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if Im a sinner as you all say..then why did god give me this life in the 1st place...bit of a waste surely? I have never hurt someone intentionally nor have i killed or commited adultery..in fact the 10 commandments i have lived by....so why should i listen to bigoted idiots like you who tell me im a sinner and im disgusting to God??
God is the only one to judge me...now run along and play nicely...or is that a sin too?

2007-10-27 16:22:53 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

I agree with you razzle. If there is any kind of well meaning god for humanity it would not have such a closed minded approach to humanity. Like..... let's just say that the Christians are right.... then billions of people whose hearts are filled with love are condemned to hell for one abomination or the other from eating shellfish to working on a Sunday. It all doesn't add up. None of the other faiths are any better... all these canonic rituals are culturally specific. That tells me that they are man made.. not made at the hands of any god.

But I don't know why you are torturng yourself asking these bigoted fools this question!


2007-10-27 20:06:57 · answer #1 · answered by Icy Gazpacho 6 · 0 0

Dear razzle.....I don't know who is telling you all that crap but.......dismiss it entirely. We are all put on this earth for a reason..someday you'll find out what that is. I don't know how old you are, but being different at any age is not easy. My whole life I have danced to the beat of a different drummer and never ever tried to be "like them". Although I am not gay I do know how it feels to be judged because I didn't fit in. I didn't care! I really liked me and I still do. I do not fit the standards of the "norms" of society. I dressed differently, hung out with "different" people and kept to myself because I liked it that way. I don't believe any person has any right to judge another simply because they are not the same. Your choice of attraction is yours. Nobody elses. You are right to say God is the Judge of us all and those with the homophobia will surely be judged for judging others! How cool! Anyway, stay as you are, be happy and let the fools go on to someone else to try and make miserable. Show them that you don't give a care what they think or feel. They have no power over you..only if you give it to them!

It is a sin to do many things, lie cheat steal hurt others...read the new testament where it clearly states to be like Jesus...that's all you need to concern yourself with. We are all different and the same in many ways. In other cultures, like the native americans ,you would be considered a sacred being with close contacts to the spirt world...highly looked upon. Everyone has their own pre-concieved ideas about what they fear and don'y know. Racism is still alive and well in America against our brown skinned and black skinned brothers and sisters, and mostly out of ignorance. Stand up and tell these fools, what are you so afraid of? Do you want knowledge about who I am because I am just like you....more alike than different.
My heart goes out to you especially if you are in high school...but be assurred, it gets better in college. It also depends where you live. In Los angeles or New york city you would be fine. If you are from a small narrow minded town think about your future and possibly attending school elsewhere where people have less biases and prejudices.
I believe God loves all those who try to be like him...and not hateful ,hurtful and horrible. You will be just fine, keep your head up and if it helps, I love you too! ( Just the way you are)

2007-10-27 16:46:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all, God loves everyone and He does not find you disgusting-- only bigots who are projecting their own phobias onto you say things like that, and I apologize for them.

That being said, I find it interesting that you would consider your life a waste if you were not called to Christian marriage. Simply having the desire to be with another man is not a sin, because you cannot help it. However, Christian life is full of choices between right and wrong actions. I commend you for following the commandments and trying to live a good life. You clearly understand, then, that sometimes choosing to do what is morally right comes at a cost to us as individuals. In this case, what is morally right is celibacy.

"But that's so unnatural!" you might say. However, is life not about more than sex? Should it even be our priority in figuring out the direction of our life? First and foremost we are children of God, and anything that we do that interferes with that relationship should, hopefully, not matter to us as much as our relationship with God.

That being said, I don't think homosexuality is as big a deal as a lot of people do. Ideally those who are not going to be married (one man and one woman) would remain celibate, but honestly the Church has bigger fish to fry right now with war, poverty, famine, disease, and exploitation going on in the world, IMO.

2007-10-27 16:44:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You confess I am homosexual. It is in your thoughts so it must be in your acts. How can one commit adultry if you are having sex with the same sex? Unless the lover is bisexual.

There are lots of people that have not done a thing and lived by the commandments,so they say. Yet God said love is the greatest one. If one loves then they will fulfill all of them.

