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Mostly i get it from family members, but sometimes when i tell people that i am a vegetarian they make fun of me for it, saying things like mmm i love a nice bloody steak or why i do it and criticize me. I mean i NEVER push my beliefs on them so i don't see why they can't do the same. I wouldn't be asking this but i do have to deal with my family every day. Everybody else pretty much i don't have to explain anything to.

2007-11-09 08:49:39 · 23 answers · asked by The Crimson King 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

Wow 5 minutes after posting this and already such great advice! Thanks all. I've taken a little bit from everybody's answers and am feeling a lot better.

2007-11-09 09:06:45 · update #1

23 answers

1) Act like you don't care.

2) Convince yourself that you don't care.

3) Stop caring.

That should take the fun out of it if you don't seem like it's utter torment when others poke fun at you.

Your reasons for not eating animals are far above their immature attempts at putting entertainment into their boring lives. Start acting like it.

2007-11-09 08:55:34 · answer #1 · answered by Krister 2 · 9 1

Walking away is usually the best option, because it deprives the tormentor of what he/she wants.

If you can't do that, then it is important to arm yourself with knowledge. If you get into an argument, make sure it is one you can win. You could bring up health, environmental, spiritual, animal rights, etc. to show them how you positively effect yourself and others with your choice.

Or... you could be a d***. I don't mean to offend anyone, but sometimes being a complete a** is the only way to make someone shut up. The one person that just wouldn't leave me alone about my vegetarianism, my uncle, would always eat steak and chew LOUDLY in front of me with his mouth open, making sounds that belong in the bedroom. One day at a family dinner I looked him in the eye and said loudly for everyone to hear, "You know, I'm not a complete d*** to you about what you eat, why don't you feel the need to respect me?" Then I calmly started eating again, while everyone else stared at us in a rather awkward silence. (note: I wouldn't advise doing this until you are older... i.e. I'm 22 and can get away with cussing in front of my family... if you're young you could have a lot more to deal with after a remark like that.)

2007-11-09 09:23:11 · answer #2 · answered by Divided By Zero 5 · 3 0

If they're just trying to give a little jab at me, I jab back -- usually something witty and funny to me. Anything they can dish out, I can dish right back x10. Well, I learnt that being a guy... all through school the guys are always riling each other... basically any given day can turn into a fight, but I learnt that if you fight once, then everyone will want to fight you. So, I just beat them with my wit and made everyone laugh at them.

With family, it's different. My sister used to constantly be on me all the time trying to p*ss me off like those idiot women you see in the movies (reflecting real life apparently) who are just asking to be beat on because she knows that she can get away with it... one day I had had enough... let's just say I made her very afraid for her life -- and it stopped. Give it a try... grab that huge knife they use to cut the roast and that equally huge fork and just go nuts... ha ha ha ha... Give me a call when you plan to do that and invite me to dinner, should make for some great entertainment. Thanks.

2007-11-11 17:42:32 · answer #3 · answered by Scocasso ! 6 · 0 0

It goes both ways doesn't it, you vegans can't accept people eating meat yet you expect everyone to accept your ways. Once the vegans stop going "EWWWW" about meat, then you guys will get less critique about your ways. What would you people do if you are in a plane crash in the snow and all you have left to eat is beef jerky, are you all going to be martyrs and die for your noble cause or would you let it save your life and maybe you can get back to your families. Common sense here. I go through vegan stages and love vegan recipes, I also eat meat , more white than red. I am flexible and have the best of both worlds. I appreciate both sides, why is it so difficult for everyone else, it doesn't make sense to me. If you want to eat veges....go for it, you want to eat meat.....go for it. It's sooo stupid to argue over, so petty. The most ridiculous arguement that vegans give is 'cause it kills animals, get a reality check here, it is what happens on this planet, you might as well tell all of nature right down to the insects to stop doing what they have been doing since time began. You tell the Eskimos and the Inuits and all those who live in places like the ice and snow where it is impossible to grow vegetables to stop eating meat, it's what keeps their people alive, the Caribou, the Whale.........CAPICHE!??

2007-11-09 12:43:27 · answer #4 · answered by Margastar 6 · 2 0

Do not be defensive about it. Your convictions will show through your actions. After a while, no one will notice. They will actually (deep down inside) respect you for it. They won't admit that they will start making more conscious efforts to eat better and cleaner. I myself am not a total vegan, however I do limit what and how much meat I consume. It's the same with my kids any anyone else in my family. These days, whether you are at home or at a restaurant, there is something for everyone. Enjoy!

2007-11-09 09:02:01 · answer #5 · answered by CC65 4 · 2 0

You didn't stop eating meat a month ago if you were still eating chicken and fish. Chicken and fish are still meat. But that's the way to make the change, a little at a time. Laugh along with your friends, or just brush it off. People dropping their food on someone's plate by accident, or on purpose??? I can't believe anyone actually does that. They may say they will. If you laugh along with them and not show it bothers you, they will tire of that game.

2016-05-28 23:52:09 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Largely, the best thing is to ignore it. Regardless of the subject of the teasing, the teaser does it to provoke a reaction from the teased. If you don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you rattled, they'll get bored. Other than that, just be a good example. If you're happily eating a variety of delicious foods and you're healthy and active, they'll absorb the fact (maybe without even noticing) that vegetarianism is something good for you, not something weird to be made fun of.

2007-11-10 05:30:45 · answer #7 · answered by mockingbird 7 · 0 0

I don't eat pork for religious reasons, so I know what that kidding is like. I have mostly ignored their ignorance, because most people who tease don't know facts. I am not a vegetarian, but many of my family are. I guess you could ask them if they'd make fun of you for not smoking or not drinking. You just have a different take on your health. Perhaps education is the best answer. People who don't eat meat are very often healthier & live longer. Hang in there & I wish you luck!

2007-11-09 09:01:47 · answer #8 · answered by pete 1 · 2 1

Well hopefully they're just fooling around with you and just giving you a hard time since you live a different lifestyle than your family. Be proud of your beliefs and dont allow someone else to convince you that vegetarian is wrong because its a good thing.

2007-11-09 08:59:34 · answer #9 · answered by sexyexotik 3 · 1 0

Awwe I'm a vegetarian, but no one really makes fun of me
although my brother will take a bloody steak and parade it in front of my face. Its hard to deal with I know, just ignore it or pretend that it doesn't bother you.

2007-11-09 13:44:55 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

I'd say to just ignore them, but that's far easier said than done.

Check out "Living Among Meat Eaters" by Carol J. Adams for how to deal with the jerks in life who can't accept your veg*anism.

2007-11-09 08:55:51 · answer #11 · answered by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7 · 3 0

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