The Gospel is a distinct message, a very specific message - from God to man. It is revealed by God through the special revelation of God to man through His Word, the Bible, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the Bible, it is called the glorious gospel of the blessed God (1 Timothy 1:11)
…Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1)
…Of the grace of God (Acts 20:24)
…Of salvation (Ephesians 1:13)
…Revealed to man, not taught or according to man (Galatians 1:11-12, Mt 16:17)
The word Gospel means “good news” or “good tidings”, and it is specifically referred to as such in Isa 40:9,52:7,61:1-2, Rom 10:14-15, Mk 1:14-15, and Lk 4:16-21
Basically, it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes Rom 1:16-17
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1 Ti 1:15
In a nutshell, the Gospel is the good news that though we have all sinned and justly deserve to die and suffer the wrath and punishment of God in hell for all eternity, God lovingly chose to humble Himself and become man – Jesus Christ – and redeem us by His own blood, dying as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins, so that through faith in Him we are freely forgiven, counted righteous, and assured entrance to heaven, to be one with Him for all eternity.
The “we” in “we are freely forgiven” corresponds to the “us” in “dying as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins”!
The Gospel message is independent of the persons understanding of the nature of the atonement - whether general or limited:
The good news of salvation for everyone who believes!
It is not the good news that God saves everyone in the entire world, as if every person goes to heave. If you believe this, then you have slid the slippery slope of Arminianism into Universalism, which is heretical and unbiblical.
...and even John 3:16 makes it clear that only those who believe will not perish, but have eternal life!
Yet, it is true that EVERYONE who believes shall be saved and go to heaven!
...and that is profoundly good news...and amazing grace!
But let’s consider the wrong way to proclaim the Gospel from both sides…
Wrong way to share the Gospel for a general atonement believer:
Jesus Christ came and died for every person on the planet, including you, and if you would just believe you will be saved.
Wrong way to share the Gospel for a limited atonement believer:
Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for the elect. And if you are God’s elect, then you can be saved by believing, and God will give you this gift of faith! If you aren’t the elect, I’m sorry – there is absolutely no hope for you.
So what is the correct way in individual cases?
Lets look at two scripture examples:
1) When the young rich man came to Jesus (in Mark 10:17) and said, “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”
What did Jesus say? He did NOT mention faith, but proclaimed the law!
Why didn’t He say, “Just believe in me, and you will be saved”?
Answer: because the man did not see himself as a “sinner”. In verse 20, he said he kept all the commandments from youth! He was self-righteous. In this case, the man needed to see that his holiness was nothing compared to God…nothing compared to Jesus! So, Jesus told him to sell everything and follow Him. The man went away sad, rather than seeing that he was a sinner in need of salvation.
2) What about the jailer, who asked (in Acts 16:30), “What must I do to be saved?”
What did Paul and Silas say? They did NOT mention the law, but only this:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (verse 31)!
Why didn’t they tell the jailer to go and sell everything he owned and follow Jesus, like Jesus did?
Answer: because the man KNEW that he was a sinner…and it was quite obvious to Paul and Silas. In the preceding verse (29), the jailer “came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas”. He specifically asked what he must do to be “saved”…because he knew he needed to be “saved” because he was a sinner who trembled at the power of God, and knew Paul and Silas were holy men of God!
So what am I getting at?
I am saying that the Gospel proclamation varies according to the condition of the person, but it never varies according to whether one believes in the general or limited atonement!
Note that Paul and Silas cannot absolutely know for sure whether the jailer is elect, or not. Nobody but God can, for only God knows the heart of man (2 Chron 6:30)...and Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light! (2 Cor 11:14). Yet, they boldly proclaim the good news to the jailer, as if the jailer were part of the elect!
