have any of u people READ what the Bible says? the soul is given to both humans and animals, in genesis, He breathed into them and gave them life. when we die our soul goes back "from where it came" to God. We as humans, also have spirits which are made to be eternal and that is your choice to give that to God or sin.
Secondly, the Bible says that the "soul" is called nephesh and is located in the blood of humans and animals. their lifeblood so to speak. it is a spiritual thing, the giving of life, the creation of it. that is why it cannot be found, it is intangible.
2007-10-30 05:06:31
answer #1
answered by jade4e83 4
First you would have to define what you mean by soul. When I hear the word soul I think of that filter through which we experience human existence. Soul being the interface between the conscious awareness we call "I" and the physical being. Many people think of the soul as the personality + conscious awareness because they can't differentiate between the two. Scientists have identified many parts of the brain that contain the different elements of personality but they have no way of determining whether the brain is the generator of these traits or just the physical interface where they are stored. Either way, what we call soul is nonphysical so can not be measured by physical means, therefore, science at it's current state of development does not have the means to "find" it. An eye can never see itself, only it's reflection.
2007-10-30 07:00:57
answer #2
answered by Tamara S 4
according to the bible the soul is the whole entity of man GENESIS 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the of life; and MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL. 1 PETER 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, EIGHT SOULS were saved by water.
2007-10-30 05:38:52
answer #3
answered by gen c 2
Scientists will never find it because the soul is spiritual, supernatural, while science is restricted to the study of the natural universe in natural terms. Anything supernatural lies completely outside the purview of science, and science can never make any valid statement about any such things.
2007-10-30 04:44:28
answer #4
answered by PaulCyp 7
Third Ventricle Heart, Back side
They haven't found it because they aren't supposed to yet.
The angels of God ... help out in this part of the Universe by doing what they do—overseeing the balance of this solar system by keeping all things in their proper order according to the eternal laws of nature. However, they work for the Creator, who is the Father. Angels ...work unseen to serve the purposes of the eternal plan of salvation... . One of their jobs is to make sure no unworthy soul discovers the power and knowledge of God; knowing that if an unrighteous soul did, a possibility might arise which could disrupt the delicate balance that exists in nature to perpetuate happiness.
...these angels are exalted beings far more advanced than any mortal. They come from other solar systems, some from other galaxies, to oversee the planets of this solar system, assuring that all things follow their outlined course of providing happiness for those who are assigned here.
In these latter times, they have allowed the knowledge (“fire”) to come down from heaven, figuratively, to make it possible that “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” has the opportunity to learn of each other, and to learn the things that are necessary to promote peace and equality—the forerunners of joy and happiness.
As these latter times progress, the world will become more closely connected unlike any other time in its short human history. Through the means of communication being introduced, the day will come when every living soul will have access to knowledge; not necessarily the truth, but vast amounts of information. As we begin to experience the effects of this knowledge, we are able to discern the difference between what brings lasting happiness, and what causes our stresses and unhappiness.
All of our experience, understanding, wisdom, and knowledge that we gain in mortality, will lead us to one ubiquitous conclusion: Doing unto others what we would have them do unto us in all situations is the only way to lasting happiness—this is the “everlasting gospel” of which John speaks.
2007-10-30 05:11:50
answer #5
answered by smallone 4
thats an interesting question, most people thought it was located in the brain. however, recent science has shown that a person can live with half a brain. this being stated. if we could find a way to transfer a full brain to a new body, then it would be assumed you the controler of the brain would control the body. but if we moved just half the brain which body would you control?
2007-10-30 04:41:49
answer #6
answered by Adam of the wired 7
The Soul died with James Brown. The best we can hope for now is the pale facsimile of a recording.
2007-10-30 04:44:05
answer #7
answered by average person Violated 4
Scientific instruments can only detect that which they are designed to detect. Therefore, a theory must be developed to predict what a soul is made of and how to go about testing for its existence. As no such working theory exists, no detector can be designed or built.
2007-10-30 04:43:02
answer #8
answered by mzJakes 7
The bible states "The soul that is sinning; It will die"
From that we must conclude the soul and body are one and the same. About the spirit.......It is the life force given us at conception by God. Belongs to him, and at death returns to him.
2007-10-30 04:50:18
answer #9
answered by Initial contact 6
Scientists typically don't go looking for supernatural nonsense, unless there is compelling evidence. Where is the evidence for a soul?
2007-10-30 04:43:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous