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i cant frigging stop.
i cut and cut untill my wrist is compeletly raw and i have to wear stuff that covers it.

whats wrong with me?

why cant i stop, and why do i do it?
should i get help? how do i tell my parents?

2007-10-27 16:51:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

16 answers

Cutting yourself is not good, no matter how much better it makes you feel. There is help.


Self Harm Hotline


Help for "cutters"

2007-10-28 10:32:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is hard, very hard to stop cutting. Do not listen to people who say "You are stupid, immature" and other things. You do not need their negativity. You are probably stressed out and upset about life, a certain event, or something like that. Just think, about what may trigger you to want to cut. A memory? A word? A sound? What. That is a important step. Then next thing you need to realize that you cannot beat this on your own. It is hard very very hard to do this. You should tell your parents, but if you honestly cannot, then find a friend or a teacher, who then yes will tell your parents, but can explain what is going on to them, easing the pressure on you. There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not alone. Just please, find something else to do, write, scream into a pillow, hit a pillow (walls just do as much damage), or if have to have pain to feel better, wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you feel like you want to cut. Also, drawing with red marker where you want to cut can help too. Good luck, and please email me if you want to talk.

2007-10-28 00:00:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's good that you realize that you might have a problem. I was a cutter myself all throughout high school. I didn't know why I did it, maybe it was all the drama in my home life and not feeling right in my head that lead to it. What you need to do is sit down with someone you trust.... a peer counselor, a teacher, a pastor, a doctor, someone you really feel you could open your self up to. Build yourself a support system. Tell them how you feel, and that you feel you need help. Sometimes, I used to feel so numb inside that the only way i could let it out, a release, was to cut. To see that I was human and that I could feel. That I wasn't crazy. The next thing to do is to seek psychiatric help. Maybe its a chemical imbalance in your brain that's makin you feel this way. That's what it was with me. I am on some good meds now, after 20 years and I feel the best i've felt in a long time. Good luck, help is out there, don't give up, You don't have to feel this way.

2007-10-28 00:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by Kara I 1 · 0 0

For me, I couldn't stop because I felt so sick inside that I had to release it somehow. The only way you will beat it, is by "outting" yourself and getting therapy. It's a long road, but it's needed. It's hard to tell you parents, I cried for a while before I could get the courage. I would suggest you say "Mom, Dad.. I have a problem and I think I need to go to the doctors. I love you and don't be alarmed, but I have to get help". Show them, then head to the hospital. The doctors, and your subsequent therapist will help explain it to them. They will be upset and they will be sad -- it's natural.

You are doing the right thing by talking about it. I started the process of recovering a few months ago. I haven't stopped but you make progress that makes you feel good.

Good luck

2007-10-28 00:02:52 · answer #4 · answered by Spider in the Salt 2 · 0 0

Instead of trying to control your life by cutting and deciding that pain is ok if you do it yourself, learn to control your MIND. Controlling your body is easy, it's a cheap way out and it doesn't help in the long run.

Meditate, learn self hypnosis, learn astral projection and lucid dreaming. Turn your brain from an enemy into your best friend. There's a million ways to do it, and they are all worth it.

Find Jesus, find Buddha. Become a scientologist for crying out loud, but don't just be another wasted bright girl who cuts herself.

You need to find a few ways to cope with the depression, that's all.

Diaries are good. Every day be sure to write down 5 things that went RIGHT, that you're grateful for. Meditation can help, so can positive affirmations. All three are ways to choose what your mind thinks about. If you take control of your thoughts, and choose not to feel bad, believe it or not, you can drive depression and suicidal thoughts away.

You know how if you try you can convince yourself that you feel sick? It works the other way too, you can convince yourself you feel great.

MEDITATION FOR DUMMIES is a good book, THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING is another. Your local library should have both.

Do this for a month, every day. Lay down in a quiet room, close your eyes, and take slow deep breaths. make each inhale and exhale last as long as you can.

First say to yourself "I feel my toes relaxing." and they will. Then say "I feel my ankles relaxing" and they will. Go all the way to the top of your head until you reach the top of your head.

