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I have just seen a video about global warming on youtube and how it is all a natural phenomena but how its being used to freak us out as most things...have anyone of you seen this video and either way who actually believes all the global warming propaganda around (which i now see as propaganda). thanks

(ps: please help with my first and 2nd question, as no-one seems to be able to answer it...click on my profile name and you can find them listed under MY QUESTIONS .thanks)

2007-10-27 14:47:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment Global Warming

Cae & others: Ill try clearing some things up: Firstly my head isnt in the sand as I recycle anyway as much as I can not for global warming but because it is sensible. Now I do BELIEVE in g.w, in that the Earth is warming up, ofcos it is, but the spin is that we are the cause, when I now believe it isnt humans but a natural earthly phenomena as it was in the 70's that the earth was freezing up. Politicians are the last people to believe when they definately have an agenda, but ofcos after watching this video it has become rather clear to me that what is natural is being tauted as not, maybe to prevent africa and china and india to develop further and ofcos to stop the spread of information by making travel more expensive. No-one's head is in the sand if they search for the truth, only if you watch and believe will you become the ostrich.

2007-10-27 15:09:31 · update #1

17 answers

i dont know, i will have to find this video and see what i think...again another great question though..well done!...got me thinking alright.

hope that helps x
ok ive just seen the video: global warming swindle, and it isnt made by a crackpot, it was first aired on Channel4 in the UK, so it was put together by relevant makers...ofcos they could be bias. However ive forgotten the name of the scientist that places bets on the climate and wins all the time...he is a friend of a friend of mine, because she herself has mentioned him many times and yes, i do believe the video is very valid and true. The earth does go through cycles and yes we are always shown 1 side of the story by the media, which usually is partly (big part of the equity) owned by others with certain political agendas. I do believe the earth is warming but not due to man made inclusion and if it is then surely not to the extent perpetuated by the mass media....since when can the media ever be trusted, or the UN or the various scientist working for more financial aide...i do recommend others ofcos to keep an open mind and see where all of this is going, but for me at the moment i dont believe the earth is burning up to in the way tauted to be caused by man. The ice age was man made then? the 1970's coming cool down was man made also I imagine and expressed as our need to buy more gas etc?? The media ONLY shows what is exciting or emotionally stimulating in some way. What isnt exciting is never aired, and ITV/Ch.5 & BBC are heavily pro USA in their reporting as is Ch.4...they never ever show is the truer picture or clearer truth, we only get part information. A clear example is when they aired the indonesian tsunami. They never showed the single structure that wasnt destroyed or highlighted it in anyway, which was highlighted ALL around the world, neither do they highlight other controversial issues, its always about what the masses need to be shown, not what is the reality. Thats my opinion, as i respect others opinions, i thus have my own.

hope that helps x

1 more thing...even though its a hoax or dramatised by political and business drama queens, there is a need for recycling and cleaning our act up...this is afterall our only home, if governments want to control and create war and occupy etc so be it, but we as a global community should atleast clean up this neighbourhood we call Earth!!!

Just google 'mosque tsunami' for yourself.

2007-10-27 14:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am sure that the earth does do through natural cycles and perhaps some of the warming is just that but to fully understand what is going it is necessary to check multiple sources and ask ourselves why and who are making the statements. For example, someone in Michigan who deny global warming sees the fear that people will stop buying cars made here and buy electric or other cars made elsewhere. One politician recently set up a billboard condemning Swartzneiger for his stand on fuel economy not because it is right or wrong but because he claimed the California Governor was trying to hurt the Michigan economy by taking that stand. A person living in a coal mining area can deny the warming because it will affect the amount of coal sold and the economy there. One good source for information is the Union of Concerned Scientists which involves scientists not only in this country but elsewhere as well, and there are others as well. To adopt the stand of any one source though without doing further checking either way only make the problems worse whether global warming is real or natural, because it can be an excuse for doing nothing at all.

2007-10-27 17:43:00 · answer #2 · answered by Al B 7 · 1 2

Slow down. Considering the complexity of the issue, you need to investigate more than one source of information. You've got to investigate a whole lot of sources thoroughly before you start using the word hoax to describe anything!

I do believe humans are accelerating the global warming process. Human-induced climate change has the potential to alter the prevalence and severity of extremes such as heat waves, cold waves, storms, floods and droughts.

Below are some varied sites, all with information I believe you'll find useful. No doubt, there's a lot of propaganda, and hype. But we can't afford to be wrong on this, and in fact politically we're finally getting over the hump and using research to guide discussions that will lead to measures that will slow or even reverse the situation. Implementation and funding will follow. It's going to be a long, involved process, and best to get informed now so you know what's going on and can be part of the process.

2007-10-27 20:15:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

h k are you and SayITasITis! one and the same? You both use "ofcos" which is a very unusual mistake, and you both use "i" instead of "I" in the middle of sentences.

I guess that if you have a reply to your question which supports you, it makes your point seem more acceptable.

