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that Britain has been changed by Mass immigration or is it just a factual remark? If you have an opinion either way will you give reasons. Thanks

2007-11-09 21:29:50 · 36 answers · asked by trish 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

politics guy I don't consider N.H to be racist for the remarks he made but I do consider you and your ilk to be the death of free speech. You persist in saying that Mr Hastilow was wrong in quoting from the rivers of blood speech, but the reason he did that was because many of the people in his area were refering to it. the part he refered to was not racist and the majority of answers on here prove that.

2007-11-11 09:07:04 · update #1

36 answers

No trish it isn't.

"racist" is the most misused word in the English language bar none.

I hate the idea of multiculturisation of our wonderful country and no dishonest jibe of "Racist" "Daily mail Reader" (not true) or "BNP" (also not true) is going to stop me from saying this.

Multiculturalism is being foisted on us by greedy people wanting a cheaper and bigger work force , I hope we can respond by defending our real UK community and never be shamed into the mass immigration con trick by those who misuse the word racist to do this.

I have been regarded as being non racist all of my life but I never imagined that to preserve my non racism I would be asked to pack the UK with millions of people from all over the world.Don't let them fool you, you can be non racist AND preserve the UK community.

2007-11-10 02:47:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Its not racist, its correct and its only now that its being more openly discussed by the media and politicians. Where Labour tried to sweep this issue under the carpet for the last ten years they are now admitting that there is a problem and are now trying to sweeten up the electorate for the next election. They underestimated the numbers who would come here and then tried to cover it up when people started to question their open door policy. This was all well and good when the only areas affected were the poorer parts of the major cities but that has all changed now. With the subsequent overspill into the more affluent parts of the country the issue become more promanent in the political arena. Now you have people all over the country raising the same concerns that city dwellers had 10 years ago. Now that peolple are getting hit harder in the pocket they are now starting to pay more attention to where their money goes. People are getting taxed more but getting less value for their money.

NHS Dentists are like gold dust.

You have to wait longer for GP appointments.

The NHS cannot cope.

Schools are under strain both in accomodating the extra numbers and also teaching children who have english as a second language.

There is a lack of suitable council housing which means that more families are having to live in houses that are too small for them.

Silly things like suggesting fortnightly bin collections and then suggesting you be
charged extra for it.

These are just a few examples of the problems that we face and its only going to get worse before it gets better.

I appreciate that there are immigrants who contribute to the economy etc but that is not the issue. The issue is not the type of people who are coming here but the sheer volume of it and whether or not our little island can cope.

2007-11-10 14:22:04 · answer #2 · answered by wibley 2 · 1 1

so has britain changed with all the other immigrants over the centuries has it become a Huguenot nation? what i cannot figure out is how some figure out that less than two million people can change a nation? think of it some think that islam is a threat that they will bring in Sharia law. to even think of such a thing in a democracy they would have to have a least thirty million muslims in britain which is so far fetched its silly. they go on its growing this speed and that speed. but hold on what is the fastest growing religion in britain according to the census . is it islam no its something else a little thing called christainty most of the immigrants coming into britain are christian and most are from nations that were changed to be like britain by the imperial power. known as Britain. so i say to you ask a nigerian what sort of schools they have are colleges and you will find that they have the same education system as Britain. and most of the others do.

its not racist to say that britain is been changed its just that you think it is. and no i am not in an ivory tower. have not seen any difference at all. only difference is people are been told by the press that immigrants are getting this and that ahead of you. while a few years ago the same press were saying single mothers are getting this and that ahead of you.

2007-11-10 02:42:58 · answer #3 · answered by BUST TO UTOPIA 6 · 2 3

It is a factual remark. Sometimes it simply is what it is. Is it sexist to note that young women are responsible for the birth of the majority of children? Doesn't mean ALL young women do, doesn't mean older women can't, it's just commenting on the obvious. Racist is an over-used and improperly used word to describe anything people don't want to hear. True or not.