Imagine that as you exhale that red smoke it blowing out your mouth as you exhale, taking away all the stress with it. As it goes out of you, you'll feel your body getting lighter.

Just lay there, calmly breathing, blowing out the stress, for about 20 minutes.

2007-10-28 00:51:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Little One you need to tell your parents so you can start the healing process. I know where you are at. I use to cut on myself until it bled and bled and all for what? I wasn't hurting anybody but myself and there's the missing link. One feels like they need to punish themselves or sometimes the pain involved in the cutting masks the pain they are already feeling in real life. For some reason we feel outer pain can mask the inner pain we feel. It doesn't work. All it does is make us feel more guilty for cutting so we cut some more to make up for the pain of cutting in the first place! Cutting is a cry for help. Secretly we want to get caught. For someone, anyone to make us stop. Make that first step! Tell your parents. You are special. You don't deserve the pain and scarring associated with cutting! Stop the cycle and get off! I wish you the best dear!

2007-10-28 00:08:11 · answer #6 · answered by Fondy Shotgun 28 3 · 0 0

from someone that had the problem about 2 years ago im 17 now so when i was 15 i was a big cutter it felt as if it was the only pain in my life that i could controll.So i kept doing it and hiding it.I then Slowly relized i needed help,i didnt know how to tell anyone at all.So i showed it to a friend that i knew would take it seriously i told her i didnt know what to do.She then went with me to my school concerler and my concerler told my dad, it was a hard thing to do but it seemed like it was something that was manditory.I still seem to feel like cutting once in a while but then i thought of the pain that it caused me and people in my life.So u do need to tell it wont be easy but it works out in the end.

2007-10-28 00:07:57 · answer #7 · answered by Star_Dust 2 · 0 0

There is never a easy way to answer this question of yours. My best friend used to cut, when we were younger. She would call me everytime she felt the temptation, then we would sit in her room, or alone together, until she felt better. But, as time went by, I started to realize that the thoughts she was having in the first place was very dangerous to her health. This is a very serious issue, and you need to seek help before it comes a bigger issue. I would sit down with your parents and discuss it with them. Tell them you have tried to stopped, but don't have the will-power to do it yourself. Hopefully they will understand and maybe set up a meeting with a professional who could help you more than anyone on here. But mostly, you need to understand that you are the only you in this world, and i know it sounds cheesy and repetitious, im sure, but its true. Please get help. Good Luck.

2007-10-27 23:59:30 · answer #8 · answered by christy s 2 · 0 0

Yes you need to get some help cutting yourself is self destructive. My idea to get some help would be write down what you are doing and that you desire to get help for this problem and give your letter to your Mom or your school counselor or a sister. Somebody else close to you needs to know you are in trouble so they can try and help you.

An example if you had a Friend that was doing this and she was scared to death would you want her to trust you enough to tell you so you could help her? If I were a betting person I would bet you would try and help her.

You are not alone lots of people have done this and got help for it so don't be afraid to step up and get the help you need you are worth it and you deserve to get better.

2007-10-28 00:04:26 · answer #9 · answered by mdjgirl7 4 · 0 0

You will have to tell somebody immediately, before you end up fatally injuring yourself.

Something is very wrong with the way your mind set is right now. Why on earth would you cut yourself for no reason?

You may act and be normal, but it is very wrong to self harm. Please get help about this either from your doctor or your family or friends or whoever you can trust and know can help you.

2007-10-28 07:46:49 · answer #10 · answered by Gothic Princess 4 · 0 0

I've never cut but i can imagine the feeling of having to deal with permanent scars with people looking at them and judging and having to wear long sleeve shirts. This is an issue you definatley need to get help with. Tons of people have had this problem so your not at all alone but you need to be strong and fight it or take out your anger on something else. talk to someone or get up and be active whenever you have the urge. maybe you have an anxiety problem; this could not be your fault at all. When you tell your parents just be like, "This is not easy but mom, dad, i cut myself. i'm telling you this because i always want to be honest with you and i admit i need you to help me to get healthy" or just speak from your heart. best wishes!

2007-10-28 00:04:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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