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ok, here's the story. I'm your average 16 year old girl. Just have a problem...boys. What teenager doesn't? I liked this one guy for 5 months, but he liked his ex girlfriend. I understood that. I didn't give up on him tho, much as I wanted to, && to my fortune, he asked me out about 2 weeks ago. Things were going PERFECTLY. I honestly have never been happier. && He seemed to feel the same. We hung out last night, && I was having fun, && it seemed like he was to. When I woke up, I talked to him for like...20 minutes on AIM before he went brb && like 10 minutes later, he signed off && I had a message on myspace (read additional details in a minute to read the message. You have to read to understand question.) He broke up with me. Now, what I want to know is why he did it, && what you guys think...I'm seriouslly confused right now, bc I apparenty just wasted 5 months on a guy....like i said Typical Teenage Girl Problems. Read Additional Details Please.

2007-10-27 09:35:10 · 15 answers · asked by Adelina 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Message from him: I don't want u to hate me but i really would just like to be friends right now i really like u n all i just think it is better if were friends and i still want to be good friends i dont want u to hate me or ne thing i would like us to be friends but everything has caused so much stress n stuff dont take this wrong IM not doing this because i like someone else its just better if we are friends i do not like ne one else i dont like >.< keri >.< i never will dont think im doing it because of her i dont like her n ill never like her again i just believe its better that we are just friends im really really sorry i dont want u to be hurt or pissed or mad or w/e i just want us to be cool n be good friends im sorry for alll this i still wanna be friends..if u dont want to be friends then thats fine i guess i just think its better if we dont date right now im sorry.---Ok, what do you guys think aobut it? I don't kno what he wants or what to think, help this make sense plz

2007-10-27 09:36:55 · update #1

He like, hardly ever called me. In the past two weeks we've talked on the phone like....3, maybe 4 times. So no, it wasn't that. I talked to him @ school, but I didn't hold my breath if I didn't. I was totally fine if we didn't talk every morning where I see him most. && no, I was not the rebound girl, my ex best friend was. lol, he dumped her, then asked me out like....5 days later? idk...lol i don't keep track. && trust me, he isn't a jerk.

2007-10-27 09:49:17 · update #2

He like, hardly ever called me. In the past two weeks we've talked on the phone like....3, maybe 4 times. So no, it wasn't that. I talked to him @ school, but I didn't hold my breath if I didn't. I was totally fine if we didn't talk every morning where I see him most. && no, I was not the rebound girl, my ex best friend was. lol, he dumped her, then asked me out like....5 days later? idk...lol i don't keep track. && trust me, he isn't a jerk.

2007-10-27 09:49:32 · update #3

him && his ex aren't going back out. But PLZ PLZ PLZ!!! notice that I said he SEEMED to be happy && having fun.

2007-10-27 09:56:17 · update #4

I was wrong....about his Ex....he doesn't want to get back with her.....so that means everything totally changed, doesn't it? I have a whole new perspective on things.....&& idk, I just really want him back, he broke up with me && I want him back. It doesn't make sense, does it? Idk, i feel weird....I just know that I want him back....It's funny, ppl keep telling me to forget about him, which is the last thing I want. I want the opposite. Idk tho, I think I have zero chance of getting him back......bc he liked it better when we were friends...which I thought I was ok with, whatever makes him happy, right? But now....idk, i thought about that......whatever makes him happy.....&& something was weird about the way it was said...idk...I'm ok with us being friends but i would absolutely ADORE it if we got back together.......ok im weird, idk, i dont make sense, i haven't eaten or slept, i think it's the lack of such things making me say this...

2007-10-29 18:17:46 · update #5

15 answers

Obviously it's a lot going on with him right now and having a g/f is just not helping his situation at all. Just give him his space and time and focus on your schoolwork and graduating.

Trust me... when you stop thinking about this and focus on the bigger picture *school* it will seem so insignificant. So don't stress over it. Just breathe and let go and if you wanna be his friend then go for it. But don't constantly mention this to him. It probably hurt worse then you think to tell you that.

*he could've at least told you to your face*

2007-10-27 09:46:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a tough one. One thing you have to remember about dating is that the person you're dating probably has other things in their life going on that you know absolutely nothing about. These other things can suddenly change everything between you and this person and you may never know why.

It's hard to be in this situation. I remember a similar situation that I was once in, where I was dating a girl and everything was going really well (I thought) for about 3 weeks, and then suddenly she just stopped returning my phone calls. I was thinking, "What did *I* do wrong here?!?" Finally I found out that a guy she had been dating for over a year before me showed up at her house and wanted her to give him another chance and she did. I later learned that she ended up getting married to that guy.