So the main answer to your question is this: we proclaim the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to everybody…AS IF they are the elect! It is a message of HOPE…and of GOOD NEWS! And we, who believe in the limited atonement, even more so strongly know that God is sovereign over all things. We are commanded to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth – whether people “hear” or not. We are confident that we do not labor in vain. We are confident that God’s word does not return void. We are confident that by the compelling love of Christ, we will by the power of the Holy Spirit be led to those who do not know Him, for whom He has died…so that we may share the good news to them…and by the working of the Holy Spirit, they will be saved – so that Jesus Christ did not die in vain. And if they reject the message, we still do not give up hope for them, but continue to pray for them…believing that seeds were planted and that God will later give the growth. If persistent in their rejection, we can shake the dust from our shoes and leave them (Matt 10:14)…even saying to them, “your blood be on your own heads, but I am clean of your blood!” That is, absolving our responsibility to continue to preach the Gospel to them (Ezekiel 3:18-21, Acts 18:6). But even this, hopefully, is a strong “goodbye” message that will cause them to reconsider…believe…and so, be saved. And even if they persecute us…and even mock and stone…and kill us…all the way to our dying breath, we say, “Forgive them, Father…for they know not what they do”…all in hope that they will repent – even after we have died – and believe…always hoping, praying, and expecting God to save them, as if ALL we encounter were and are the elect!
So, we can say, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - even the worst of sinners was saved. He turns away no one. All who call upon His name shall be saved. So repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!"
Very specifically, depending on where the person is, we share these facts and truths with them, for here is the Gospel:
God is the Creator of all - Gen 1:1, Isa 66:1-2, Jer 32:17,51:19, Ps 102:25, Jn 1:3, Col 1:16, Rev 4:11
God created man - Gen 1:26,1:27-28, Isa 45:12, Jer 27:5, Ps 100:3
God created man for His glory alone - Isa 43:7, 48:11
God commands man to be holy as He is - Gen 17:1, Lev 11:44,19:2,20:26, Mt 5:48, 1 Pe 1:15-16
Man is not to be one bit less holy (sins of commission) - Deut 27:26, Eze 18:24, Gal 3:10, James 2:10
Man must do good always (omission is a sin) - Lk 6:49,12:47-48, Mt 7:21, Rom 2:13, James 1:22-23,4:17
God sees/searches/tests the heart/mind - 2 Ch 6:30, Rev 2:23, 1 Ch 28:9, Ps 7:9, Prov 17:3, Jer 17:10,11:20,20:12, 1 Sam 16:7
Holiness is commanded of the heart/mind - Zec 8:17, Deut 5:21,15:9, Zec 7:10, Jer 4:14, Eze 18:31, 1 Jn 3:15
God's commands are not met by any man - 1 Ki 8:46, 2 Ch 6:36, Ecc 7:20, James 3:2, 1 Jn 1:8-10
It is impossible for man - Gen 17:17, Jn 3:4, Job 14:5, 37:23, Ps 139:6, Ecc 1:15, Lk 1:34,18:27, Mt 19:26, Mk 10:27
For no man is like God - Ex 9:14,Isa 46:9, Ex 15:11, 8:10, 1 Ch 17:20, Ps 86:8, Jer 10:6, 2 Sam 7:22
Thus, no one is good - Ps 143:2,14:3, Isa 53:6, Mic 7:2, Job 14:4, Mt 19:17, Mk 10:18, Lk 18:19, Rom 3:9-10,3:23
