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Can anyone give me a duaa (sp?) to say that will help me be stronger in my consistency to pray? This is a question from my heart because I hate that I don’t pray consistently.

2007-10-27 10:50:43 · 4 answers · asked by me me 3 in Society & Culture Holidays Ramadan

I know this sura is Al-Ikhlas, I say this everyday. But it would be good to know more duaa's. I see people marked my question as interesting but no response to my question, I just found that interesting. I say this with no attitude, just curiosity.

2007-10-27 19:35:37 · update #1

4 answers

i'm sorry but i'ven't yet come across any specific dua'as to help you be stronger in your prayer..here are some that could be used and their purposes are also given:
Invocation for when you find something becoming difficult fo you:
"Allahumma laa sahla illa maa ja'althahu sahlan wa anta taj'alu alhazna idha shi'tha sahlan"
("O Allah there is no ease other than what You make easy.If You please, ease my sorrow")

Invocation for when something you dislike happens,or for when you fail to achieve what you attempt:
"Qadarullahi wa maa shaa'a fa'ala"
(It is the Decree of Allah and /he does whatever He wills")

What to say to foil the devil's plots:
"Aoothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaatil-latee laa yujawizuhanna barrun wa laa faajirun min sharri maa khalaqa, wa bara'a wa thara'a, wa min sharri maa khalaqa,minas'samaai, wa min sharri maa ya'ruju feehaa, wa min sharri maa thara'a fil'ardhi wa min sharri ma yakhruju minhaa, wa min sharri fitanil-layli wannahaari, wa min sharri kulli taariqan yatruqu bikhayrin yaa Rahmaan"

(I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah - which neither in the upright nor the curropt may overcome- from the evil of what Hecreated, of what HE made, and of what He scattered,from the evil of what descends from the heavans, and of what He scattered in the earth and of what emerges from it, from the evil trials of night and day, and from the evil of every night visitor, except the night visitor who comes with good.O Merciful")

I'm sorry i couldn't find any that directly correspond to your situation, but i hope i've been of atleast a tiny bit of help.i too was going to star your question, thinking any of my contacts would be of help, but then read your comment, and thought i'll try to do what i can..if not, i'm sure Allah will listen to whatever way you pray, provided you're sincere in your effort..Its not the presentation,but the content that matters..

2007-10-28 00:59:57 · answer #1 · answered by Lamya 6 · 1 0

I think you should after u pray a prayer when u are still on your knee just ask allah and your prayer will go up to the heavens and he may help you. i dont no if there is a sura for this.

2007-10-28 04:09:32 · answer #2 · answered by Izzy 1 · 0 0

what's sp?

a duaa

bismillah rahman rahim
qul allah ahad
allah samad
lam yalid
wa lam yulad
wa lam yagkoolahoo
kufwan ahad

sorry alot of spelling erros!

2007-10-27 12:46:06 · answer #3 · answered by mecca laran 4 · 4 0

try this site

2007-10-28 00:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by ocean star 1 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers