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ok, so give me your opinions, thought or beliefs on this situation.

i understand being a homsexual is a sin in christian faith. So take this example. What if a blind lady and a homosexual person went to the same church for years and years, both had strong faith and wanted to be healed. The blind person wanted to be healed of blindness and be given the ability to see. The homosexual wanted to be healed of being attracted to the same sex and to be straight. Everyweek and every church meeting they get prayed for to be healed.
they continue to do so for the rest of their lives. the blind person was never able to see and the homsexual was never "healed" either.
It was up to god to heal them. and he chose not to. does that mean the church still discriminates against the homosexual when all his life he wanted to be healed.
If god chose not to give the blind person sight, does that mean he can also chose not to heal the homosexual?

what are your thoughts. thanks. -agnostic.

2007-10-27 17:51:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

First of all you are asking a question which HAS no "healing" to be performed on the part of the homosexual. Maybe the blind person, but not the homosexual. Homosexuality, is NOT a physical ailment or impairment. It is how the person is born GENETICALLY. For the Lord to heal a homosexual person, the Lord would have to SEE that the person is suffering a physical impairment and SEXUAL PREFERENCES is "not" a concern of the Lord in heaven. The proof of this is when Jesus was asked about the woman who wound up married to seven brothers, one at a time and only after each one died. After being married to the seventh, she herself died. Jesus was asked, to "whom" she would be married in heaven. Jesus replied,"In heaven marriage does not exist." OR "In heaven there is no such thing." In THIS world, we are concerned with the matters of the FLESH, in HEAVEN are the concerns of the SPIRIT. Christians who JUDGE homosexuals, judge THEMSELVES and the Lord in heaven judges their spiritual IGNORANCE. If fleshly things come between them and the Lord, how can they be SPIRITUAL ? Those who concern themselves to fill themselves up with prejudices on the matter of the FLESH, are of no use to the LORD.

2007-10-27 18:12:18 · answer #1 · answered by Theban 5 · 1 2

Unfortunately, the blind cannot stop practicing being blind, all such can do is wait in faith.

In a sense, if homosexuality is an inborn trait obviously this is no more a sin than others -- however, just because the person has an inborn tendency does not mean that he has the right to give in to this tendency! The practice of homosexuality bars all who engage in this from inheriting the kingdom!

Thus, the Bible shows that salvation is accorded to the 'wicked' that leave their wicked ways.

As to the homosexual person, if he does not practice his homosexuality and simply abstains totally from sex totally, or marries a person of the opposite gender (no difference to God) -- this person obviously may -- by thus exercising his faith in this one area while also doing other good works -- rest assured of his salvation if he gets baptized and practices other works of faith.

Jesus himself said that some were born eunuchs and that others made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom --maybe he had this sort of person in mind too?

This problem is no different from an alcoholic who has been told to abstain totally from drinking due to health problems by a doctor. The drunkard has a strong urge to drink but must not if he doesn't want to die prematurely.

2007-10-28 01:06:48 · answer #2 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 0 1

Extend that logic to include any sin, say, murder. Someone wilth an urge to kill prays for relief from the urge, but God doesn't "heal" that person of the impulse to kill. Should that person now feel justified in killing? No, because it is still immoral behavior and having the urge is not equal to being forced to commit the act. On the other hand, physical defects are neither moral nor immoral. If God does not heal blindness, we accept this as a revealing of God's will. However, if God does not remove an urge to evil, we must still resist it, because it is never God's revealed will for anyone to sin.

2007-10-28 01:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In response to your question, either God is a tyrant who would rather not heal those who ask, or God cannot heal everyone who asks. I prefer the latter option and tend toward process theology anyway.

On a somewhat related note, while the church in general is pretty clear on its stance concerning GLBT persons, the Bible is not - it has been grossly misinterpreted over this issue.

Many persons will appeal to the Levitical codes in the Biblical book by the same name. If one wants to appeal to those codes for a Biblical norm concerning homosexuality, then they'd also have to adopt the whole code, which none can nor intend to do. Read Leviticus if you haven't already (if you are interested) and see how many laws one would have to follow in order to be consistent. Interestingly, the Lev. codes do not mention lesbians.

As for the New Testament, many will point to I Corinthians, Romans, and I Timothy as books which admonish homosexual persons. Again, the bible is unclear. The 2 terms that are frequently translated as homosexual (malakoi and arsenokoitai) are difficult to render into English - 1) because they are rare words and defining them is difficult and 2) they normally only appear in lists in the period literature (particularly the latter term) and are therefore contexually difficult to define.

