I don't believe Jesus will descend from Heaven one day and all the people who believe in God will ascend into Heaven, never to be seen again.
Why? Because that idea is stupid. Blatantly stupid.
2007-10-27 11:00:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry but the rapture is not scriptural. One would try to look at the passage where one is left and the other is taken, Matthew 24:40-41. This ignores the point of the passage which has nothing to do with a future event but rather a past event, the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. That is why earlier in the chapter Jesus is telling them not to return to get their coats vs. 17-18, and may it not be in winter or on a Sabbath when they close the gates of the city. Note that that generation that was there would not pass away vs 34. Not only is the rapture not Biblical but Matthew 13:24-30 actually implies that the wicked would be gathered first and the faithful right after.
2007-10-27 15:54:43
answer #2
answered by mlcros 5
you tell me:Varied Views of the Rapture
The Bible shows that before the start of Christ’s promised Thousand Year Reign, there will be a period called the “great tribulation.” Said Jesus: “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 20:6) Some place the rapture ahead of the great tribulation. Others expect it during that time. Still others think that the rapture will come after that unparalleled distress.
The posttribulation view was predominant until the early 19th century. Then, in England there developed a movement headed by a former Church of Ireland clergyman, John Nelson Darby. He and like-minded Anglicans became known as the Brethren. From his Plymouth base, Darby traveled to preach in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. He asserted that Christ’s return would occur in two stages. It would begin with a secret rapture, in which the “saints” would be caught away before a seven-year period of tribulation devastated the earth. Then Christ would appear visibly, accompanied by these “saints,” and together they would rule on earth for a thousand years.
Darby stressed the need to be separate from the world, and those sharing his views eventually became known as the Exclusive Brethren. B. W. Newton headed a different faction that believed in the rapture but not in a pretribulation one. Posttribulation advocate Alexander Reese maintained that “the Secret-Rapture theories are a menace to the hope of Christ’s Coming.”
Pretribulationists believe that this difference in viewpoint is serious enough to affect “the nature of [their] hope in relation to the coming of Christ.” Others place confidence in a “partial rapture theory,” believing that those who are most loyal to Christ will be raptured first and the more worldly will be taken later.
Many evangelical groups herald an imminent rapture of faithful Christians. In view of differing opinions, however, a booklet published by Britain’s Elim Pentecostal Church says: “Whilst we subscribe to a broad outline of events related to the return of the Lord Jesus . . . , freedom is allowed in the interpreting of prophecy according to the conviction of the individual. Many accept a non-dogmatic position, patiently waiting for the events themselves to unfold the prophetic programme.”
God’s inspired Word, the Bible, is the standard by which we need to measure the truthfulness of all beliefs. (2 Timothy 1:13; 3:16, 17) Therefore, what does it say about the rapture?
2007-10-27 12:51:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I believe in the raised up at the last day, John 6:39,40,44; 14:3; when the place is prepared. I believe in the gathered Mark 13:27; at the last day.
I believed only Jesus went to heaven John 3:13-17; until the place was prepared. Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12; Satan and 1/3 angels in the short time of the end when the place is prepared, Rom.16:20; for raised up, satan underfoot.
I believe in the caught up 1Thes.4:15-17; to be with Jesus at the last day in his second coming Rev.3:12; 20:1-6; No Satan after his short time, for 1000 years, the heavenly are with Jesus at his second coming, to resurrect Rev.20:12,13; 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; onlt the earthly remain as the furst fruits are with Jesus.
2007-10-27 11:41:01
answer #4
answered by jeni 7
Check out these verses
1st Corinthians 15: 51&52, Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Read a couple more verses around these scriptures also.
1st Thess. 4:16&17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. This is the rapture, caught up canbe translated rapture, or even snatched away, either way all Christians will disappear of this planet before the mark of the beast and the anti christ show up. Be ready, if you are not saved and would like to be and have the faith, pray this prayer, Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross at calvery and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me, I pray this Prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart you are now a child of God, rejoice that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life. Jesus will now send his Holy Spirit to come and live in your heart and guide you into all truth. If you have any questions just send me an email, God Bless YOU!!
2007-10-27 16:00:36
answer #5
answered by victor 7707 7
No I do not believe in rapture in any form. Why should I believe in something that only exists in one book of the New Testament that is so depressing that it makes Stephen King's novels seem like children's stories?
2007-10-27 10:59:57
answer #6
answered by ? 6
I do not believe in the rapture.
2007-10-27 11:10:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe in rapture. I do, however, believe that the world will end eventually, everything does. But no imaginary god will cause it.
2007-10-27 11:18:16
answer #8
answered by comic book guy 2
some somewhat astounding prophecies have come real, yet i don't have confidence any of them got here from Howard camping out. i don't think of there is reason for issue. i don't remember the real date, however the comparable component occurred returned in the 1800's. Farmers did not issue to plant vegetation, and persons have been having intercourse in the streets by using fact they believed the tip became into close to. It have been given so undesirable that Joseph Smith, the prophet, testified in the call of Christ that he (Christ) does not come that twelve months. it may desire to look stupid to us, yet hundreds believed the observe of a preacher, while they could desire to have believed the observe of the prophet. Joseph Smith prophesied that the celebrities could fall from heaven interior 40 days. that quite did ensue on the fortieth day - November thirteenth, 1833 - the night sky became into mind-blowing with 1000's of hundreds of falling stars. people stayed up all night and watched in amazement. In scientific words, the earth crossed the orbit of a comet. Atheists could in basic terms say he have been given fortunate, yet Joseph became into generally "fortunate" in that way. He had many prophecies that got here real to the letter. He instructed Orin Porter Rockwell, the federal marshal and gunfighter, that he could in no way be shot, and he in no way became into. He instructed Dr. Richards that the day could come while bullets could rain down on him like hail, yet he could go through plenty as a hollow in his clothing; Joseph became into real on the two counts. He envisioned the civil war, and that the north and south could call on different international places for help, and that the treaties between international places could bring about a international war - all of which occured. He envisioned that Jackson County could be devastated, that the sole component left status may be the chimneys. The Union armies observed to that. He envisioned the cave in of the US government. This prophesy became into a minimum of partly fulfilled by using fact the US became into ruled by utilising Whigs on the time. They lost potential and in no way gained yet another election. The civil war could have been approximately slavery to those in the North, notwithstanding it became into greater approximately freedom to those in the South. They feared that the US government had already gained too plenty potential over community affairs. With the renounce of the South, "those u . s . a ." grew to advance into "the u . s . a .".
2016-09-28 00:07:30
answer #9
answered by ? 4
The so-called "secret rapture" is a lie of Satan.....http://www.ucg.org/reprints/pdf/Rapturereprint.pdf
2007-10-27 11:09:55
answer #10
answered by TIAT 6
No, but i believe in date rapture
2007-10-27 11:01:57
answer #11
answered by jburns3423 1