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In comparison, it's like asking a straight person to fall for someone his/her own gender. There is just no attraction. You just can't force these things.

So is God 'imperfect' for creating sinful creatures by birth by their definition?

2007-10-27 11:02:19 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks for all replies. For those of you who thinks homosexuality is a choice, please reply to my other question under Gays, Lesbians... section. Look for my name as the poster!

2007-10-27 11:08:54 · update #1

i'm going to turn this into a debate forum (with your help). please update your comment as discussion goes on.

dawn: it's called the THEORY of evolution, not facts of evolution.

tony: very good point. But do you think one's choice of homosexuality can be compared to one's choice towards alcoholism, gambling, and child molestation??

2007-10-27 11:13:30 · update #2

ghostin: what can you say about hermaphrodites, and such biological 'disorders'? Do you think they have a choice? What orientation should they adopt to be considered not sinning??

2007-10-27 11:18:29 · update #3

edward: for a moment, just think that your attraction to girls is a sin and you have to be attracted to guys. are you going to stay abstinent your entire life? you're right, no one is forcing you to perform the action, but you are prohibited to what your body's signaling you to do.

2007-10-27 11:20:07 · update #4

FYI, I am NOT gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it. I just want to discuss this issue because I have gay friends and Christian friends and although we don't openly discuss this topic, it's something that can be understood when discussed.

2007-10-27 11:21:18 · update #5

amorroma: bible also says the following:

a girl that's been raped must marry the rapist.
[Deuteronomy 22:29]

a girl who's had premarital sex must be stoned to death. [Deuteronomy 22:20]

your child who is rebellious must be stoned to death [Deuteronomy 21:21]

you must marrry your sister-in-law if your brother dies [Deuteronomy 25:5]
you must not cut your sideburns [Leviticus 19:27]
or shave [Leviticus 19:27]
or have a tattoo [Leviticus 19:28]

unless you practice those (and have never shaved your sideburns), why do Christians quote bibles literally in some parts but not others?

i think the bible is a good reference, but Jesus' arrival has already abolished all the previous laws and replaced them with "All you need is love" motto. Isn't that correct??

If not, have you shaved your sideburns??

2007-10-27 11:26:42 · update #6

misty: i think your point is a very good point. homosexuality is a sin, even if it is inherent. Just like our uncontrollable, inherent greed for power and lust. It's no more and no less sinful, just the way we are wired. You can't control greed, lust.

On that note, however, some Christians ARE indeed hypocritical for isolating gays for condemnation, because everyone is EQUALLY if NOT more sinful.

I think that's what Jesus meant when he said "Let the one who hasn't sinned throw the first stone."

Although Jesus himself could have thrown one ;)

2007-10-27 11:36:20 · update #7

To reclarify, I am NOT gay. Just been reading your responses and some seems to assume that I am. I am straight as a... whatever the straightest thing you can think of.

2007-10-27 11:38:28 · update #8

Summer: Please read my other question under Gays, Lesbians section. Please state your reasons why you think it is people doing it to get attention. It has existed throughout history, it's not a 70s 'fad'. In the old days, people get tortured and executed. In more civilized days, some just get beaten. Do you think these are the 'attention' they are seeking?

2007-10-27 11:53:11 · update #9

shao: very good point and clearly stated. my question to you now is, by repressing your lust, do you mean you're just abstaining from redheads? or women altogether? how does masturbation come into play, that is also a sin stated in the bible. and please do comment on the 'outlandish in my standard' bible verses i have listed in my question additions.

2007-10-27 11:59:39 · update #10

40 answers

if its biological then it goes against scientific facts of evolution also .. kinda unravels the theory ..

2007-10-27 11:06:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7

Yes I do. There are a number of Christian denominations and churches accepting of gays. Some of the Methodists, Episcopal, Lutheren, Catholic (but not the Vatican and others.
Buddhists overall as well as Hindi faiths will overall welcome gays. I proudly say I'm athiest. Doesn't mean I'm against religion though. I actually do often attend church. I get called Pagan because they really know me. But in spite, I am accepted rather than hated or idealogy forced on me. I'm Straight. But just because some of the Christian religion isn't understanding, don't give up. There are many more, I think the majority that will accept you. And to any Christian that says you or anyone else is going to hell, you fail to follow. You are basically saying you are replacing god as judge.

It wasn't too long ago that taking medicine or surgery was condemned by Christians. It was considered sin for being an affront to god's will.