I mean here your "racist" because you want your countries language spoken and your laws obeyed. That's not racism. Not ALL white people speak English.....not ALL "brown" people speak Spanish or are Muslim, we don't single out a particular group that is expected to abide by different standards to keep them "down". We are trying to get everybody playing by the same rules so it is fair and equal. Reality is....they don't want equality....they want "special" privaleges. Pays off to play the victim. Pays off to use language as as a barrier to keep people seperated rather than getting along. Pays off to demand the citizens to do all the changing and adapting and learning a ton of different languages, so they never have to. Problem is the citizens can't even participate in the country they created anymore. The country that was once so good it was why so many people fled to get to these places to begin with. All I can say is if their way worked.....what the heck they doing here? If their "culture" was so condusive to success and freedom.....why are they here? Why would you want something so desperatly and then go there and destroy the exact things that makes it great? Not to mention if it's SO OFFENSIVE.....what are they doing here? Nobody drug them in against their will and forced them here. They came here.......we didn't go to their country. There's a whole world out there.......if they come for just the benefits and no responsibility for anything else.....then they are nothing but leaches....not the type of people who are potential citizens. Not much different than crashing uninvited to a dinner party....eating and enjoying the meal....trashing your house and destroying what they don't like and then refusing to leave. Crying victimhood and racism and any other name along the way.

2007-11-10 02:20:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Its a factual remark. If you added a rude remark after it regarding immigrants, then maybe it would be racist. This is how bad Political Correctness has become, when people don't know the difference between fact and abuse (no offence lol)

2007-11-11 01:18:25 · answer #5 · answered by Darkchild 3 · 0 1

It's not racist because you arn't commenting on whether the change is good or bad. It's simply a factual remark.
If you said that all the immigrants had made Britain a bad place to live, that might be seen as racist.

2007-11-09 21:41:16 · answer #6 · answered by Chris tf 2 · 2 2

it is factual to say that mass imigration has changed Britain but this statement also needs backing up with hard evidence to make it a fact. i.e you would need proof britain had been changed before you could state it as a true fact, not a supposed one.

for it to be racist it would have to mention race , creed or colour. e.g. it would have to be a statment like britain has been changed by the mass imigration of black immigrants, this would actually be factually incorrect, as we have a large number of all races in the uk and racist as we picked on one group and named them.

2007-11-09 21:43:17 · answer #7 · answered by *mental*MooCow* 5 · 2 0

Well even if you did feel that Britain had changed for the worse because of mass immigration that's not even racist.

You've just simply made a statement on what you think, you haven't singled out any race or made any derogatory comments, people nowadays are too scared to say what they think for fear of someone else labelling them as a racist.

2007-11-09 21:47:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Well, if I said that Hitler had the right idea about a few things, I could justify that by pointing to his record on autobahns, unemployment, etc. It wouldn't necessarily make me a Nazi. But if, as a public figure, I just say he had the right idea, without adding that actually Naziism was disgusting and destroyed millions of lives for no reason, and I know that what people will hear is simply "Hitler was right", I might pretend that I'm not a Nazi, but the effect is the same as being one.

That chap the other day knew what people would understand when he said Enoch was right; they would understand not just that Britain has been changed - as it has been by recession and growth, cheap air travel, congestion, new technology....... - they would understand that immigrants are a huge problem, and immigration should be stopped, and immigrants and most likely their descendants should be shipped out, especially if they're non-White.

We all use language as a kind of code. We all know what is meant by sayng Enoch was right. It's not as crude as saying, ****s out!, but the meaning is the same. And so, yes, in my opinion, that is racist and irresponsible.

As for original question, of course immigration has changed Britain. Fifty years of life have changed Britain. Many of the changes are for the good, but it's up to us to make the best of life in this country.

2007-11-09 22:19:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I wouldn't consider those comments racist - your words could mean anything...I don't have ESP....as you say, it is simply a factual sentence according to you, me and anyone else that may agree with you.

In order for me to judge you as a racist person would mean I would need to see evidence of this.....a statement which picks out someones colour (or where they come from specifically) and used against them in a negative way.....surely that is racism?

As I've mentioned before on YA, there are too many people out there willing to label people as racist when in fact they know nothing....unless they really do have ESP (the thought police) and all that nonsense.

2007-11-09 23:42:20 · answer #10 · answered by Leu 4 · 1 2

It's been changed for the worse. There is now more dissatisfaction and social division than at any time in living memory. The indigenous have a poorer quality of life and pay increased taxes, our infrastructure is almost at breaking point. If the truth is considered racist, so be it. I refuse to be bullied into silence.

2007-11-10 08:41:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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