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personally, i think they are stupid. i mean, Christians are supposed to be a unified body, why should we separate ourselves because of little things? i understand that some of the things are more than little, but why do we constantly accuse the other denominations of being wrong? can't we just believe what we believe without all the conflict?

everything we do is supposed to be in love, so why do we act like we hate other denominations?

and i have a sense of humor, so you don't have to be all technical, you can amuse me a little!

2007-10-27 13:13:14 · 26 answers · asked by i live to laugh 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

first off, i want to thank those who gave answers with a sense of humor, i indulged in a few giggles, and i enjoy hearing that i am not the only one who thinks denominations are stupid.

2007-10-27 13:26:24 · update #1

26 answers

I also agree, the devil really has done his job. The main focus is Jesus. Jesus said all .who believe in me will not parish but have eternal life. we need to put all our differences aside and
come together and win this world for Christ!!!!

2007-10-27 13:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Tal, demoninations are man made. They are meant to rule the body of the church. That is what I think of demoninations. If you think about it........we ALL LOVE the SAME GOD. I agree with you however, it is crazy for one church to fight with another church and etc. All in the name of demonination. Others act and hate other demoninations because of ignorace. You know the old saying; "ignorance is bliss". This fits those people. They don't have an open mind, their minds refuse to accept another kind of teaching. When I was a Catholic years and years ago, probably when dirt was invented, I was given a Bible. I took it and looked at it, thought it was pretty and when Mother found out I had a Bible in the house all "hell" broke loose. Mother took my Bible and I never saw it again. She probably threw it into the trash can. To this day I remember how beautiful that Bible was. Anyway, I hope this has helped some. Blessings

2007-10-27 13:30:37 · answer #2 · answered by DERLANDSON 4 · 2 0

What do you think of denominations? I like them!!!

It helps to make change when all the dollar bills are not the same value!

I sort my paper money by denominations, right in my wallet, before I go out!!!

I have a sense of hum or too, so I'm glad I don't have to be all technical.

Did I amuse you a little?

As Satan is preparing to go and begin another torture session in Hell, God asks Satan a question.

“Why is it when it comes to believing in me there are so many fights, but when it comes to believing in you they are all unanimous and united?”

I think there are too many RC paedophile jokes.

If there was another religious order as well known for the celibacy of their clergy and nuns across the board as the RC, there would be just as many jokes about those.

I don't see it as an anti-Catholic bias on the whole, just jokes about celibacy.

When you put "Viagra" into any sentence...even gibberish...it's automatically funny.

Celibacy is strage and kinda funny, to most people, who are not "fasting" in that particular way.

There is only one church, the "Body of Christ", with Jesus as the head (not a German)!

2007-10-27 13:19:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Denominations reflect that there ARE legitimate differences in the determination of fine issues. Where they support free will and conscience I think they are good.

Where they get in the way of Christian fellowship, they are bad.

I believe my denomination has a good way of handling issues like membership, and relations to other denominations, and practical issues of Christian morality in this day and age.

We do not see eye-to-eye with some others on such non-essential matters as the best way to govern a church, or determine pastoral assignments with other churches, but that does not preclude fellowship with others.

I am of Armenian persuasion on the matter of "once in grace always in grace", but that does not prevent from from attending and fellowshipping with a very determined Southern Baptist congregation which is very strongly of the opinion God has set your decision to accept or reject Salvation when creation was done and you will have to do as you are predestinated, no choice.

They are good folks, just interpret the issue of predestination differently than my fundamental faith.

The Bible has some things to say, about the factionalism, and the need to see our Salvation as from God, not a leader. But was it not Paul who said we are all from God, and whether we keep the fast days or not, do it all out of love and worship of God, and not for issues of men. I see nothing wrong with denominations, as long as belonging to a denomination does not cause us to fluff up with pride, or denigrate other Christians of different denominations, as long as we all share the common faith in Jesus as our Saviour and Example.

If yuo really wanted to get down and look into how my denomination expresses the common faith and argue for your non-denominalism as a better way, be glad to discuss, and part still as Christan brothers and sisters.

I learn from such exchanges, really, even if only that some denominations are very intolerant!! *grin* Likewise many non-denominationalists!!! *frown*

I happen to like my denomination's way of securing pastors, over many others I have seen. I have been in other churches where it seemed pandemonium when a pastor changed, for whatever reason, and set off a chain reaction of pastoral shifts throughout all the churches in the area of that denomination.

Anyhow, if we all were prefect in faith and understanding, we might not have denominations. But not all of us are perfect, so I hold membership in one I feel to be in alignment with the scriptures on doctrine, and in the real world mechanics of corporations, exempt organizations, legalities, and dealing with imperfect people, satisfies me as having a good approach, not necessarily the only one, but I am satisfied that if helps worship, rather than hindering.

Also, by my denominational affiliation, I can go anywhere in the world where there is a church of my denomination, and be sure of receiving help and a friendly welcome. That counts for something to me.

I used that when I first moved into St. Louis, and was finding a place to live. Stayed in the church basement for 2 weeks!

'nuff said?

2007-10-27 15:15:31 · answer #4 · answered by looey323 4 · 0 0

In actuality, the differences between denominations are petty and trivial. It's like the joke where the visitor asks the townsman "There're two Baptist churches in town; what's the difference between them?" The answer is "This church says they ain't no hell, and that one says the hell they ain't!"

Seriously, in sixty years of observing, I've seen no differences between Christian denominations that are any more profound than that.

2007-10-27 13:20:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think they are ridiculous.

No one knows exactly how God wants us to act, down to which days of the week we can work, whether we can use birth control or not, what food we can eat and when, if there is a God it's much more basic than that, be nice to people, be fair, etc.

We don't need these books and weird rules that don't work for every individual.

2007-10-27 13:26:38 · answer #6 · answered by Daisy Indigo 6 · 0 1

Every thing is not love. God loves those who love him and are obedient.

You need to find a home church, be obedient, follow his word, be baptized with the holy spirit, show your self approved and do the will of God (Mark 16: 15 - 18)

Get ready People, Jesus is coming

2007-10-27 13:16:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate denominations SO much! What does it say to the rest of the world when we tell them "love your neighbor" and then we can't even get along with each other? I mean really, we all believe in teh same God, claim Jesus as our Savior, etc etc etc. Does it really matter whether we use King James or NIV, or whether marriage is or is not a Sacrament? Come on, you guys... "Let there be no divisions among you."

2007-10-27 13:20:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Christians are to be like minded, with the many different religions and denominations shows you how divided religion is.

2007-10-27 13:24:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think of it this way: Everyone is at a different level of understanding, just like there are different grades in school. Somehow, we align ourselves with what we can understand, at that point in life.

2007-10-27 13:18:08 · answer #10 · answered by colebolegooglygooglyhammerhead 6 · 1 0

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