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But then, I found that I am the only Christian in my small class of 7-8 students total. I once asked someone why while the data shows 75% of Americans are Christian, there seems to be much less number of Christian people in real life than the statistic data. And the answer was it's because the generation and thus the age range change, and it considerably depends on the regional condition - for example, can I say there are more number of Christians in mid-west comparing to West coast where I am living.

This has been one of my concerns since it seems like the number of Christians is constantly decreasing as the new, younger generation dominates the population.

Am I seeing it right?

I am concerned with this phenomenon also because I am very scared of and reluctant to the Atheist.
They seem to be fearless of nothing and so they are more probable to commit criminal and sinful behavior since they don't believe in God and of course the heaven and hell.

2007-10-27 16:15:20 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am sorry but I did not mean to degrade Atheists by stereotyping them with insufficient clue. I acknowledge that it was only my personal fear and opinion, and of course my personal opinion cannot generalize the entire group of Atheist. Please do not take it seriously.

2007-10-27 16:26:51 · update #1

27 answers

I think most Americans know right from wrong, good from bad, etc....At least I hope so. Maybe a person will not confess to being a Christian but still, they have a "Christian like" attitude. A few reasons it may seem like Christianity is decreasing (like in your school class) is. The parents are too busy today. There are fewer "stay at home" moms, shift work, two jobs, the need or desire for more-more money, is greater than it had been in the past. Prayer is not allowed in some schools. Creation by God is no longer taught in public schools, Christian symbols and wording is being taken down, Christian Christmas public displays are becoming fewer. All this adds up to less Christian rearing, educating, and knowledge. In effect, God has been taken out of school and attempts are being made to take God out of our society. It's a sad situation. All the more reason to stand up for Jesus. God has not turned His back on us, we shouldn't turn our back to Him. All good things, and especially our salvation, are gifts to us, from God. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....

2007-10-27 16:39:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You know, it sure is funny how many of these atheists get Jesus on their death beds.

On the west coast of America, there are fewer Christians than in other areas. Look at San Fransisco. This city hates ANY religion. Then look at Salt Lake City Utah. This place was literally built on religion. And yes Mormons do believe in Christ. There are many more Christians than you think simply because Churches, all of them, have to walk a fine line to keep their tax exempt status. (And other legal perks.)

The West Coast has become a disgrace to America. I grew up in California and I am ashamed of it these days. Washington State and Colorado are also disgraceful. They allow people with poor or no morals to dictate what they do and how their children are raised. It makes me sick!

Being Atheist means that you do not believe in God. There are plenty of good folks that do not believe in a Deity at all. This does not make them bad. The fact that some do not believe in the rights of other people, this is what makes those individuals bad. And this is not attributable to ALL atheists. Most of these folks are good folks. They just believe a different way. It is the people that claim to be atheists just to have a place to hide their true being that are the BAD people. Satanist for example. Remember, in America you can believe as you wish. BUT, you can not use your beliefs to harm others. When you start using your beliefs to harm others, you are then a criminal. Remember, you can believe what you wish in America. But... you have no right to force your beliefs on others.

I know, here come the Jehovah Witness haters. Look folks, if you put as much faith and love into what you do as a vocation, as these folks do their love of God, you would be a multi- billionaire.

One more thing if I might. Many people call themselves atheist and are because they do not believe in God. But these are good people. They just do not believe in religion. SO please do not take this word, "atheist", to mean that these folks are Satan worshipers. Because it just is not so.

I hope that I have been of some help to you. God bless.

2007-10-27 17:02:49 · answer #2 · answered by It All Matters.~☺♥ 6 · 0 0

Then don't be an Atheist. There's nothing stopping you from being Christian. People are just making the choice not to be.

As for the completely idiotic statement about being "fearless" and "more probable to commit criminal and sinful behavior", you need to grow up and stop being insulting. You do realize that most of the criminal population in the prisons are Christians right?

So stop making baseless childish accusations.

2007-10-27 16:52:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Again My dear souls
I shall answer one more question with this in mind Who takes the surveys and determins the outcome for there percentage if one wants and accurate percentage dont read the papers they are Bias, and controlled. sites such as this shall give you an Idea as to what people really beleive and say it is an open forum where one can speak of course with respects to the one'e they are addressing I however I'm A Vannic Wich and I beleive that the percentages are inaccurate do to the change in the religeous climate people are getting back to the roots of their heiratige and the Old ways of faith are becomeing more and more common in todays world so keep this in mind and forget biased based percentages and beleive in yourself and forsake the oppinons that could cloud your judgement.