All men fall short of God's glory, holiness, righteousness, perfection - Jn 8:23,3:31, Rom 3:19-20,3:23
Man's sinful nature is inherited - Isa 43:27, Rom 5:12-19
All men are born sinners - Gen 5:3, Jn 3:6, Gen 8:21, Job 15:14,25:4, Ps 51:5, Rom 11:32, Gal 3:22
The unavoidable result of sin is death - Gen 2:16-17, Rom 5:12, 2 Ch 25:4, Eze 18:4, James 1:15, Rom 6:23
Second death (after physical death) is eternal separation from God - Lk 16:26, Rev 20:10-15, Mk 9:43
Hell is the place of eternal separation from God - Ps 21:9, Deut 32:35, Nah 1:2, Rom 12:19, Eze 8:18,38:22,7:4, Ps 11:6, Mt 8:12, 13:42-50,22:13,24:51,25:30,25:41, Lk 13:28, 1 Sam 8:18, Mk 9:46-48
Hell shows that God is almighty, righteous, and just - Ps 9:16, Eze 6:7,7:4, Ex 10:1-2, Rom 9:17-18
He is uncompromising/unchanging - Ex 3:14, Isa 44:6, Rev 1:8, James 1:17, Mal 3:6, 2 Ti 2:13
Yet, He is loving, gracious, patient - Ps 145:8, Ex 34:6-7, 2 Pe 3:9, Ps 86:15,103:8,111:4,116:5, Eze 18:32,33:11
Thus, He provides/accepts a Sacrifice - Heb 9:26-27, Eph 5:2, Tit 2:13-14, Heb 9:14
He can then be just and still accept a sinner by righteousness apart from the law -Rom 3:21-26
This is imputed righteousness (grace), not earned righteousness (works) - Rom 4:3-7,4:11,4:20-25
Thus, salvation is by grace alone, and not by works -Jn 1:16-17, Ro 3:24,4:16,5:15-21,11:5-6, Gal 1:6,2:21,5:4, Eph 2:5-8, Ti 2:11,3:7
Jesus the Lamb of God - Jn 1:29,1:35-36, Acts 8:32-33, Rev 5:12-13,7:14-15,12:11,17:14
Jesus the Propitiator - Rom 3:22-26, Heb 2:17-18, 1 Jn 4:10-11,2:2
Jesus the Mediator - 1 Ti 2:5-6, Heb 8:6,9:15,12:24
Jesus the Reconciler - 2 Co 5:18-21, Rom 5:10-11, Eph 2:14-18, Col 1:19-22
Jesus the Redeemer - Rom 3:22-24, 1 Co 1:30-31, Gal 3:13,4:4-7, Eph 1:7, Col 1:13-14, Tit 2:13-15, Heb 9:12-13,9:15, Rev 5:9-10
Jesus the Ransom - Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45, 1 Ti 2:5-6
Jesus the Purchaser - Acts 20:28, Eph 1:13-14, Deut 32:6, 1 Co 6:20, 1 Co 7:23
Blood of Jesus the atonement - Lev 17:11, Mt 26:27-28, Mk 14:24, Rom 5:9, Eph 1:7, Col 1:13-15, Heb 9:12-13,13:12,9:22, 1 Jn 1:7, Rev 1:5-6
Jesus the Savior - Mt 1:21,18:11,Lk 2:11,19:10,Jn 4:42,5:34,10:9,12:47,Acts 5:31,13:23,16:31,Rom 5:9-10,Phil 3:20,1 Ti 1:15-16,2 Ti 1:8-10,Tit 3:4-7,Heb 7:25,1 Jn 4:14-15
Jesus the Beloved of the Father - Isa 42:1, Mk 1:11,9:7, Lk 3:22, 9:35, Mt 12:18,17:5,3:17
Jesus the Righteous - Heb 4:15-16, 2 Co 5:21, Heb 7:26-27, 1 Pe 2:21-22, 1 Jn 3:5
Jesus the Begotten of Father - Ps 2:7, Jn 1:18,3:16, Acts 13:33, Heb 5:5, 1 Jn 4:9
Jesus born of a virgin (fully man) - Gen 3:15, Jer 31:22, Isa 7:14, Mt 1:18-25, Lk 1:30-35
Jesus is God manifest in flesh (fully God) - Rom 9:5, 1 Co 15:47, Phil 2:5-7, 1 Ti 3:16, Jn 1:1-14,8:58
Jesus the Messiah - Gen 3:15, Deut 18:18, Ps 132:17, Isa 9:6-7,53:4-6, Hab 3:13
Jesus the Law fulfiller - Mt 5:17-18, Mk 15:28, Lk 4:21,24:44, Jn 15:25,19:24-37, Acts 3:18
Love is fulfillment of Law - Rom 13:8-10, Mt 22:36-40
Greatest love demonstrated for sinners - Rom 5:6-8, Jn 10:11,10:15,15:13, Eph 5:2, 1 Jn 4:7-10
Jesus resurrected/risen from dead - Jn 2:19-22,20:24-29, Acts 2:22-32,3:14-15,4:10,5:30,10:39-41,13:29-39, Rom 4:24-25,6:4-10,8:11,10:9, 1 Co 6:14, 1 Th 1:10, 2 Ti 2:8, 1 Pe 1:20-21
