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2007-10-27 18:18:49 · 26 answers · asked by dazed and confused 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

There is no such evidence.


So kind of our friends below to bear witness to the fact.

2007-10-27 18:22:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

Aesity means self-existence. Aesity explains the metaphysical nature of God as a purely self-existent being that exists in complete actuality. God is not a being that is created by another god; neither does God create himself into existence. Rather, God has always existed as an unchanging, completely actualized being.

God has his Being of himself and to himself such that he is Absolute being and the definition of existence.
Since God’s essence is his nature and God’s existence is the same as his essence it follows that God is existence.

2007-10-29 07:03:12 · answer #2 · answered by cashelmara 7 · 0 0

Unfortunately, religion in general is more about belief and faith than any foundation in fact. If you added up all the time that the events of the New Testament claims took place in Jesus' life minus 40 days in the wilderness, you have a book about roughly two weeks of the life of a man that isn't even mentioned in the records of the Romans who supposedly executed him. Not to mention that his execution only lasted 3 hours by a method that normally took days.

No Christian bashing, just fact.

If you're talking the God of the Christian Creation myth, there is no empirical evidence of his personage or origin. Again just religious dogma.

"God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!" right?

2007-10-27 18:37:08 · answer #3 · answered by cyrusbblackthorne 3 · 4 1

I have to address lynn first: the Bible is not the oldest book. Read Gilgamesh.

There is no evidence that the Christian deity exists. However, we know that Nanauatl exists, because he's in the sky every day, keeping our planet warm and our plants growing.

2007-10-27 18:31:10 · answer #4 · answered by 雅威的烤面包机 6 · 3 1

Although it is necessary to respond to God in faith, which is not necessarily based on evidence that you can see or touch, I have seen evidence of God's existence in the way that my life has changed since I became a Christian. For years I tried to overcome so many things, including depression, addiction and insecurities, to no avail. My life in Christ, and his grace, has enabled me to live a joyful, peaceful life. I have not taken the antidepressant medications that I took for 10 years for over three years now, I have been free from addiction for about 6 years, and I grow more and more confident in my value in the eyes of God every day. I could not bring about these changes, and many others, on my own effort; but now my life is completely changed. That's enough proof for me.

2007-10-27 18:44:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

There are many, many evidences. For one, you would get testimonial evidence, allowable in a court of Law, telling you that God works in those who trust Him.

And by the Bible, a test of a true prophet is whether or not a prophecy comes true. And Jesus prophesied that he would send the Holy Spirit ( the end of John 15, in the midst of
John 16 ) , to those who were in the world. He delivered on that promise when I began to trust God. Therefore, Jesus is a true prophet, amongst the other things that he said he is.

You see, God is a big time genius! He has PROOF of Himself. And He can give a person the proof, and not give the proof to others. I can tell you about the truth, but only He can give you the proof. A genius I tell you!

God gives the proof to those He loves. He only loves certain people. That makes some people angry. But after they get over it, they will either also trust Him, or they will be in constant rebellion to Him. Neither is new, but one He blesses. The other He curses. So, I just think it's smarter to trust Him, don't you?

2007-10-27 18:29:16 · answer #6 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 6

That a divine being exists can be reasoned to with some probability, but that the specifically christian conception of God is true (formulated by you as that the christian God exists) can't be claimed on strictly rational grounds.

The classical proofs for the existence of God don't work, if for no other reason than that they contain an implicit circularity. That circularity is this: in order to prove the existence of God, you have to know that the sort of being that you are calling God is of such & such a nature. For, suppose that God does indeed exist but is different from your conception of the divine, then if you prove the existence of a being that's different from the God who does indeed exist, you have really proved an error. So in order to prove the existence of God correctly conceived, you must first know that that being exists, & you must know about that being whatever your proof requires you to know ~ & you must assert this in your proof to show that your proof isn't irrelevant.

The existence of the mind/soul suggests that it must have a divine source, but the implication isn't a proof, & it doesn't enable one to characterize the divine in any detail ~ certainly not to the degree that a christian conception of God requires.

Similarly, supposing that the big bang really happened, then one can infer that some divine being was the source of the conditions that led up to it. But again, that doesn't enable one to characterize the divine being to the degree that the christian conception of God requires.