2007-10-27 16:36:06 · answer #4 · answered by darkravenessence 1 · 0 0

The United States government does not audit Americans' religious beliefs. In a private survey conducted in 2001, 76.7 percent of American adults identified themselves as Christian, down from 86.4 percent in 1990. Protestant denominations accounted for 52 percent, while Roman Catholics, at 24.5 percent, were the largest individual denomination. A different study describes white evangelicals, 26.3 percent of the population, as the country's largest religious cohort; evangelicals of all races are estimated at 30–35 percent. The total reporting non-Christian religions in 2001 was 3.7 percent, up from 3.3 percent in 1990. The leading non-Christian faiths were Judaism (1.4 percent), Islam (0.5 percent), Buddhism (0.5 percent), Hinduism (0.4 percent), and Unitarian Universalism (0.3 percent). Between 1990 and 2001, the number of Muslims and Buddhists more than doubled. From 8.2 percent in 1990, 14.2 percent in 2001 described themselves as agnostic, atheist, or simply having no religion, still significantly less than in other postindustrial countries such as Britain (44 percent) and Sweden (69 percent).

2007-10-27 16:26:32 · answer #5 · answered by Bubba Rogers 3 · 1 0

The Barma Polling Group, a Christian outfit, recently released happy data: the number of young religious people has fallen dramatically and will continue to fall. We have reached the apex of the religious right's power.

Ethics and morality were hijacked by religion long ago, so using religion as a morality base is false. Our prisons are packed with Christians and very few atheists in proportion to their percentage in the population. In short, atheists are more likely to hold higher morals and ethics than believers.

So, get ready to feel even more alone if you go to a large university. Or, hide in an expensive Christian college where you won't learn squat.

2007-10-27 16:25:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

America is at least 75% nominally/culturally Christian. And I'm saying this as an atheist. I don't know how many of those Christians are practicing, but that's not the point. The US is easily 3/4 Christian at the very least.

2007-10-27 16:21:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

62% of Americans claim to believe in God or be Christians, but 90% say they lie daily! Something is wrong with this picture, because Jesus said "If you love Me, you will obey My commands". Also, the Bible says if we are Christians we will fellowship with believers and not be ashamed of Christ or His words, and a true Christian takes Jesus literally when He spoke about Heaven, Hell, righteousness, sin, and judgment. Jesus said many try to go to Heaven through the "wide gate", the gate of destruction, and in reality, only a few will actually go , which is through the narrow gate. Jesus said to beware of false teachers, prophets, and Christs, and Jesus honored the Law of God, straightening out what the religious leaders had bent. Jesus said many will try to enter Heaven by their good works, but that not a single work will get them there, but only through belief in Him, repentance and faith. Jesus said the love of many will grow cold in the last days, being lovers of self and money, and many will turn away from following Him. Jesus knows His sheep, and His sheep know Him. The younger generation has grown up with the theory of evolution, which remains a theory with no scientific proof. THere are NO transitional fossil forms. The Bible says "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom", and in America we see very little fear for God and His Commandments. The Bible says God gives nations over to do the behavior you see exhibited among atheists, when they forget God. Just because someone doesn't believe in something doesn't mean it is not true. There IS absolute truth. Jesus warned about a day of judgment coming. We can use our conscience to know when we sin against our Creator, the One who gives us life and breath. God will not be bribed or corrupted, He will judge according to HIS standard and not our own. The Bible says it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. And just to prove your point, many atheists will be offended at this post, because the cross of Christ is a stumbling block and an offense to those who will not humble their hearts before Him. Remember Jesus said not to fear those who can only kill the body, but cannot cast soul and body into Hell. Rest assured Jesus will always tell the truth! Some will consider this as hate speech, which just proves the point. Absolutely.

2007-10-27 16:34:33 · answer #8 · answered by lightinthedark 1 · 1 2

Yes the West Coast of America has less believers, as does the East Coast. The heartlands have proportionally more believers.

It is a shame that you are scared of atheists and think they are more likely to commit crimes. One popular statistic is that only 2% of American prisoners are atheists.

2007-10-27 16:25:31 · answer #9 · answered by Citizen Justin 7 · 6 1

Religious people have comminted just as many, if not more, horrendous acts towards mankind; theft, rape, murder,etc, read history! When two men of science disagree,they do not invoke the secular arm;they wait for further evidence to decide the issue,because,as men of science,they know that neither is infallible.But when two theologians differ,since there is no criteria to which either can appeal, there is nothing for it but mutual hatred and an open or covert appeal to force

2007-10-27 16:28:24 · answer #10 · answered by camern11 3 · 4 1

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