I'm not saying that what's happening with your guy is someone from the past. There are lots of things it could be. It could be something to do with his parents (lots of people have parents who make it very difficult for them to date). It could be a crisis that he's having at school, or in his family, that he just doesn't want to talk about with you.

I don't think anybody can figure out what is going on just based on the message he posted on your myspace. But I can tell you that I've been there, and so have TONS of other people. It's one of the tough things about dating, because you never know if things could have been different or if it was going to happen no matter what you did. You're not alone, if that makes you feel any better! :)

I suggest you try to be friends with this guy as he says he wants, and hope that he will trust you enough to tell you the whole story behind his decision. Besides, there is a good chance that your friendship with him will turn into something more when the time is right.

In the meantime, try not to stress about it! You're young, you should be out enjoying life. Have fun!


2007-10-27 16:48:55 · answer #2 · answered by Andrew A 2 · 0 0

I think this other girl may have really screwed up his head and he is thinking he needs time to figure out how to like a girl without getting his heart involved to the point where he gets hurt again. Also were you being alittle too 'clingy'? Expecting him to call you all the time ect? This is a big turn off for a guy sometimes.
If you like him then give him the space and let him know friendship is the the basis of what you want anyway.
Go hang out with your friends and if he calls fine. If not fine too. You will soon figure out you don't need a 'boyfriend' to be happy and he will figure out if you are 'the one'. If not you have a great guy friend.

2007-10-27 16:42:21 · answer #3 · answered by luteachris 4 · 0 0

Sounds like he is just a jerk! Confront him with a level head! Be confident, don't let him know that you are hurt! It might be that you were his reboud girl! That's not fun to hear but it may be! Don't ever cry over a guy! In those five months there's boud to be a guy that was trying to pursue you that you weren't paying attention to because you were so into this one guy! Learn from this experience! Don't go after one guy at a time! Be open and if a guy asks you out that you like then say yes!

2007-10-27 16:43:32 · answer #4 · answered by lizardlip_14 3 · 0 0

He might just have had some sort of emotional problem in his family or something made him nervous. I would suggest being his friend for a while hang out with him and be as nice as you can. He sounds like a nice person to consider your feelings so much, so consider his and be his friend. Within a few weeks he'll probably want to go out with you again, like I said, something might just've come up that he doesn't want to commit for a little bit.

2007-10-27 16:41:12 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

don't think you did anything wrong. he probably still feels upset about his ex, and maybe thought he needed to move on and he asked you out. afterwards, however, he might have felt that it was too much too soon to expect to feel the same way about you as he did with his ex. i think he likes you a lot and genuinely wants to be friends, but isn't quite ready to move into a relationship yet. respect that, and when the time is right, he might come back to you.

and you didn't waste five months; anyone you like that much must be worth it :)

2007-10-27 16:50:33 · answer #6 · answered by N4Y4 2 · 0 0

well amybe he just can't take having a girlfriend right now... see when i broke up with this one lady i was struggling for awhile and then i met the girl that is my girlfriend right now but before we went together i was still thinking of the lady that i went with for a few months and my girlfriend asked me what was wrong and i was like " well... i just don't want to get in another relationship that will make me feel like crap..." and she was like " what" and so i told her about the other lady i went with and she said that she understoond and when i'm ready then to tell her? so after that i i did start to feel better and got over the lady and in a few weeks i went with her.

2007-10-27 16:54:40 · answer #7 · answered by mixed_brother 3 · 0 0

Okay gurl what i think what happen is that the guy probably knew that the ex was not going to get back with him so eventually he decided to talk to you in he got caught up into going out with you but eventually she must have brived him into going back out so thats why his *** bounced like a jackass without telling the truth, so gurl dont sweat it at all.

2007-10-27 16:49:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hes sorda doesnt know what he wants ! he needs time to be alone witch sucks but its for the best ! if i were u i would be cool about it because if he sees ur cool about it then he will know that u understand and all that stuff ! but if u really want to know why he dumped u then just ask and if he tells u he just felt like beign friends then take that ! trust me he will come back he just needs time alone ! any way if u have any questions contact me !

2007-10-27 17:44:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you ask me it sounds like the guy broke up with you because he doesn't think you 2 are right for each other, and yes some of us guys do think about stuff like that so just more on if he thinks there's no future for you guys then he probable is not, its that or he is going though some hard times with his family or something

2007-10-27 16:45:10 · answer #10 · answered by Ithra 2 · 0 0

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