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As I've always been told the anti-Christ is a guy who will make peace throughout the world, possibly soon enough sinse there is so much crup going on today. However, he will claim to be a promised messiah, someone both Jews and Christians are waiting for. Accept that for jews he will be coming for the first time, and for Christians a second time. However, he will be a false messiah and so will dicieve a lot of Christians and people in general. Those who will reject him will be thrown into prison or beheaded. So, here is my problem. I am going to a Charismatic church where the pastor keeps on talking about the soon coming king, and how we all should unite and prepare for his coming, and how there will be a kingdom of heaven and all that. I'm scarred of the fact that the charismatics might confuse the anti-christ, the false messiah with the real Jesus Christ. My mom is Baptist and she says that there WONT be any soon coming Kingdom on Earth, but rather Jesus will take his church!

2007-10-27 13:51:25 · 11 answers · asked by timekiller 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

i think with the way people are today in the world alot of people are at risk to falling for something like that its very possible that someone could come claiming to be christ when in reality its just some attention hog but i do believe that eventually most peoiple will be found out as what they are and since god said hed never come again in human form christians will know him that way as for jews they may fall for a false human messiah

2007-10-27 14:00:27 · answer #1 · answered by Steve 3 · 1 0

Ok. calm down. Just try and keep an open mind to what the pastor's saying. Consider this: if what he has to say is in the Bible, maybe he's got a valid point. Are you a Bible believer? Do you believe what the whole Bible says? Then if he quotes scripture, and you read it in your own time and it means the same thing to you, then maybe he's right.
I'm rapture believing like your mom, as it says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. But Revelations 20 talks a little about all the "kingdom on earth". It talks about Jesus casting the devil into the lake of fire and christians (those who have died in christ, those who were taken away in the rapture, those who lived and did not take the mark of the beast, those who died from beheading and the cause of Christ) will be with Christ for a thousand years. After the thousand years, verse 8 says that the devil will be released for a time on the earth. Thus implying that Christ's thousand year reign will be on earth. This thousand years will be at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
Dont let all of this confuse you. If you honestly are curious about all this, and are praying for understanding about it all, consider reading the Left Behind series. It is a book based on fictional characters and their story as they go through the tribulation. But it has fact in it based on Biblical prophesy, and quotes scripture all throughout it so you can look it all up yourself.
Above all, if you are that scared about going to this church, pray that God gives you understanding and discernment so that you understand the difference between what is Right in God's eyes, and Wrong in God's eyes.

edited to say that in my opinion, getting ready, means getting yourselves right with God, and spreading the messege of Jesus Christ as quickly and rapidly as possible so that people won't miss the rapture. Be ready for the return of Christ.

2007-10-27 21:32:18 · answer #2 · answered by Joyful 3 · 2 0

I am not waiting for any secret rapture,,,that's for sure...I am waiting for the return of Jesus though...No one knows when or who the Anti-Christ will be,,,,,a lot of things need to happen before he comes on the scene...Christians will not be confused,,,so if you have been saved..don't worry about that...

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-- if that were possible.

Matthew 24:24

If it were possible!!!!!...notice those word IF...it is not possible for them to deceived...

ON the Rapture:
It is a fact that no Christian churches, congregations or fellowships existing prior to 1830 proclaimed a RAPTURE doctrine, and all accepted the Biblical truth that Christians would be on earth during the time of great tribulation. Before 1830, the single RAPTURE Scripture of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 were accepted as resurrection verses.

The SCOFIELD Bible and the DAKE'S Bible were the first to carry FOOTNOTES about THE RAPTURE. It's all (BAD) history from there!


The following is quoted from a book by Dave MacPherson (historian) called THE RAPTURE PLOT:

"What generally hasn't been known about Margaret is the extent to which she was open to the world of the 'occult' (definition: 'secret or hidden knowledge of supernatural phenomena').

...Take the word 'rapture'. Many still don't know that this word (body-lifting sense) had been used for CENTURIES by medieval mystics to describe their own levitation a few inches (or even several feet) above the floor or ground. Such 'raptures' were often condemned by Catholic leaders... And Robert Norton, the pretrib origin chronicler, revealed the following about Margaret and one of her friends: 'I have seen both her and Miss Margaret MacDonald stand like statues scarcely touching the ground, evidently supernaturally'." (pp. 51-52).

2007-10-27 21:26:36 · answer #3 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 1 0

I'm waiting for Jesus's coming but it's possible that anti-Christ will com first. The way I understand it, there will be 1000 years of peace on earth, but before that there will be WW3 (which is soon to come), and the church of Christ will be taken.

2007-10-27 21:07:25 · answer #4 · answered by snezhinka 2 · 1 0

The beliefs are different on this one. As for whom I'm waiting for, I'm waiting for Jesus, but the coming of the anti-Christ will be first, according to the book of Revelations. The fact is, there will be people who are fooled, but as long as they stick to what's right, they will ultimately be ok. The Word says that whoever dies for Jesus's sake will be saved.

2007-10-27 20:59:44 · answer #5 · answered by bainaashanti 6 · 0 1

For both. I want the Anti-Christ to get rid of technology so I can lead an army against him or some sort of resistance movement. I also want to greet Jesus. I am waiting for Jesus more, but I want to kill the anti-christ with my bare hands.

2007-10-27 21:02:33 · answer #6 · answered by Michael 2 · 1 1

this is just an embedded catch against world peace! my god, if people seriously believe that that anti-christ is the only guy/girl who will bring peace then it will always prevent peace. the only way to get rid of stupid superstitious notions like this is to confront them, and reveal tothe world how stupid it all is.

2007-10-27 21:02:48 · answer #7 · answered by A Person 2 · 0 2

Hmmmm, let's see...I believe Jesus was already here and we know who the anti-Christs are - politicians.

2007-10-27 21:00:09 · answer #8 · answered by magichorselover 2 · 2 2

I'm not really *waiting* for either. When things happen, I'll think about it then. As for now, I'm trying to just live my life the best I can and enjoy it.

2007-10-27 20:59:31 · answer #9 · answered by gumby 7 · 2 2

It will depend on your own beliefs. No one can tell YOU what to believe or not believe. You must study the subject and come to your own conclusion.

2007-10-27 20:59:54 · answer #10 · answered by 'Old & Cudley' 7 · 1 2

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