2007-10-27 11:33:30 · answer #2 · answered by genghis1947 4 · 2 0

It may be endocrinological. (sp?) or environmental.
And that can be fixed, if a person wished it so.
It is a very rare genetic disorder to have XXX, or XXY or XYY. (and this STILL only explains PROPENSITIES, not actual NEEDS)
All others were learned instances. There are tons of cases used in the psychology texts, and there are so many factors that are in common with each other, one might be able to do a profile on someone with these tendencies.

One of the factors is a very strong mother figure, and absent or weak father figure in the child's life as they are developing.

It makes sense if you think about the divorces going on out there where the woman gains sole custody of the children, and then makes the children their confidants. Major flag. Major flag.

What this has to do with Christianity is this: everyone is susceptible to one thing or other. WE are all weak. We all have our kryptonite. Doesn't matter who. The test will come. We can only do our best with what we've got.

I'll be condemned for something too, but I need to maintain my faith in the same way that one maintains their physical body: by feeding it what it needs, and strengthening it with exercise. (The Mass is like a weekly vitamin shot, the daily prayers are like a run in the park) That way we keep in spiritual shape, no matter what our temptations and failings.


2007-10-27 11:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by Shinigami 7 · 1 2

There are very few educated people who believe that homosexuality is a choice people make. There is also a silent majority of Christians in North America who hold this view that states that homosexuality is not a choice, and therefore cannot be seen as a sin.

2007-10-28 11:15:27 · answer #4 · answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 · 0 0

Since we are 'born' with the desire for one or the other, I would say, since I am straight, should I have to make excuses to everyone, or apologize for my life style, or sexual preference? No! I shouldn't, I won't, nor will I ever do so! Is it a sin to be straight?
By the same token, why should Gays have to apologize, for what, to them is 'normal'?
Sexuality is 'always' going to be an issue for christians, because it is in their bible, and therefore 'off limits'' to everyone, but a generized couple, one male, and one female, no exception, and under 'their' conditions!
Well, I for one, don't buy into their 'conditions''!
Sex is meant to be enjoyed by two consenting adults! And there are not conditions attached to it!

2007-10-27 13:50:59 · answer #5 · answered by Renee 3 · 1 0

You miss the entire point of Christianity. We have a sinful nature. Our free will can cause much devastation. That is why we are told to be as slaves to God and God's law, giving up our wicked impulses and seeking a righteousness that is above and beyond us. There are many wicked things in my heart but I do not say, "Ah, but since they come natural to me they are not bad". To the contrary those wicked desires are dangerous and should not be played with.

"In comparison, it's like asking a straight person to fall for someone his/her own gender." I understand this part. That is why I say you do not have to have straight relationships, that is just like telling someone to fake love for someone. What point is fake love? But still, homosexuality is immoral I believe so the only thing needed is to not give into those sexual desires. To give a personal example - I am attracted to redheads. I do not instead change and become attracted to blonds instead, I just give up my lust, period. So a homosexual does not have to convert and become straight, they just should not give in to their sinful desires just like I, as a straight person, do not have a right to just go fulfill all my sexual desires.

I don't think this makes God imperfect. God's law, however, shows that I am imperfect. We have to keep God's law. We do not have a license to commit immoral acts. We have to seek righteousness.

2007-10-27 11:51:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have yet to find ANY human, let alone freaky fundie, who will tell me they remember waking one morning and deciding to be straight or gay.
It's like left-handedness - it is an inherent preference.

Feral fundies say it is a choice because the only other option according to their myopic view of the world is that god made them that way and they are convinced god doesn’t make mistakes.
I suppose they think all people born with physical and or mental disabilities chose their way too.

2007-10-27 11:24:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Being attracted to or loving someone of the same sex is no sin. God loves all the people he created. The sin is having sex outside of marriage and that goes for heterosexuals, too.

2007-10-27 22:17:24 · answer #8 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 2 0

We are all born sinners. We are all called away from sin. Homosexuals are no exception.

Pedophiles claim to also be born that way...does this make their sin okay? Of course not.

No one can justify sin, no matter how you try to manuver..it is what it is. Being attracted to the same sex and or opposite sex does not give you justification for sin.

Many are called to be celibate in this life...according to Matthew 19:12 Jesus says "For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

2007-10-27 11:10:37 · answer #9 · answered by Misty 7 · 2 3

I Suspect All Sexual Predilections Are the Result of Nature AND Nurture.

2007-10-27 11:32:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Homosexuality is a lifestyle that is chosen by some people, they are not born. Thats absurd. Drinking and driving is absurd. There both wrong and a sin to God. Sin is Sin no matter how you slice it. Gods word is his Word. Its plain and simple.

2007-10-27 15:45:29 · answer #11 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 0 2

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