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that takes full advantage of ps3? if so, then can you name them? thanks

2007-10-30 07:54:33 · 4 answers · asked by BaSeBaLlKiD721 6 in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear PlayStation

4 answers

There most likely isn't any games that takes full advantage of the PS3 at this point. I now that Heavenly Sword and Lair both use over 20GB of game data on the Blu-Ray disc and they are both great looking games.

We probably won't see games that take full advantage of the PS3 for least another year or so, but I think that Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 will push the PS3 a little bit further than games out now for the PS3.

2007-10-30 08:02:10 · answer #1 · answered by AdrianClay 7 · 1 0

No unfortunetly not .. but games like GTA 4 .. Metal Gear Solid 4 .. are all good games to buy when they come out .. GTA 4 will be one of those games that will show people why it was worth buying a PS3 .. the Xbox version will most likely require 2 CDs this is why it was pushed back in the release date. They are tying to compress it one one CD so if done expect to have a lot of errors on Xbox .. while it wont even come close to fully using all of PS3 capabilities. MGS 4 is a game that will blow PS3 gamers away .. i heard it will be a very detailed game .. and it will also be very long so you'll enjoy it for a while.

2007-10-30 08:35:52 · answer #2 · answered by Laz 2 · 0 0

Short answer, no, games that take full advantage of the hardware will not come out until the end of the current generation. That's pretty much how consoles work. By the time developers fully realize the potential of a console, the console makers have developed better technology.

2007-10-30 08:02:59 · answer #3 · answered by Jay 3 · 0 0

Not now. Development of the games for PS3 is a totally new thing since PS3 has a structure, that differs from PC's and other consoles. For instance, most of the games (PS3 exclusives) don't even fill up Blu-ray's 54GB. Some of them are around 25GB, but not more. Right now developers already stated it, they are working with devkits really hard.
But it's really good, because we'll enjoy new discoveries, new gaming inventions and technologies for a long time.

2007-10-31 18:44:23 · answer #4 · answered by Bull Goose Loony 7 · 0 0

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