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please tell me how can you say abortion is not murder..when it is 100% murder? there is only one case where i can understand it..when a womans' life is threatened by the pregancy..

if you abuse a dog or animal or kill them (mike vick) you will get arrested. but it is acceptable to kill an unborn baby?


2007-10-27 12:14:51 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Siar...does your sperm have a heartbeat? yeah didn't think so...

2007-10-27 12:22:24 · update #1

to According To Me: if you are not ready to have a child and care for it then you should not be having sex.

2007-10-27 12:27:10 · update #2

40 answers

It absotively IS murder

you are right

2007-10-27 12:18:56 · answer #1 · answered by kenny p 7 · 13 14

I deeply believe abortion is not murder!

Did you know that more than half (I believe 5 out of 6 fertilized eggs) do not survive and grow into a baby?
Does this mean that nature itself is murdering most of the 'babies' of humanity?

If abortion is murder, why are we even percieving teenage pregnancy as a negative aspect? Why is rape and unwanted fertilization treated so badly? What is one of the most secure ways to prevent a baby changing a person's whole life up-side down?

A developing baby should definately NOT be called a baby.
Its an embryo.
Or a fetus.
It is a separate organism..

But then again, it is perfectly correct to call the fetus a parasite or tumour, because it does have the characteristics of each.

Why do we think its murder? Because we are removing a group of cells (usually strongly unwanted) from an unlucky person, or are we actually ending life brutally with no consequence?

We need to analyse WHY we do it. We need to take into account HOW it has helped and that it is nothing more than an end to pregnancy. Pills and drugs change the chemistry inside the mother. Abortion removes what is causing the chemical imbalance.

So, if we conclude, is abortion doing us any good?

Is it doing us any harm?
NO, but we are ending a few cell's existence.
So why is it that if we step on a fully developed adult ant we feel no remorse, but if we remove a fetus that cannot even survive outside its host we suddenly grow all partial?

Why is it such a problem to all of us, if the individual can decide if she wants to remove the fetus or not?
It is NOT a problem.

And, as the person above me has stated, every childbirth is a risk to the life of the mother. They are saving their own lives, not ending the lives of other living human beings.

If you are against abortion, please do not perform it on yourself.
If you are for, what's stopping you? Useless laws and pathetic legal issues.

Hope this has helped!

2007-10-27 12:36:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymously Anonymous 5 · 4 3

If you are not ready to be a parent.... you should at least be using preventative measures if not abstinence.
I, personally, would not choose an abortion....ever, even if I was raped. However, it is not up to me to judge another if they choose to have an abortion. I do believe that is a baby from day one of conception..... but I cannot choose to make another person's decision. Some people believe that it is only life when a detectable heartbeat is heard.... those are their beliefs.
Abortion is legal here, because no matter what you think... women will continue to get them.... it is legal simply so that woman are not dying and will be under doctor care during such a radical choice. That is the only reason why it is legal here. Some countries it is still illegal (Europe)... woman and young teenagers will drive, walk for hundreds of miles just to get to an area where they can have this done.... it is their choice and only their choice... they are the one's that will be living with this decision for the rest of their life.......... all we can do is pray for them and the unborn soul.

2007-10-28 09:19:19 · answer #3 · answered by yidlmama 5 · 2 1

When do you define something to be a human being? When you first conceive, you are little more than a cell. The fetus slowly starts developing into multiple cells, and then organs, and organ systems.

So when, exactly, does a worthless group of cells become an actual human being? I agree with Sira on this: it all depends on the mental capabilities of the child. When it's inside the mother, it's an un-breathing, unconcious, inanimate organism that lives as a "parasite" off of the mother until he/she is capable of living outside of the womb.

The whole argument is subjective, and I choose to interpret it that way. Murder is the killing of an unconsenting human. A fetus does not have the capability to consent, and the mother has a right to choose what she does with her body. You may not agree with it, and that's fine. But don't try to force others not to do it either.

2007-10-27 13:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by Uliju 4 · 2 2

Yet this is another way to skirt a huge issue I seriously think that democrats should ban this issue from their platform debates we should argue reputation and responsibility to parents and in support of education make abortion completely illegal if there is a will their should be a way it is not important why thats my stand point.We need to start supporting issues by using other ones to make a better tasting cake its the right thing to do.The big picture is blindness and thats why this smokescreen is pointless to me in the ultimate value of my childrens future.

2007-10-28 11:51:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that's a biased anti-choice site. by definition and legality, abortion IS NOT murder.

2007-10-29 12:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by GothicLady 6 · 1 1

Abortion is unlawful killing. So it should be a simple matter to make it 'not murder' simply by making it legal. Of course, since God's Standards don't change as easily as society's, we end up with immoral laws, or in our case, judicial decrees, which fly in the face of God's Word.

"A fetus is neither sentient nor rational. Ergo, it's little more than a parasite." -- ...so the residents of Patton State Hospital, Bedlam, and so many other mental hospitals are not human?

A newborn child has the potential to become a great artist, scientist, or President. Why should 7-8 months make a difference?

2007-10-27 12:25:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

Life is not as simple as your mind. You overlook the deaths you cause by being pro life and focus only on the death of a fetus. For example 10 million children will die this year due to lack of medical care. If you spend your money saving a fetus you cannot save a child.
Of course it is your choice, you can save a fetus or you can save a child. Saving the child would be considered saving a life to all people, saving a fetus and letting a child die would be considered murder by most people.

2007-10-29 15:03:28 · answer #8 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 0 3

I cannot find it on th einternet but Ann sexton writes a great poem about abortion. Here it is:
Anne Sexton

The Abortion

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

Just as the earth puckered its mouth,
each bud puffing out from its knot,
I changed my shoes, and then drove south.

Up past the Blue Mountains, where
Pennsylvania humps on endlessly,
wearing, like a crayoned cat, its green hair,

its roads sunken in like a gray washboard;
where, in truth, the ground cracks evilly,
a dark socket from which the coal has poured,

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

the grass as bristly and stout as chives,
and me wondering when the ground would break,
and me wondering how anything fragile survives;

up in Pennsylvania, I met a little man,
not Rumpelstiltskin, at all, at all...
he took the fullness that love began.

Returning north, even the sky grew thin
like a high window looking nowhere.
The road was as flat as a sheet of tin.

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

Yes, woman, such logic will lead
to loss without death. Or say what you meant,
you coward... this baby that I bleed.

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2007-10-27 12:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

if a woman doesnt want a child its HER choice! not yours.
let her abort the child if she wants.
keep your damn beliefs out of the law, the law shouldn't be influenced by damn religious views!
alive to me isnt just having a heartbeat! its definetly more then just that.
and i also believe if someone wants to have sex go ahead and do it. Its their life and they can live it they way they want! like i said u don't need to be involved in the lives of other people.
if u dont agree with abortion thats fine don't have an abortion.

2007-10-27 12:27:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

You haven't asked a question. You've stated that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. I would like to debate this issue with you because I totally disgaree, but your mind is clearly totally closed to answers other than ones that you agree whole-heartedly with.

So all I'll say is I hope you never need an abortion, and if ever you do, I hope the people around you are understanding, caring and non-judgemental.

2007-10-27 12:22:57 · answer #11 · answered by munchkin 7 · 6 4

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