the Catholics and Protestants in the 16th century).
As far as the current terrorism issue, Muslims worldwide have touted that bin Laden's brand of Islam is not adherent to the actual teachings of the Koran. Osama simply twists the scriptures to justify his means to an end. Ergo, the Iraq war is not being fought by the principles of any established religion; it's merely being directed by a man who would find some other justification for his terrorism if the vessel of Islam did not exist.
As for women, they would have been discriminated against with or without religion. They are physcially smaller, weaker, and therefore men have the brute force necessary to force them into submission. Did the Constitution ever cite religion as the basis for prohibiting women to vote?
I don't know anything about religion hindering the discovery of medicines, so you'll have to explain that to me. I know of some Pentecostal churches who don't allow their children to go to the hospital - maybe that's what you're talking about?
There are a lot of down sides to religion in the U.S. nowadays, but most of them are discriminatory against its practitioners. All the tension around Christmas? The ten commandments being posted in the courthouses? True, without religion, these would not be issues, but the upside (eternal life) outweighs the persecution from the lobbying minority of atheists.
2007-11-11 11:33:19
answer #4
answered by johnnydaring 2
I strongly believe it would be better. I have heard one argument that states the world would be without morals if there were no religion. That is a self absorbed elitist argument. Many of us live with decent morals without the guidance of religion. I have also heard the argument that though religion causes wars and hatred, without this we would not know what peace was (like saying you can't love unless you know hate) and also it has brought all the great arts and without it the world would be dull. That is disturbing and ignorant. Nobody knows what the world would be like without religion and could lead us to a greater good or possibly a deep evil. And we don't need to know hate in order to appreciate love, it is just an unfortunate consequence of our current society. But clearly what we as a human race are doing now is not working very well so why not take the next step in evolution, and break the chains that the powerful use to control us (money, religion, fear). Check this flick out I think you will enjoy it Keep an open mind.
2007-11-11 10:44:03
answer #5
answered by spkmyer 3
I can't agree that the world would be better with no religions. Faith is a powerful thing that helps some through they're weakest moments and most difficult times. For many, their spiritual beliefs help them to become a better person.
Without religions, there would still be those who are greedy, and those who would hunger for power and control.
I also can't agree that the world would be better if everyone was of the same religion. Even those that are the same religion fight amongst themselves.
And if everyone in the world were the same, wouldn't it be a boring place?
What would be better is if all people would stop fighting in the name of their religion, stop acting like their way is the one and only way to live...if everyone could learn to accept each others' differences and live peacefully together. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.
2007-11-11 10:51:39
answer #6
answered by Crystal clear 7
you said it all.
some ppl ..quite a lot if i may say.. use the following argument:
quoting rebecca:
"I dont think so because i think everybody needs something to belive in to make themselves feel united wit"
rebecca do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Let me tell you.. You are talking about comfort. Please read the whole question. This world would be much better without religion because all of those things would be corrected. If the price is a little lack of comfort.. (which can probably be substituted by doing other than religious sutff), then so be it!!!
Also, there's a difference between comforting and truth.
If you had cancer, would you like the doctor to tell you so?
if not, then you should keep having faith.
i personally would like to know the truth.
2007-11-11 10:49:12
answer #7
answered by EmperorDS 2
That's an interesting question. Science would have advanced a great deal faster without religions zealots and ignorant men holding it back. Society itself my have also progressed well without the intolerance and hatred religion breeds. Remember though it is not religion, but our very nature that has driven us to do harm to ourselves and our world. Our inborn prejudice for things different from ourselves in order to ensure our survival and safety has cause many acts of violence. Our greed and desire for shiny metals and natural resources has cause us to use and kill each other en masse. All religion did was to put a face to all of our worst traits, but it can't be denied that it has lead to some good things as well.
It was perhaps the fear of what lay beyond that taught us morals and values. This is not to say we wouldn't have developed codes of conduct without that but they may have taken longer. One has only to look at the liberal areas of the country to know that lack of religion does not assure peace and friendship. It also does not mean that women would be treated any better, they have been treated poorly since we became 'civilized'. And really it's hard to say how we would have turned out, as religious belief in one form or another has been with humanity virtually since our ascent from darkness.
2007-11-11 10:46:48
answer #8
answered by Josh T 4
Sure also...
No Hope
There would still be war and terrorism
Other racial ideas
No explanation for the unexplainable
Nothing to bring people together
People wouldn't fight for rights [for example: God see's everyone as an equal]
No true moral beliefs
People would still blow themselves up I'm sure
The list could go on...
Who said being a virgin, being married, and faithfulness prevent STD? No one... but hey let's see who's more likely to get it someone that sleeps around or someone that is with one partner?
2007-11-11 10:41:51
answer #9
answered by Stefy! 4
ewwww this is a touchy subject. You will get a lot of replies on this. I do not think that terrorist are religious based. They for the most part are religious but have said if you leave us alone and stay out of our country then we will leave you alone. But the US is all powerful and if there is a wrong doing in the world we think that we must intervene..
No I think that religion is good each person should be able to believe in something.
Just my 2 cents.
Will ( - Will / Live)
2007-11-11 10:39:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
while i don't practice any religion, i am somewhat spiritual. Being an american, i treasure the freedom to practice or believe what i like. it's horrible that people use their gods as an excuse to commit horrible acts, but taking away that freedom could be just as bad. fanaticism is never a good thing, but i think many people do feel a need to believe in something. whoever it was that said " religion is the opiate of the masses" was probably totally right. (who was that anyway? can't remember)
2007-11-11 11:30:07
answer #11
answered by Donra2 2