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or just undisciplined children ?

2007-10-27 13:34:22 · 43 answers · asked by Fang Pu Ren 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

43 answers

I think both are real medical conditions.

There are some children, and adults, that definitely have it. Born with it, genetic, but can be controlled.

That being said, I think it's more than a coincedence that ADD or ADHD is diagnosed in kids that eat lots of sugary snacks, soft drinks and all kinds of convenience and junk foods. These all contain chemicals that effect the brain and how it functions. I think some people are more sensitive and effected by them, and the reaction is in effect an allergy.

I also think that problem is magnified when you couple it with parents that don't set boundaries, offer little or inconsistent discipline, low expectations, and no study skills. It's no wonder that the kids have a hard time achieving their potential in school, or paying attention. They are feeding their body with the wrong foods, and they are also not getting the direction they should from their parents. A bad combination.

I do think there are some people that would have it, regardless of diet or parenting, but I think most of the time, it's preventable, and overly diagnosed.

2007-10-27 13:57:06 · answer #1 · answered by Mary K 4 · 2 0

Wow there are lots of people with opinions here that are either blessed with perfect children or don't have children and have no idea what it is like to live with a child who has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or other behavioural disorders.

As to being a real medical condition, the debate will continue to time's end. I'm sure those who live with a child who has been diagnosed will attest that it is a real medical condition, others who have never lived with it will say no. Yet others will use it as an excuse for some children who really are just undisciplined. But how can anyone really tell.

I have a son who was diagnosed with another behavioural condition at the age of eight. It is definitely real. How do I know? I have six children, five of whom are well balanced, loving caring individuals. These five are also well behaved most of the time, but of course have their moments as do all kids.

My son on the other hand has always had difficulties with social skills, following rules and other things that we all take for granted. He burned our house down when he was eight years old. has been in constant trouble for violence at school since the tender age of four and at the age of thirteen was kicked out of school permanently.

He started beating up on his younger siblings when he was eighteen months old and has not improved a great deal, even though he has been brought up with the same values as the other five kids.

No-one knows the heart-wrenching grief and guilt these conditions cause the parents to feel unless you have walked a mile in their shoes.

So before passing judgement on others look for the imperfections in your own back yard. There are enough stigmas for kids to deal with these days.

2007-10-27 14:00:58 · answer #2 · answered by xl0o_buckshot_o0lx 1 · 1 1

I think they are real conditions, but I also believe that giving the kids medications that alter their brain chemistry is not the right thing to do.

My husband, if he were a kid right now, would probably be consider ADD or ADHD. He is a very active person with a very active mind. He did get into a lot of kid type trouble when he was a youngster and was sometimes disruptive in school. If he were in todays school system, I am sure that he would be medicated to the gills.

2007-10-27 13:46:32 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Yes...ADD and ADHD ARE real conditions, BUT (and that's a BIGGGG but) they are too commonly misdiagnosed. There ARE so many children who are misbehaved, not allowed to release their excess energy, etc., who are "diagnosed" as ADD or ADHD. They are real conditions, but parents go in and tell their pediatrician they think their child had ADD or ADHD because of this, that and the other thing (which are all "symptoms" of these condtions) but they "forget to mention" that their kid doesn't go outside and run during the day and play (some kids DO have excess energy and need to be worn out sometimes) OR they go to daycare all day and when they get home, mom and dad put NO restrictions on them and they run buck wild and their parents can't calm them down. Anyway...just my opinion.
*EDIT- My brother in law is ADHD. The tell tell sign that MOST people can't grasp is that when a child/adult is ADD or ADHD it doesn't matter most of the time if they can't concentrate on something. Someone with ADD or ADHD CAN concentrate on something, but it is the period of time that they can concentrate on something. Like my bro-in-law. He can sit down a do something for about 30-45 minutes, but after that, he HAS to get up and do something else. Kids in school with ADD or ADHD CAN concentrate, but he/she can't sit and concentrate on one certain subject for an hour and a half, and that is why these children have failing grades and THEY are the ones that DO need help with their condition.

2007-10-27 13:41:36 · answer #4 · answered by Christy 3 · 3 0

Are ADD and ADHD real? YES!

Are these diagnoses sometimes misused by parent to avoid disciplining their children? YES!

I was diagnosed with ADD at the ripe old age of 38. It would have been extremely helpful if this had been diagnosed when I was a youngster. Life has been very frustrating because, although I have a very high IQ, I could never sit and study. If this condition had been caught when I was younger, I could have been ta=ught how to deal with ADD, I would have learned how to study, and my life would have had much more meaning. I would have had a chance at a professional career and a fulfilling job.

ADD and ADHD are real.

2007-10-27 13:43:21 · answer #5 · answered by susanmaried 6 · 2 0

I think that there is such a condition but until about 15-25yrs ago it wasn't really recognized.

I do not believe it has anything to do with disciplined.

My son is ADHD and he is very well disciplined. If he wasn't put on medication, his world would be upside down.
Before the medication he was pulling D's and F's.
Now, he is a straight A student and a brilliant career ahead of him.
I wish I had the medication when I was going to school, many moons ago. Maybe I would have been honor roll.

Do what is best for your child and don't make them suffer because they can't concentrate.

2007-10-27 13:41:18 · answer #6 · answered by Mom of 2 great boys 7 · 4 2

They are real medical conditions.... BUT... they are definately over used as a "quick" diagnosis... Yes, some children that just need discipline and consistancy are misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD so they can be given a "magic pill". It's sad really...

2007-10-27 13:39:38 · answer #7 · answered by goodrad 2 · 3 0


Living proof---MY 3 SONS! All are ADHD. I have tried to go without medicating them, but that put me in the hospital myself. They get plenty of exercise, hardly watch tv or play video games. They are active in sports and scouting but that still didn't curb their energy level...I have modified their diets, didn't work...once I medicated them, they started to calm down. They weren't destructive or anything but they could not sit still for more than a minute. If I was lucky they would sleep 2-3 hours per night at the most.

Currently they are 11,9 and 6. I have had them on medicine for the last 5 yrs (well the older 2), the youngest son was just diagonised not too long ago. I am finially seeing them get the rest that they need but we are still doing all of our acitivies. Their grades have improved this year, so far all have been straight A students, where as before they were c-d students. It
is real to me. If you don't believe it is, I will send my three boys to stay with you for a week without med and you can see for your self.

2007-10-27 13:42:14 · answer #8 · answered by ♥STREAKER♥©℗† 7 · 4 2

Is mental retardation a real medical condition or are they just really stupid and annoying? Add and Adhd are real medical conditions. They definately overdiagnose and overprescribe medicine for it which is what makes people think it maybe isn't real. If you have ever met anyone who really suffers from either of these disorders and isn't just some annoying kid who's teachers told the parent you put them on ritalin you would understand it's a real disorder.

2007-10-27 13:38:14 · answer #9 · answered by chillinginchicago 2 · 9 1

It's hard to say. When I was young, we just called those kids "hyper." Then they had to go ahead and label it a medical condition. But kids back then didn't have medication and they turned out fine. It's the drug companies that are making all the dough from this "condition."

2007-10-27 13:39:21 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

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