It seems that malakoi may man 'effeminate man.' Although this is uncertain. If this is the meaning, then one would also have to adopt what would make a man effeminate in the first century, which is far more restrictive than our current definition today. Many men would be considered 'malakoi' today by a 1st century definition.

Arsenokoitai is so rare that it is irresponsible to assign any kind of 'hard' meaning. It probably points to some sort of male sexual immorality, but homosexuality is too narrow a term. It could mean 'male temple prostitutes,' 'male rapists,' 'men who have sex with boys,' etc. Defining the term is incredibly difficult and words like sodomite, homosexual, etc., are far too narrow given the etymology of the word.

Sorry to go on a little rant here, but it is aggravating that many assume that the Bible is against homosexuality (not that you do in your question, but just thought I'd go for it anyway). Nice question.

Fellow agnositc (50%)/atheist(30%)/believer(20%)

2007-10-28 01:06:45 · answer #4 · answered by Tukiki 3 · 1 3

Well, here's how I see it, and I am a Christian:

Everyone is a sinner, but those who have put their faith in the work of Christ are forgiven. Not every Christian will be healed from our illnesses or weaknesses...sometimes we just have to live with them, learn how to cope with what has been dealt us and try and avoid the temptations that could lead us to engage in sinful behaviors.

I personally believe that things that sins cannot be completely avoided, but if we know something is a sin and we continue to do it, it's willful disobedience - and that can lead to consequences. The consequences for a man who acts on homosexual desires can be anything from life-threatening disease to destruction of the lower bowel. For a woman it may not be quite as physically devastating, but it still may have consequences.

The great thing about Jesus and being a REAL follower of Christ is that you can love the sinner - although you hate the sin. It's also important for people to realize that since we are ALL sinners, you can't go around pointing out the splinters in others eyes when there is probably a big huge plank sticking out of yours!

I have had a lot of gay friends in my life, and unfortunately - most of them are now dead. If they hadn't acted on their desires, they might still be alive - it's impossible to say. But I personally believe that homosexuality is a preference, not a genetic predisposition. Although...I did have a friend (now dead) who exhibited very feminine behavior as a kid, tried dating women (even married one), but still engaged in homosexual behavior. He told me he didn't believe there were any actual homosexuals, but they are more likely bisexual. I think he might have been right about that.

2007-10-28 01:13:43 · answer #5 · answered by RayeKaye 6 · 1 2

That is why you are and agnostic,because in your words and mind you limit God. Jesus knew and he knows the heart. He said if we believe with our hearts we will be saved and healed. We often worship God with our lips but are hearts are far from him. We appear to men to be religious but we do not know God. We can get caught up in traditions and rituals.So we can continue to do just that for the rest of our lives and still do not know a thing about God. Paul said I count all I know as dung. Forgetting things behind. He know longer looked at his past. He wanted to gain interest in Christ and the power of the Holy spirit. Philippians chapter 3. I pray for that day that I can do the same. It is the lord that cleanse us. We can not do anything without him. So I am attracted by him daily and I am prompted to read and understand the word of God and what he is doing in me. God gives us the desire to serve him, we can not take credit for a change of heart and mind. So we praise him for what he does in us and through us. The Holy spirit does all of the work. It opens blind eyes and removes that sexual spirit. God said ask and keep on asking. Luke chapter 18. The judge and the widow. He said I must answer her request lest she worry me by keeping coming. He had know fear of God nor man yet she kept coming to him and he was weary of it. God said how much will I do for us his people if we come and come and come in prayer. God says my people die from the lack of knowledge.

2007-10-28 01:33:14 · answer #6 · answered by God is love. 6 · 0 0

Let he wiyhout sin cast the first stone. We are to love not judge,and hate. I love homosexuals,most of them are a lotbeter than so called christians. God is the judge,we are not. Hisjudgments,always are for good,mans are not.

2007-10-28 01:05:10 · answer #7 · answered by prophet of restitution 3 · 1 1

God loves the sinner, but if the homosexual really want to go out of it he\she can to it but by the blood of Jesus Christ, God want all their sons to be ok and trust me someone who really want a chage in their life and permit God to help,heal them well God would get them out of all sin, i dont think that God wouldnt make the homosexual free. if we have the disire of changing, all what we need is to desire God in all our life and make a difference in it...

2007-10-28 01:07:52 · answer #8 · answered by ann 2 · 0 1

The church does not discriminate to those who doesn't study and get a C for the test.

2007-10-28 00:56:36 · answer #9 · answered by bobanalyst 6 · 1 1

It is a sin, but God died for it. God has not designed homosexuality for us. We can win that

2007-10-28 00:56:08 · answer #10 · answered by Nina, BaC 7 · 5 0

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