Jesus appeared to over 500 after He died for 40 days - Lk 24:39, Jn 21:14, Acts 1:3, 1 Co 15:4-8
Jesus then ascended into Heaven before Pentecost - Acts 1:9-11
Jesus then and now at the right hand of the Father, exalted and glorified as Lord of all - Mt 22:41-46, Acts 2:32-36,9:3-5,9:17,9:29,10:36-38, Rom 4:24-25,6:23,10:8-10, Heb 13:20-21, Rev 19:11-16
The ascension of Jesus more of a benefit, for the sending of the Helper - Jn 16:7
Jesus on earth was Immanuel, God with us - Mt 1:23, Isa 7:14,9:6, Jn 1:14
With the sending of the Holy Spirit into believers, Jesus is now God in us - Gal 4:6, -Col 1:27, 1 Jn 4:4, Lk 17:21, Jn 6:56,14:16-20,17:26, 1 Co 3:16, 2 Co 6:16, Gal 2:20, Eze 36:27
Holy Spirit freely given (by grace) to all who ask - Mt 7:7-8, Jn 16:24, Lk 11:9-13, Rev 3:20
All who call upon His name are saved - Jn 6:37, Ps 86:5, Joel 2:32, Rom 10:9-13
Even the worst sinner in the world can be saved - 1 Ti 1:15
Believers filled with the Holy Spirit are born of Spirit, born again, born of God - Jn 3:3-8, 1 Jn 5:1
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes one a child of God - Jn 1:12-13, Rom 8:15-16, 1 Jn 3:1, 3:2
Sins of a child of God are forgiven and forgotten; the child of God is crucified and a new creation - Isa 43:25, Acts 13:38, Eph 1:7, Col 1:13-14,2:13-14, Rom 4:7-8,6:5-6, Gal 2:20, 2 Co 5:17, Gal 6:15
Holy Spirit the guarantee of Heaven, God's eternal seal - 2 Co 1:20-22,5:5-8, Eph 1:13-14,4:30
Holy Spirit the Promise of Father - Lk 24:49, Acts 1:4,2:33, Gal 3:14,3:18, Heb 9:15, 1 Jn 2:25
Holy Spirit will complete the work He began in the child of God - Phil 1:6, Heb 12:2, 1 Th 5:24
Holy Spirit perfects, completes, empowers, and works in and through the child of God - Acts 1:8, Jn 17:23, 2 Co 9:8, Eph 2:10, Phil 2:13, Col 2:9-10, Heb 13:20-21
Holy Spirit brings forth good lasting fruit in the child of God - Jn 15:5,15:16, Gal 5:22-23, Eph 5:9
Nothing can separate the child of God from God - Jn 10:27-30,3:14-16,5:24,6:37-39,18:9, Rom 5:9, 1 Pe 1:5, Rom 8:33-39
In the child of God, death and the fear of death are gone - Isa 25:8, 1 Co 15:54-57, Heb 2:14-15
For, death is gain for the child of God - Phil 1:21-23, 2 Co 5:2,5:8
But the child of God is sent into the world as salt and light - Jn 17:15,17:18, Mt 5:13-16, Phil 1:24-25
Jesus will never leave nor forsake the child of God - Heb 13:5-6, Mt 28:20, Jn 14:16-18
The child of God eagerly watches and waits for the return of Jesus, His second advent, the end of the world - Acts 1:9-11, Lk 12:35-37, Rom 8:23-25, Phil 3:20-21, 1 Th 1:10, Heb 9:28
Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead - Jn 14:3, 1 Pe 4:5, Acts 10:42, 2 Ti 4:1
Those not born of God (tares, goats) will be cast into Hell forever - Mt 25:41, Mt 13:30, Jn 15:6, Rev 20:15,21:8, 1 Jn 5:12
Most people will be cast into Hell, even many who call themselves 'Christians' - Mt 7:13-14, 7:21-23,20:16,22:14, Lk 13:23-24,13:25-27
Only those born of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (wheat, sheep) go to Heaven - Mt 13:30,25:46, Jn 14:2-3, Rev 21:2-7
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2007-11-14 07:20:48
answer #1
answered by yachadhoo 6