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I find it difficult to cope with my two little babies at church and by the end of the service i actually dont get to hear anything. Is it okay to saty back at home and listen to God tv or the likes? Please advice because i really want to live like a true christian.

2007-10-27 12:12:19 · 24 answers · asked by sonya 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

well, everyday it is gods day. It is ur choice if u want to go on Sundays or not. it matters whats in ur heart. it is better not go every Sunday and praise god and become closer to him than just going to church sitting there... I would still try my best to go to church instead of doing what satan wants me to do. The tv shouldnt be ur guide. Listen to what god says and pray. im sorry this isnt a good answer because i am young still, but and person can give advice. i have talked with god and i will pray for u, but let ur children come with u and let them understand god the father almighty. god wouldnt want u to leave ur children, but he would want to be closer with all of u. if u cant listen at church praise at home and go to church(both). amen to u. god blesses u. and humans made the weekly basis of going to church every sunday

2007-10-27 12:23:52 · answer #1 · answered by haha123 2 · 1 1

I hear you. When I had small children it was hard. You need to find a good Bible believing church that has a nursery, or childrens church so that you can enjoy the service. Going to church is important. We go to worship God and to learn more about Him and to fellowship with other brother and sisters in Christ. You need that. But you don't Have to go to be a true christian. It will help you in the long run. Sunday school is really just as important as the church service. Good luck.

2007-10-27 19:25:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no such thing as Sunday as far as God is concerned. It is as pagan as Thursday, named after a Norse god, and Friday, named after a Norse goddess. There is no command to Christians to meet at any regular interval or on any day, just as there was no command for the Jews to meet on a sabbath. The Roman Empire had an eight-day week at the time of the Resurrection, so non-Jews would not have found 'Sundays' very convenient, anyway. There is no necessity to have a seven-day week, or a week at all. The vast majority of humanity has never had a week of any length. The only way they measured time was with the seasons, and there are still many people who use only those, to guide their basic agriculture.

If you know just one other Christian, you can meet and pray and read the Bible together in your front room, kitchen or wherever convenient, and God can be very real to you that way. You can 'go to church' a thousand times and get nothing at all. So if you find a local friend or two, you can be in a real church, any day you like- and you will want to meet more than once a week, if God is really with you.

It is extremely evil people who want you to go on a 'Sunday', because they want you to bow down to Satan as represented by clergy. A clergyman (or woman, these days) will only allow a watered down false religion to take place in his/her pagan temple. It may take you a long time to realise this, but sooner or later you will leave 'Sunday' churches in horror at their evils, or you will become as evil as they are and your soul will be corrupted beyond all hope. So be very careful.

2007-10-27 19:50:19 · answer #3 · answered by miller 5 · 0 1

Sonya, God Bless YOU !!! You do not need to attend church every Sunday, that is a man made rule honey. I find that wherever I am is where my church is. Does that make sense? I am among all of God's creation, walking HIS Earth, looking at HIS sky and grass and etc. I think it is the most perfect thing for you to do is watch God TV. There are excellent pastors on that network that can and will "feed" you the word. You are just a Mother that is trying to do right by yourself and your babies. I ADMIRE YOU, sweetness for trying so hard. Can you imagine how much more GOD admires you? WOW.....think about that sweetheart. Remember, to be a Christian is to say that you are a Child of God. Your acts won't get you into Heaven. For now I would relax and stay home with your babies until they get a little older and you can listen to a sermon in a real church, for now your church is in your living room. God Bless You, Sonya.

2007-10-27 19:22:38 · answer #4 · answered by DERLANDSON 4 · 2 1

yes, it is mandatory to go but not at that kind of a hardship---stay home and take care of the babies and see if once in awhile your husband can stay while you go but, you should talk to your priest Pastor or Minister and get a dispensation but, I think it is only in the Catholic Church where it is a sin to miss on Sunday. I know we have people like that in our Church and the wives have gotten dispensations (one lady had twins and has problems) but, when this happens---the husband is allowed by our priest to bring her Holy Communion. It is definitely not a permanent thing though until the children grow it is only until the problem can be bypassed

2007-10-27 19:40:07 · answer #5 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 0

How ridiculous...no you don't HAVE to go to church. If you are forcing yourself to go to church then you are in the wrong church. There should be an inner desire to want to be around other believers. Christianity is about a one to one relationship with God, going to church is something people want to do to learn more about the God they worship. But just going to church for the sake of it is a religious nonsense. You gain nothing by it except to be a statical "bum on seat".

2007-10-28 07:24:29 · answer #6 · answered by Andy 3 · 0 0

The point of going to church is to strengthen your relationship with God, and to grow closer to others.
Meeting together with a small group of people is just as much 'church', even just with 1 other person. Try to do both if possible, as each gives you different things, but always keep in mind that being a christian is about a relationship, not rules.

2007-10-27 20:25:05 · answer #7 · answered by neil 4 · 0 1

No nursery or Sunday school for the little ones? You have to be careful who you watch on T V if you don't know your bible . There is a FM radio station called " Family Radio " that you might want to listen to esp Sundays and the whole week . Hebrews 10:25

2007-10-27 20:23:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Practicing as a religious person involves much more than weekly visits to church. DOn't sweat it if you cant make it every Sunday. Try to find a babysitter and beware of the "Christian TV" programs out there. I think they're demented.

2007-10-27 19:18:07 · answer #9 · answered by Jonesy 3 · 2 0

In my opinion, you can practice your religion at home, how ever you wish. Never think that just because your life right now doesnt allow you to practice like you normally would, you are on a different level than those that attend. I mean, think about the person that occasionally falls asleep, or day dreams, or doesnt pay attention, are they better off just because they were at service? of course not. i think, no matter what religion you are, if your day to day life is lead by your beliefs, you are far ahead of a lot of individuals.

2007-10-27 19:24:24 · answer #10 · answered by Trish 2 · 2 0

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