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I turn off the lights when I leave a room, and if it's a sunny day I use the natural light instead of my lights.
I have my TV on for only a few hours, like 3 at the most. Same with my laptop.
I don't drive too much, just to and from school.
I reuse my plastic grocery bags.
Annnd...that's about it, I think. I'm not sure if what I'm doing there will "save the world", but if the world does end or whatever, I'll know that I attempted to save it :}.

What are you doing to help save the environment?

2007-11-09 14:04:58 · 12 answers · asked by Niki C 3 in Environment Green Living

Holy cow you guys are doing a lot! I actually do a lot of the same things you do...shorter showers, turning water off while brushing teeth, gardening, etc. All of these answers are awesome and I will have a hard time choosing just one!

2007-11-10 07:52:48 · update #1

12 answers

* I don't eat any meat or fish, and I eat extremely little dairy products

* I save and reuse plastic bags

* I mend my clothing and continue to wear it

* I turn off the water when I brush my teeth

* I bring my own bag to the grocery store and buy mostly unpackaged foods

* I try to buy organic food products

* I am politically active in the Green Party

* I turn off the water when I brush my teeth

* I refuse plastic bags at the check out

* I belong to one environmental group

* I'm a community organiser of the environmental events (Climate Change Demonstrations, Earth Day, Alternative Christmas Fair, Green Pub, Organic Cafés, Festival on Sustainability and Solidarity with Future Generations etc)

* I recycle, even when it is not convenient

* I own some second-hand / re-use clothing

* I ride bicycle and walk more often than I take bus

* I do not own a car

* I don't buy disposable plates/utensils

* I work part time at the Traffic and Environment Office in my city, working on car-use reduction projects

* I do not shop except for essentials

* I'm doing my Master's Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science with 35 other students from 27 different countries of the world

* Most of my light bulbs are compact fluorescents

* I read/learn a lot about environmental issues

* I give money or volunteer time to green non-profits

* I don't plan to have biological descendants, thus contributing to overpopulation. I would like to adopt a child or two instead (preferably orphans from some developing country)

2007-11-09 21:13:20 · answer #1 · answered by Oleg326756 2 · 0 0

We recycle plastics #1 and #2, aluminum, paper, newspapers, cardboard, and grocery bags back to the store. We also use the energy efficient bulbs, natural sunlight when its possible, we don't leave lights or fans in when we are not in the room. We also switched to using the company Seventh Generation's products which are dye and perfume free, and they make products which are less harmful the environment, i love them. We also use laundry soap that has biodegradeable agents and made from plant products. I had no idea before that we used laundry soap that was bad for the water systems. We also donate all goods to charities, we never throw anything away that could be used by someone else or we ebay it! We also unplug anything that won't be used for long times like laptops, our internet routing systems, credit card terminals, etc. When we go away on vacation, then we unplug everything pretty much. We are working on getting green hosting for our company. We love taking care of God's Green Earth so it can stay that way. Oh, and we also eat alot of organic and natural foods

2007-11-09 16:06:16 · answer #2 · answered by pccents 2 · 1 0

Living green really has to include gardening. I grow veggies in the back yard, and flowers in the front. And of course I have houseplants. Plants purify the air by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They give me food and flowers. I get exercise taking care of them. My garden is home for butterflies, birds and garter snakes (they eat bugs and mice so I don't have to use poison). And plants are just good company. I hope this has given you some ideas on how we can make our own lives better and healthier by living in a way that improves our environment. One of my favorite movies is "It's A Wonderful Life." I do believe that even small things that we do can touch other people's lives in a way that we may never know about. If we do the right thing, then the whole earth will be better for it.

2007-11-09 14:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by jam 2 · 1 0

My home is powered entirely by solar energy.
I use my own reusable shopping bags.
I own a TV, but I haven't watched it in about a week.
I ride a bike locally, a motorcycle for longer distances (it gets around 65-70mpg highway,) and take public transportation to travel any significant distance.
I have a pleasant little garden, where I grow vegetables and a decent variety of herbs.
I'm currently teaching a class on renewable energy at a local college as part of my graduate work.

2007-11-09 21:00:20 · answer #4 · answered by Quaero Sapientiae 3 · 0 0

I have an average size home in Kinakin, Ifugao that is 100% run by wind turbines. This means my electricity is powered by the wind. I have been doing this for almost five years and I acquired my wind turbines from the US but every dollar spent was worth it. Now I have a home that is free of fossil fuels use. I cook my food with a solar powered oven and griller as well.

We recently designed our own wind turbines using local materials and the results are amazing. I am willing to share schematic diagrams to anyone interested in owning a turbine at no cost. All i ask for in return is that you share the technology with others who need it most. For more information check our website at www.ecsmorganbennett.com/green.html

2007-11-09 16:17:24 · answer #5 · answered by Kinakin Kid 2 · 0 0

I'm doing a lot! Check out my website which has tons of solutions. It is www.bepartofthesolution.us Good luck and power to you! We can all save the world if we make and effort!C

2007-11-10 01:29:54 · answer #6 · answered by Diana P 1 · 0 0

i got rid of my SUV and went with a smaller compact car
i have a pig for composting
i am installing geo-thermal energy system for my home to eliminate my oil dependency
I turn off the lights behind everyone else in the house.

2007-11-10 04:47:37 · answer #7 · answered by jsied96 5 · 0 0

* I recycle
* I take showers instead of baths
* I turn off the water when I brush my teeth.
* I walk whenever possible
* I pick up trash
* I use eco-friendly stuff [like, they have the print thing]

2007-11-09 17:37:41 · answer #8 · answered by pinkpoodles 4 · 0 0

Buy the enery efisent light bulbs
take shorter showers
get unplugged

2007-11-09 14:20:22 · answer #9 · answered by Kimberly____=] 2 · 0 0

I keep thermal blanket over waterheater, well insulated doors and windows. Flourescent bulbs, lights of during the day.

2007-11-09 19:08:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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