Do you have to listen to us. God cares for you but he does not go for the lifestyle of men and women. Sexual or otherwise. We all or bigots and disgusting to God!
Do you pray and ask God what is up with this Homosexual thing? God gives us life. But we choose a life. Most of the time without God or his approval. Our lives belong to God.
Yet we do anything and everything and say we have no sin. Wipe our lips and shout I am ok and you are ok. Oh,no do not judge me. Well we have been judged already. God says if we judge ourselves by his word then we are not judged.Do you know the word of God and what God calls is obediance?

2007-10-27 16:48:15 · answer #4 · answered by God is love. 6 · 0 2

You're right-- any judgement should only come from God. According to the Bible, all humans are sinners & saved purely through grace "lest any man should boast." How could God be disgusted by His/Her own creation? You sound intelligent, very reflective & essentially a good person. Live your life & don't listen to biggoted rants.

2007-10-27 16:47:31 · answer #5 · answered by Catkin 7 · 1 1

First, you are not a sinner just because you were born. You are a sinner because you have broken God's Laws (10 Commandments).

Second, Jesus said if you are even ANGRY at someone to hate them, you are guilty of murder.

Third, Jesus said that if you even LOOK upon another person with sexual desires, you're already guilty of adultery.

Third, I dare say that you have NOT lived by the 10 commandments. If nothing else, you have broken the 1st which states "I am the LORD your God. ... You shall have NO OTHER GODS before me." the second is "You shall not worship ANY thing else (ie graven images, et cetera)." Third, "You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain." Fourth, "Honor the Sabbath day (Saturday) to keep it holy." Fifth, "Honor your father and your mother". The list goes on.

Fourth, you are judgemental by calling Christians "bigoted idiots".

Fifth, no one is saying "you're disgusting to God" - He made you in His own image, and He loves you dearly. So much so, that He came to earth as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to die for your sins!

Sixth, you are right - God WILL judge you - nobody else will - but He WILL, and you can bank on that!

Seventh, (homosexuality is really down at the bottom of this list!), but seventh (and last), I have to ask you, if somebody is born with a tendency towards alcoholism, does it make it ok if he or she acts on that tendency and becomes an alcoholic just because they were born that way? (You can also substitute "murderer", "thief", or any other convenient sin in the place of "alcoholic"). What makes you think that using "nature" over "nurture" is an excuse?

Now, go run along and play nicely! Everything you DO is a sin, because you are living a self-centered, selfish lifestyle, if you are not living for God!

2007-10-27 16:35:22 · answer #6 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 2 5

Don't think homosexual were sinners.
When the blunders and slip-ups with human errors was not of their own doing.
While living in misery out there.
The only problem is our creator's universal laws that have to be practice in avoiding the self destruction of one self.
Still can continue on living.
Trying to be the Son of God.
Leviticus 18.1-30
What do you think?

2007-10-27 16:36:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its not about gender...preference or anything like that.I am a spiritualist and I find some of the religious comments on here suffocating and really ask my self wether some of these guys are for real.To me its about how you live your life in that I mean your actions towards others,self acceptance etc.Rigid to a book ....bible what ever does not help to progress in life .
you be who you are........you don't need approval from no one ,the only person to answer for ones actions is you,not them.By that I don't mean you sexuality.......you be who you want and that is a human being.Feel sorry for them because they are obviously at a lower level of learning and ignorance is bliss........so you go run along and enjoy your life....comments like you get ,think love to your soul and move on because they are the ones stuck in their ignorance.
good luck to you...........

2007-10-27 21:01:01 · answer #8 · answered by huskystorm 4 · 0 0

live the life you were given by your parents, live the life you have and be the best yourself that you can be.
forget about religions made up by people trying to control you through your sexuality, through your hopes and fears.
one of the reasons i drifted away from anything to do with organized religion is this very fact that it denies me the right to be what i am without hurting anyone else.
as long as you follow rabbi hillel's saying "dont do to others what you dont want them to to do you", you cannot go wrong.

and those who judge you will face judgement themselves and will be found lacking.

2007-10-27 20:40:02 · answer #9 · answered by joe the man 7 · 0 0

Mate, I am straight, but I do believe people are usually born straight or gay. I always remember liking the girls and my homosexual friends say the same about liking lads. So, as God did create you the way you are, is no sin to be with someone of your own gender, as long as it is a relationship between consenting adults.

2007-10-27 16:33:40 · answer #10 · answered by gortamor 4 · 5 1

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