Sadly, though I agree that there still isn't enough evidence to say why the globe is warming, it can't be denied that the climactic conditions around the world are changing.

One problem with trying to be certain about what is going on is the very limited time we've been collecting data. The earth is somewhere between 4.3 and 3.5 billion years old, so what data we've got is just a blink of an eye impression. Putting it in this context, it's hard to draw any concrete scientific conclusions.

2007-10-28 08:19:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Are you saying you have been informed on this subject by watching a Utube video! 1 video from a completely unknown source and you judge years of scientific work and expertise!

That's astounding.

You say you're not an ostrich because you are searching for the truth, well I'm sorry, but you'll never find it. All 40,000 climatologists are searching for the truth, still, they are a bit further down the road than you, but they'll never find it either. If you spend the whole of your life looking for your true love, you'll never find it. There are no absolutes in this world, just best guesses. This is why you have to trust your instinct.

Now, if you had to place a bet on it, which would it be 40,000 climatologists, or the list of scientists in this link.


1 more clue, the only scientific association in the world not supporting AGW theory is the association of petroleum geologists.

Now place your bet.

2007-10-27 23:37:52 · answer #5 · answered by John Sol 4 · 2 2

More and more scientists are now saying the "science" behind man made global warming is flawed, and in fact carbon monoxide levels go up when the earth gets warmer, the earth dosnt get warmer AFTER the levels go up, the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapour, and climate change is a natural phenomenon, there is evidence that the world was a lot warmer in the 1400's, vines were grown as far north as Yorkshire back then, and the Vikings used the north west passage, which only opens up when the sea ice melts, personally I think too many people are making money out of the global warming panic industry for it to be quashed by actual well researched science, from an impartial viewpoint.

I do however think that re-cycling and cleaner energy is a good idea, we cant go on merrily poisioning everything, just because man made global warming is a hoax, but you have to ask yourself, what go governments have to make out of this, what are they trying to achieve, they tut tut over china building coal fired power plants, wont allow africa to build any, so is it because if places like africa were allowed to build power plants, and use their vast recources it would probably bugger up the comfy position of the western economy, most companies that have factories and intrests in africa are owned by western governments..... so they continue to grow fat and amke money from keeping african governments corrupt, and the people down.

If man made global warming were to be outed as rubbish, then the flood gates would open.

2007-10-27 15:54:45 · answer #6 · answered by magpyre 5 · 5 2

I suggest the easiest thing for you to do is run an aquarium for a year. Then come back here and talk about natural processes, whilst I tell you how much pollution has been pumped into the system since 1900.
Natural? of course it's natural. A natural reaction to the amount of interference man has imposed on the environment.
Propaganda? Well that unfortunately is what it takes to make people do anything. And people everywhere are corrupt enough to subvert anything to their own ends because people are dumb enough to listen to however shouts loudest.

Thankfully I have no kids and don't intend any, because quite frankly with the opinions I have about mob mentality I don't think any of you stand a chance.
Oh, humanity will survive. Civilisation might even make it through. But if you think world maps won't need re-drawing after massive regional and world warfare you are very much mistaken.
So go on believing what you want. Man isn't intelligent enough to stop it now anyway. And it's causes won't affect the outcome. Goodbye. And good luck, your children are going to need it.

2007-10-27 15:24:29 · answer #7 · answered by Simon D 5 · 3 3

You are the victim of a hoax, but is it Arthropogenic GW (caused by people) or is it Climate Change (a natural process) that is the hoax?

If you are basing what you believe on a single YouTube clip it seems to me that you do not have the background in science to put all the conflicting information into context. So it is useless for me to take the time to explain it until you are better informed.

Feel free to browse any of my previous answers and if you have specific questions regarding the topic I will be happy to answer them. Sorry but there are too many trolls on Y!A who are only phishing for people to agree with their point of view, so I don't waste my intellectual energy trying to educate them any more. If you are serious, take the time to do your own research.

I suggest you look at the following YouTube clips to get you started, since that seems to be your preferred source of information. I hope it gets you very curious to find out more for yourself from other sources.

2007-10-27 16:12:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

A decision needs to be made. If it is a hoax, do you want to wait around for a generation or two to prove that you were right?
On the other hand if it isn't a hoax - wouldn't you rather do something now while it's still possible to do something?
The cost of believing that climate change is a hoax is perhaps too great a price to pay.
What's the point of taking the dog to the vet after it's dead.

2007-10-28 15:52:58 · answer #9 · answered by OO 3 · 0 2

Of course you now believe it's propaganda, because it's easier to sit back and say it's all bollocks than it is to get off your backside and do something about it.

Just about every politician on the planet has a finger in the oil pie and the last thing they want is for people to believe in global warming, it'll cost them too much.

It's a reality and it's happening. If you want to stick your head in the sand and pretend otherwise, then do so. But at least have the guts to admit that's what you're doing.

2007-10-27 15:03:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

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