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how does your outlook and conviction to your politics compliment your faith (or lack thereof) in any religion or belief system?

2007-10-27 11:41:54 · 17 answers · asked by Ramjet 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

In Britain "Liberal" doesn't mean the same thing as it does in the US. I am decidedly left of centre and normally call myself a socialist. I think many Americans are squeamish about both terms (and I don't really get this American distinction between "political" liberalism and "social" liberalism - when were they separated? HOW CAN they be separated?).

Does being a socialist affect my views towards religion? I have no idea. They seem to complement each other to me, but many socialists are also Christian (much like Christ).

2007-10-27 12:10:23 · answer #1 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 5 2

Well, I didn't know which question of yours to answer so I'll answer here. I'm a registered independent who is socially liberal and somewhat fiscally conservative. I have in the past voted in both parties in the same election as I care nothing for the labels of democrat or republican - I care about the issues. I will say lately I've been voting a more liberal slate though.

I guess it could be related to my atheism as I take the same stance on politics as I do religion - why should I follow anything blindly, which is why I do not believe in being a member of a political party.

2007-10-27 19:00:46 · answer #2 · answered by genaddt 7 · 4 1

On a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 being the most conservative and 100 being the most liberal, I'm a 65 or 70. I'm pretty socially liberal, because I support gay marriage and I'm pro-choice, plus I oppose the death penalty. But I oppose universal health care and affirmative action. Those things are just wasting tax dollars.

Oh, and stem-cell research? It's a must. Those who oppose it are the ones who have never had a chronic disease and probably will never need it. People let their religious views get in the way of society too much.

2007-10-27 18:55:20 · answer #3 · answered by Uliju 4 · 2 1

I am liberal but do vote conservative on some issues. My lack of religion doesn't have too much to do with my political point of view because I am not influenced by religious ideologies. Then again, that just might be the influence my lack of religion has. lol

wow, I agree almost completely with Deke. lol

2007-10-27 18:49:03 · answer #4 · answered by alana 5 · 3 0

I'm left of center, but not hideously liberal; I can see that there are two sides (at LEAST) to every story. I suppose that's how I view religion, too. There is more than one path to get where we're going; the important thing is that we each make the effort, try to help each other, and ideally make the world a better place for all.

2007-10-27 18:45:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I am an atheist! And I am a Democrat Liberal!
I believe in Gay rights/Gay marriage! I think marriage is not a federal or state issue! marriage should be for all, or it should not be legal at all!
I think that your body is yours to do with as you see fit! That includes abortion, and right to life!
I think that Republican conservative Fundies are RUINING this country! And they should be stopped.
This country was created so that people would not have to live under tyranny! King George's, or anyone else! This country represents freedom, and opportunity to the world, and is big enough,especially with Common wealths, ect, for those who wish to live here! The illegal immigrants are here already, and are too many to deal with!
Come up with a solution, or shut up!
I refuse to hate all Muslims, just because a portion of their religion, are fanatics! AND I AM AGAINST THE WAR! Iraq had nothing to do with the attack on 9/11 !
I am not a socialist! But, I do believe in helping my fellow man! So sue me! That is why my party created social programs to help people! Most of us think the same way about helping people. If that bothers you? YOU are the one with the problem! OUR tax dollars help pay for the programs too! Rep neocons, tend to forget that!
Liberals are NOT responsible for EVERYTHING that is wron with the country, or with the world! Republicans and others need to take some responsibility too!
There are more things I believe in as a liberal, but this is enough to give you na idea.
Hope this helps you.

2007-10-27 19:38:14 · answer #6 · answered by Renee 3 · 3 2

I am an Atheist, so naturally I have some difficulties with the "religious right" and what I feel is their attempts to create a state religion.

I support a strong military, but I believe that part of keeping our miltary strong is the wisdom of when and where to use it.

I oppose the war in Iraq because I don't think it is good for this country, because I believe it drains valuable resources into a bottomless pit, valuable resources that can be better used in this country.

I am not totally comfortable with "gay" but I am less comfortable with the idea of the government in people's bedroom, so IMO what people do there is their own business.

Marriage, however, I perceive as a legal contract. It is within the government's rights what it chooses to accept as a legal contract. Which is to say I am neither for nor against gay marriage.

Abortion, as far as I am concerned, as long as it is in her body, it is her body and we should have control over our own bodies. I realize a lot of people disagree with me on this one, and I appreciate that, but for me the control of my own body is a big one - can't get over that hurdle.

I believe in civil rights laws, but oppose the idea of "hate crimes" legislation. Far as I am concerned, you broke the law, you broke the law, don't care why you did it. The penalty should be the same regardless of the reason.

I believe we, in the United States, need a better system of immigration control. Far as I am concerned, the idea that we can just throw open the doors to anyone and everyone who wants to come here is just plain crazy. This has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with common sense.

I am not opposed to the death penalty in principle, but in practice I am because it is seldom, if ever, justly applied.

2007-10-27 18:46:25 · answer #7 · answered by geniepiper 6 · 4 2

I believe that ultimately everything goes down to what you were trying to accomplish when you did something. I believe that the world is better off without some people. I believe God created the world. I believe crazy Republicans vs crazy terrorists will destroy the Earth.

I supported Afghanistan, neutral on abortion, for Affirmative Action, against Iraq, for securing our borders, for college aid for low-income families, and against welfare in its current form.

Reagan bad, Bush #1 ok, Bush #2 anti-Christ, Clinton good, Carter ok.

2007-10-27 18:50:13 · answer #8 · answered by E M 3 · 3 1

I'm socially liberal. That's all I really can tell you for sure about my "liberal status".

I really don't know how well atheism compliments my political convictions. I'm a Democrat. And I don't believe in god. I don't know that one reinforces the other.

2007-10-27 18:44:19 · answer #9 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 6 1

I'm SO Lioberal that I make Jesse Jackson look like Ronald Reagan. LOL

Raji the Green Witch

2007-10-27 19:22:51 · answer #10 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 6 1

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