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im so confused..
you guys always say that it is satan who is the cause of all the suffering in this world..hes the ruler of the planet
on the same token you say that everything is Gods will so
which is it?
God wills that we suffer,or satan
i dont get it..
then you guys say..well..its satan..but God has to allow it..
so the reason all the pain and suffering is
which one
Gods will
satans power
btw..I love GOD but i despise churches and the hypocrites who go there!!
and from what ive experienced,
religion sucks and gives GOD a bad name
i believe in HIM but not in all the hogwash that you guys say about him!!

2007-10-27 15:14:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

To put it in a nutshell, you are saying that either God's will or satan's power is causing our suffering.

God is, like a judge, giving Satan time to present his case to everyone. For the duration of the court time though, Satan isn't getting sent to prison yet, and the victims haven't received any compensation yet. God's will is to clean up the mess that Satan created, and prove that the best way to go is following his rules. For now, all we can do is sit and wait for "the mallet to drop".

2007-10-27 15:21:22 · answer #1 · answered by Tony C 4 · 2 0

Satan has no power, he uses the power of suggestion but he has no power...Follow This....God gave Adam Dominion over the earth and all there in. Adam, disobeyed God and bowed to Satan's will and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thereby handing all that God had gave him Dominion over, over to Satan, so thus all things including Adam and Eve, became cursed because all was in the possession of Satan, thus sin and death and all disease and suffering of mankind came into the world But God had a plan, the second Adam (Jesus) was sent into the world and He redeem all from Satan by the Shedding of his innocent blood at the hands of Satan. So since God gave us humans a free will those of us who choose not to be Satan's , Satan has no choice in the matter he has to honor our choice. All of the rest of God's creation also choose not to be in the grasp of Satan but God did not make them with a free will so Satan being an outlaw does not Honor their choice he's holding on to all of God's creation, that being the earth itself, the vegetation, all the animals, all the fish of the sea , all the birds of the air and everythings that creeps up on the earth. So the death cycle continues, sin and all that it encompasses ,greed, lust, hatred etc, etc is still in the world. But when everyone has had an opportunity to hear the word that's when the Lord will return and take it by force. Then their will be no more suffering in the world ever again...

2007-10-27 22:53:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

When God cast satan out of Heaven and upon the earth. God made satan ruler of the earth. The earth became satans. Satan is not going to do anything, noway, shape or form that is good. Anything, and everything that happens on the earth that is bad, no matter how small, or large. It was satan how caused it. God has the power to stop satan, and He plans on doing it after He judges the people in the end time. But until then, God is using the devil to separate those deserving of Heaven and those deserving of hell. Because in the end, you got one of two places to spend eternity. and it's hard to make it to Heaven. But very very easy to make it to hell.

2007-10-27 22:32:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


We have to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop putting blame on others or God or Satan.

We have free will and use it. We are gonna triumph and fail but it is US and nothing else.

2007-10-27 22:26:20 · answer #4 · answered by Mutley 6 · 0 2

My belief system does not include satan. Perhaps you should investigate other spiritual paths for the answers you are looking for.

2007-10-27 22:30:56 · answer #5 · answered by Lori 2 · 0 1

If you truly care, you are mistaken, as are so many Christians about God's sovereignty meaning that He has to ALLOW things. You don't understand man's position in the Earth, nor God's position over us.
God gave man LITERAL and REAL dominion and authority OVER all His creation.., except NOT dominion over other men/people. That is how satan came and deceived Eve to partake of what was forbidden.., and when nothing bad 'seemingly' happened after she 'ate', she gave it to Adam and he ate and all hell broke loose! They were OUT of Paradise.., they didn't fit any longer. Adam had then given his dominion and authority away because he had bowed to, obeyed the devil/satan/fallen Lucifer and to whom we bow, we give authority and dominion over us! Now the devil took away the power of Adam.., WHY DID GOD ALLOW THIS?? He is sovereign over His word, His covenant, His children, His eternal plan.., but what He had given to Adam/Eve, He had truly given and it was theirs and He gave them free-will-choice, and He won't take it back.IT WAS THEIRS TO DO WHAT THEY CHOSE..., although there were plenty of consequences when they did it... but GOD HAD A PLAN and it works when you work it!
Jesus came to RESTORE all dominion and authority back to mankind by paying the debt of sin inherited down from Adam to all mankind (him being the seed that produced after his own kind: a sinner) .., but free-will-choice IS STILL in place!
Now, IF we partake of the plan WILLINGLY, our dominion and authority (in the name of Jesus) is restored and we have God's words, His Spirit, His pattern in Jesus, His angelic assistance and a blood-covenant so we CANNOT fail.
Now, let's get it straight. GOD = everything that blesses us and helps us and shows us love.
The devil, satan is still in the same business of lies, deception and rebellion; and the world system and all sinners who will not accept Jesus as God's Son and their Redeemer, are under his influence and sin's wages is death, sickness/disease/infirmity, lack, loss, destruction, etc. The devil IS the god of this world system and will be until Jesus returns for His own.
Devil/satan = evil/wickedness/lies/fear.
Good God; Bad Devil... See?
We live in a dual world. What we see has been cursed and Jesus came to bring the blessings of God, but we aren't robots.., but free-will-choosers of whom we follow! Jesus' message was Repent (turn back to God) and enter the Kingdom of Heaven (come out of the kingdom of this world).
God's not sovereign over bad stuff or your choices or whom you believe. Believe all that you see and feel and touch and hear and that is the 'world way'.., it is factual, but not the TRUTH. Believe what God says (the Truth taht cannot change) and believe all His blessings are for you BY FAITH despite the physical evidence and you HAVE IT!
Read Mark 11: 23-24; & Matt. 21: 22. Faith comes by hearing and hearing God's word.., KEEP it in front of your eyes and read it aloud to HEAR it.
God is ALL good and the devil is ALL bad.
Anyway, since God is in heaven where everything is perfect, where would He get evil to send to us? He has to allow what WE allow in our life since WE are the ones with the power now since Jesus died, arose and gave it back to us. USE IT!
I truly hope this helps you. So many Christians just don't get this and continue to blame God for every BAD thing when they are being baby Christians and wanting a "magic" answer rather than being God's actual offspring with all Jesus' power in the Earth. Luke 10: 19-20

2007-10-27 22:55:44 · answer #6 · answered by gg28 4 · 1 1

god created satan so its gods will to have created him, kick him out of heaven, and create chaos and suffering through out the world. if it wasnt then he would have never let it happen.

2007-10-27 22:28:59 · answer #7 · answered by AshTree 2 · 0 2

Apparently, satan's power trumps god's will.

2007-10-27 22:18:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2007-10-27 22:18:36 · answer #9 · answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 · 0 2

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