Reason alone enables one to conclude that the existence of a divine being is more or less probable, but reason alone will not enable one to say very much about that divine being. One has to go to other sources in order to arrive at more detailed conceptions, & those other sources are quite fallible; hence, the conceptions that they propose are quite uncertain. This is to say that there are no evidences that the specifically christian God exists at all, even if a divine being does exist & the existence of such a being can be shown to be likely.

If you believe that those sources, or better, the sources that you prefer to use, are infallible, you are simply indulging in delusion.

1] If you maintain that certain texts or certain traditions are infallible, you are relying either on your desires, your ingrained habits, or on selective reasoning based on third parties who can scarcely claim to have any real knowledge about whether any given texts or traditions are truly inspired. Desires: one wants certain things to be true, hence one treats them as being true. Ingrained habits: otherwise known as indoctrination. Third parties: God is the first party, his messenger is the second party, everyone else is a third party. What makes any third party privy to a knowledge of what passed between the first two parties? A council declares that these books are canonical (infallible), but those books aren't. This is a convenient step towards defining a sect, but what real knowledge is this declaration based on? One might say, well, God wouldn't let his church, his pope, his council, go astray, so he would inspire in them the correct knowledge. But that presupposes the truth of the sect that is claiming the divine assistance for itself, which is begging the question, & even if that sect does have a monopoly on the truth, there's no guarantee that God would keep them from doctrinal or from practical error. For the sake of argument, let's suppose that the jews were the chosen people. Still, they were convinced that God wouldn't allow certain things to happen to them, above all, that God wouldn't allow his holy temple to be desecrated & destroyed, yet it happened just the same. So even if God does institute some kind of human organization, there's no guarantee that he's going to keep it pure in the ways that are being claimed for it.

2] Unless one can distinguish between himself & God, he cannot make any claim to having experienced God directly & received some kind of knowledge about God or about God's will. What is the scope of the human self? I don't think that anyone knows. But unless one knows, one can't possibly say that this experience of mine comes from God, because that experience could as well be something of oneself that one mistakenly believes to be God or to come from God.

So given these last two considerations, there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the specifically christian God exists.

2007-10-27 19:01:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Ask and you shall receive, I am absolutely certain, I've seen and experienced Gods love too many times, and I've seen evil, and you do not want evil, God tells us in the Bible, That Bible is the oldest book. They cannot get rid of it, why, because God wants us to have His word.
There is all sorts of physical evidence, that clearly puts the Bible with History, and Prophesies coming true, Israel becoming its own state in 1948 is only one, The Mesiah was clearly prophesized in many places, Isaiah is full of prophesy.
There are archeological digs where artifacts are turning up to proove, the dead sea scrolls, there are too many,
But the one way you will know the Truth is to trust, have faith and believe, that Jesus Christ went to that cross for your sins, you don't have to, you just need to confess them, turn from them, and ask forgiveness and truly mean it, asking The Lord into your life,and if you mean it, You will be saved, God does not lie, when you are saved through Jesus Christ you will never ask this type of question again, you will be answering these types of questions.

2007-10-27 18:28:08 · answer #8 · answered by Lynn C 5 · 0 6

Do not rely on evidence. Rather, rely on faith.

There are of course, the cases where STD's were cured, my personal case - where I have been in near-death experiences, yet I have no broken bones, no fractures, et cetera - and the following analogy (I'm sure you've heard it before): Just because you cannot see the air, it does not mean that it does not exist. Just because I've never been to China, it does not mean that it does not exist. I'm sure that there is air, I'm sure that there is a China, and I'm sure that there is a brain in my head, even though I've never seen it.

2007-10-27 18:28:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

All things denote there is a god...

We exist.

We all yearn for something MORE...

But most of the evidences are internal... ie can't be proven. If it could be proven, we would no longer be able to show our faith. Why should God make "faith" so important that he would rather hide himself than let us have sure knowledge?

Faith is the principle of all action. We never know if we will succeed until we give it a try.

2007-10-27 18:26:42 · answer #10 · answered by MumOf5 6 · 1 6

There is no amount of evidence in the universe that will make someone believe something if they don't want to believe to start with

2007-10-27 18:26:04 · answer #11 · answered by M-S 3 · 2 5

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