Unbelievable question!! You have no morals
2007-10-30 07:59:15
answer #1
answered by just ask 5
you have stumbled around the Christians and the different religious communities wide-unfold factor to do! Twist the bible/Torah ect to in good shape themselves, in the event that they do no longer like it believe me they're going to discover some way of having out of gods 'regulations'. So I say to you Christians, i ponder whether you will ever get divorced? fairly you mustn't as marriage is sacred for a guy and woman and it would ensue as quickly as. it fairly is superb at how hypocritical religious bodies are.
2016-10-03 00:53:12
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Absolutley not, the reason gay is a "sin" is because when people have sex before they are married. So if you do get married then having sex with someone else while you are married would be wrong. And having sex with antoher person without being married is also wrong. But the churches do not accept gay marriage at all so even having sex with your partner is condisdered wrong to them.
Hope i could help
2007-10-30 07:17:01
answer #3
answered by Kate 1
It's not moral under ANY circumstances.
That's like saying "Is it okay if I rob banks every day as long as I give a percentage to the poor once a month?"
No. It's not okay to sin for ANY reason, and having hetero sex doesn't 'cleanse' you....and having sex outside of a marriage relationship is adultery. Any questions?
2007-10-30 07:12:22
answer #4
answered by lady_phoenix39 6
It's an interesting idea but I don't think I could bring myself to go through with it. I really feel no attraction to the opposite sex.
2007-10-30 07:12:21
answer #5
answered by Murazor 6
Of course, because it's not really about morals, it's about what the Bible says and fulfilling your role in society...
Truth is, there are already too many people in the world. Us gays are doing the rest of you a favor. We can adopt the kids you have and don't want to take responsibility for. Hooray!
2007-10-30 07:11:28
answer #6
answered by ybennoach 2
Oh yeah, having sex with a prostitute would definitely make it moral. You're an idiot.
2007-10-30 07:10:33
answer #7
answered by nina 2
How in the world does that help anything?????
How would doing that make it moral?
I do not understand your logic!
2007-10-30 07:26:04
answer #8
answered by knight_janette 3
No, Homosexuality in itself is immoral, adding adultery to it just makes it worse. It is perversion of what sex is supposed to be
2007-10-30 07:24:32
answer #9
answered by shard1121 1
Darling, that's not merely twisted, it's sprained
2007-10-30 07:14:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous