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I don't know what to say to my son when he asks about God. I'm athiest and was taught by my parents that there is no god. Both of my parents came from large Catholic families.

In his latter years, my Dad became sort of psuedo religious. He didn't attend church but started to preach a little about how certain things weren't good because they were sins. He became the chaplain at his VFW and visited alot of vets on their death beds.

I'm confused about what to tell my son. I feel like I shouldn't rob him of something that if he doesn't grasp now, he'll miss out on the ability to do so later (like me). I don't want to lie to him and tell him things I don't believe are true, like I'm doing. I told him that Grandpa is in heaven, when I think that he's really just worm-dirt.

I am definitely not about to have a religious transformation, but I wonder what to say when these questions come up. He's 6 and they come up alot.

2007-10-27 13:50:31 · 31 answers · asked by chuckyoufarley 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Say that nobody knows for sure - which is the plain truth. He's going to be exposed to religious ideas about death and the "afterlife" anyway, so you can discuss some of the basic ideas with him, like heaven, as things that some people believe in; but if he asks you what you believe, you should be honest. I mean, speaking personally, I'm an atheist for the very reason that I don't believe delusion is ever a good thing, even though it's natural to want answers to the "big questions," and it's easy to accept pat answers if they pretend to address your fear of death, etc.

2007-10-27 14:02:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Children that age are trying to figure the world out. But they don't quite have the hang of abstract thinking. Keep this in mind. "God" can only be an old guy in a cloud car who flies around spying on people, or not. Magic has to have a mechanical continuity. It will take another year or two for him to be able to comprehend the idea of invisible, intangible things existing.

It's not fair to give him nothing. He will be exposed to other opinions, so explain to him, as best you can, where other people are coming from. "Some people say..." is a good introduction. If you know, tell him why they believe what they believe. You may not get it perfectly right, but at least he'll have some idea of what makes people think and say the things they do.

This may mean some research on your part. Sorry. Oh, and try to impress on him that this is for his own understanding, not so he can tell his classmates what's wrong with their religion. It doesn't help to stir up unnecessary resentment.

2007-10-27 21:48:52 · answer #2 · answered by skepsis 7 · 0 1

my daughter is 7 and I am really into religion. Not that I am religion, I am 'into it' in that I think it is ridiculous, lol... that being said, I like to be exposed and have friends of various religions. I tell my daughter that she must follow her heart and that her beliefs are in there. I tell her what I believe and also that may not be right for her. I am huge on kids self expression. When she was 4 she said that she thought all spirits were wet. lol... I said 'oh that is intersting, I don't believe that, but if that is what you believe, good for you for knowing that, lol'. She is a little more insightful now, at age 7. She tends to believe what I believe and sometimes she belives things about religions that I think are ludicrous. Her call, I dont' react. It is her life and she will have to choose. Mostly she is just testing the water as my family is VERY religious... to a point where it is a cult almost, although they cant' see that. She knows that I believe what is right for me and I do tell her what I believe. We also discuss religions so she knows what else is out there.

2007-10-28 13:56:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off: Just because you do not believe in God Does NOT mean he does NOT exist!
A Lot of people have a mind of "Convienece", They figure if they do not believe in God they will never go to Hell.
All I know is where is your hope? If I knew I were to die and that is it, How depressing that would be?
Another funny fact: Polititions brain wash us on so many issues that we believe anything and everything they say but, 1 MAN dies for us so we can have eternal life and we don't believe?
I am interested in what questions your son has about God?
I do give you credit on allowing him the answers he deserves!
Even though you are a non-beliver, it might be in your sons best interest to bring him to a non-denominational church for him to get the right answers. Who know's you might become interested and learn a lot about God's Grace as well!
Do not bring him to a "religious" church...Catholic, Methodist, etc. Bring him to a Bible church. Too many of the others brain wash you in toxic faiths that can be confussing and turn people away from Christ, similar to what happened to your parents!
Even the biggest atheist C.S Lewis became a believer, You might want to hear what he says in a book and audio cd "Mere Christianity".
If you are not going to Believe, DO RESEARCH FIRST< If you still do nort believe, Then at least you got the information about it first.
But as far as your son...Allow him the correct answers, get him involved in Sunday School at a bible church. Get him a NIV Childrens Bible (NIV & NKJV are the easiest to read & understand)
Good luck and kudos to you in wanting your son to get the right answers!
For yourself and other who do not believe or have to have "proof" read Hebrews! It talks about FAITH and Faith is believing without seeing!
Do you believe there will ever be world peace? NO, why? Because you have to see it first, You have no Faith! So, how could you even believe there is no God?
Oh, Ye of little (or No) Faith!
Do your research first before you even decide to be an Atheist...All of you who think you are an "Atheist" will some day find out....Why wait that long, it will be too late then!
My heart aches for you all who do not believe.
The best Atheist in the world turned to Christiantity BECAUSE HE DID RESEARCH!!
I KNOW God exsist because I feel him in my heart & in my soul. I have a peace that passes ALL Understanding.
Jesus was against "religion" He said "Come follow ME" Not a "religion" HE, Jesus was the biggest rebel of all.
That's why I say do your research first and you then will see the light..........any way you look at it, you (and all the other ignorant people voting me thumbs down) will some day bow down in front of GOD!
I hate to say it in such a radical way but, there is Nothing light or little about God especially when it look like he's coming soon!

2007-10-28 10:31:23 · answer #4 · answered by Numb 4 · 1 2

Perhaps God's blessing of a child in your life is His way of bringing you back to faith?
Jesus said:
Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
Children have a faith in that God that we as adults sometimes lose. Are you willing to gamble that your own decision may be wrong and thereby jeopardize your child's chance at Redemption as well? Maybe take another look at another faith if you're unhappy with Catholicism. People, like your Dad, sometimes get religious as they approach death.

2007-10-27 21:28:42 · answer #5 · answered by paul h 7 · 2 0

Oh,difficult question...
First,don't lie to him and tell the truth,only the truth.You are an atheist and must tell him that in your opinion,"god" doesn't exist,but that in the world there are many people who believes in "god".And tell him that he'll have to choose what he wants to believe when he grows up,that now he's too young to choose or know everything about this subject.Tell him few things about atheism,few about religion and it's beliefs and let him decide in the future what he wants to be:an atheist or a christian.
It's a difficult question to answer,he is very young and can get confused easily.You have to tell all the truth to him,don't lie,please,it will be bad to him...

Good luck...

2007-10-27 21:31:29 · answer #6 · answered by Hannah-atheist forever 5 · 1 1

How about honestly? You don't have to come off as crass and say "worm dirt". You just say he died, he had a good life and eventually everything dies and that it's OK.

Your best bet when he's a tad older is to introduce him to a large amount of religions. This will help him understand there are many different types of people in the world that believe different things and don't just use different branches of abrahamic religions. Teach him about Greek Gods and Pagan gods and all sorts of eastern religions.

This way if he chooses it'll be his choice and an "informed" decision on his part.

2007-10-27 20:56:25 · answer #7 · answered by Tony AM 5 · 2 2

Bless his baby heart. Your son is a blessing to you, do you know that? He is making you think, do you think that this is just coincidence? This is MEANT to be for him and you. Just tell your baby this. There is a GOD, there is a JESUS, there is a HOLY SPIRIT. They are all one but called the TRINITY. You know what, it came to me as I was typing this that you should find a church family in your neighborhood and ask them if they would take your son to their church. They would be more than happy to do this for you. It would be much easier than trying to answer your question on this forum. If there is not a family near you then go to the nearest church and talk with the Pastor of that church and ask if you can drop him off at a certain time and pick him up when church is finished and he will be watched by the church ladies while he is there. That is your best bet honey. I tell you the truth, that is what I would do if I were in your position. I hope I have helped. Blessings.

2007-10-27 21:05:23 · answer #8 · answered by DERLANDSON 4 · 3 3

I'm not going to answer your question directly, but I am going to tell you not to listen to those who say "Let him make up his own mind". It is too important of a question to let a child make up his own mind. It is your responsibility to teach your child. Would you let him choose between candy or nutritious food every day until he turns 18? Of course not, even though that would be the easy way. I happen to believe that most people who are atheist are so because atheism makes no demands on their behavior. Like the child who would choose candy, it is more pleasurable. You sound like someone who is really searching for answers yourself.. I wish you the best in finding them.

2007-10-27 21:19:00 · answer #9 · answered by Michael B 4 · 2 0

When your son asks questions tell him what you believe and tell him what others believe... Let him take in all the information and form his own opinion..

Preface your answers with "I believe or I think" and "X group believes or X group thinks" At the age of 6 your son is old enough to understand that not everyone believes or thinks the same things... If he does not understand this concept it's time to teach him...

Children understand far more than most adults give them credit for... Give him a wide variety of information and let him make up his own mind...

Remember by being honest with him and communicating now you are laying the foundation for communication through out his life... Something that will come in very handy when he reaches his teenage years...

2007-10-27 20:58:31 · answer #10 · answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7 · 6 2

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