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stop wasting the natural resources of the Earth or find another planet to live when the natural resources of this planet run out?

2007-10-31 14:29:46 · 7 answers · asked by Io sono... 4 in Environment Green Living

7 answers

Stop wasting the natural resources of the earth. By the time technology gets humans to another planet, if it ever does, too many of the resources needed for a satisfactory quality of life will have been depleted. The other planets in the solar system probably are not habitable. People therefore would have to travel far into space. In the past century, technology has only got humans to the moon.

2007-10-31 15:16:48 · answer #1 · answered by spanner 6 · 0 0

Stop wasting resources. If we do not get into the practice of conserving and using our natural resources wisely, then what are we going to do on some other planet once we have killed this one? Kill that one! There are plenty of natural resources for us, we just need to be using them to develop ways to harvest and use rapidly renewable resources so that we are not dependent on the ones that take millions of years to renew.

2007-11-01 19:13:17 · answer #2 · answered by lam 2 · 0 0

There is no planet B

not within the range of humans, even if all the resources of Earth are devoted to it.

How would you construct a spaceship big enough for 6bn people, capable of recycling oxygen, food & water for multiple generations?
Oh look - we are living on one.

If we can't live within the limits of a spaceship the size of a planet, how ccn we expect to manage anything else?

2007-11-01 09:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by fred 6 · 1 1

Neither. Start using the resources more wisely. Develop new technologies that give us modern conveniences AND conserve the environment.

2007-10-31 21:33:12 · answer #4 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 1 0

ultimately it will be to find work in other far flung locations as the sun is not an infinite source of energy. If anybody is around in however many billion years.

2007-10-31 21:38:10 · answer #5 · answered by vladoviking 5 · 0 0

both options might have to be looked into. our planet is dying so we need to help keep it alive til we can find a new place live.

2007-10-31 21:38:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the latter may turn out to be more important ,since mankind is determined to screw this place up

2007-11-01 00:19:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0