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Why can't atheists, muslims, Christians, etc. all coexist peacefully without one or another taking some sort of cheap shot? It's a shame that Christians (as I am) have gotten a bad name because of the hypocrits, racists, bigots, etc. and the same goes for atheists and people of other religions. We are all people, and everyone should be entitled to their own beliefs without there being a huge fall out. I apologize on behalf of the hypocrisy from Christians. I simply was not raised that way, even though I am a Christian and there are specific things that the Bible says. I am not one to judge. God is the only one allowed to do so. Why when the Bible tells you not to judge, do some Christians do it anyway? I think we should all be able to coexist in peace, without constant arguments about religion, evolution, etc etc.

2007-10-27 08:22:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

What I believe to be the answer (truth) to your question: Because we all were born as sinners. Just because people claim to say they are of a certain religion, religion alone can not save you, only faith in LORD, Jesus Christ, as LORD and Savior, can . .thru His gift of the Holy Spirit. Christians will not be able to become perfect, by their own knowledge and understanding about the Bible, God's word, and without the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth, from God . .we WILL tend to sin. Understand, that even Christians will tend to sin, just like the rest ..if they do not truly have faith in God. There will be times when a Christian's faith will weaken, due to the fact that we are living in an evil-mnded and spirtually-dead world. Only when Christians know that they are sinners, having the potential to sin, will sincere ones come to understand their desperate need for God, on a daily basis. When we, Christians . .KNOW we are not imperfect, and allow our faith in God, to help us become perfect . .are we then made right in His eyes. To truly believe that Jesus is LORD, and our Savior . .to trust in Him, no matter what ..and to obey His commandments . .we shall live an eternal life with Him. All we are here is to love and obey God, not to judge and condemn others. Leave Judgement up to God. We, not just Christains, but ALL people have NO right to judge/condemn others . .for we can never take the place of God's position of power ..for we can never be God ..for He is the only true God that exists. And, yes . .Jesus did say in the Bible:
"Judge not, and you will not be judged." "Condemn not, and you will not be condemn." "Be perfect, just as your Father in heaven IS perfect."

Like the old saying goes: "Its easier said than done." And so true! Its easy for people to say, they love Jesus and that they want to do His will . . .but its not easy for many people to trust in God, cause they can not see Him. And, the evil human nature can lurk back within us, from Satan . .making it very hard for us not to judge/condemn others. Its human instinct for many people to easily judge others ..as you can see. But with God's holy nature ,thru the Holy Spirit, He makes it possible for us to overcome this sin, by not being controlled by Satan, who is the one behind giving people their evil human nature instincts. God said you just have to trust and believe He can help you overcome evil (sin), but by His word, alone. Its by sincere faith, that God will allow His people (Christians) to see the word of God, thru His wisdom. .not human wisdom. LORD, Jesus even said, "Can you not believe, without seeing?" when some of His disciples asked Him to show them thy Father, and they will believe in what Jesus said. How sad . . .that they could not see! God, our Father was standing right in front of them! LORD, Jesus Christ, Himself! They could not "see" for they did not sincerely believe in Him (at during the time He was with them for they deserted Him too like everyone else thus fullfilling the Scriptures told by Him, until the very end ..after He was crucified and had risen), as the Christ. Because of their lack of faith, they could not sincerely believe what Jesus said ..thus not being able to "see" Him for who He really was. LORD, Jesus did say:
Sin (or evil from Satan the devil) will blind people from seeing God's truth, because his evil leaves their mind into darkness. Jesus said to others when He was ready to heal a blind man: "Since I am in the world, I am the light of the world . .so as long as I am in the world, he shall not be in darkness, but see the light." (This blind man was blind since birth, but when Jesus came to heal people, He was allowed to heal him, for the blind man really wanted to see, and believed God can do it, for him. It was by faith . .that the blind man was able to see the light. .and see Jesus for who He really was)

We are all sinners. Believe in what Jesus said: "I have not come to save those who think they are good enough (rightious), but I have come for the sinners, to repentance."

Believe Jesus is LORD, and Savior . .believe every word of God as truth, and obey. We should sincerely love and obey . .to do good, because we desire to, just because we have to, for a selfish gain. "Faith without good deeds, is dead (useless to God)." So, without faith, even if you do good, it will not matter to God. He wants us to do good, out of a sincere heart ..out of faith . .out of real love. So, its all useless in God's eyes, .trying to please God by good works, without sincereity, faith, and love. We are here to love and obey ..to desire to do good, and do, with a glad heart. We need not to understand why LIFE is the way it is or question God's ways, but allow God to help us believe in His word, as truth, and trust Him, by desiring to obey Him, with a sincere, loving heart.

So, Chippy . .please forgive those who are sinning (against Christ, as well as you and others) for they know not what they do. Please ask Father to forgive them, too and continue to love them, instead. For Love (God's) covers all offenses .and will set you free.

Instead, encourage those Christians who are weaker in faith, and kindly point their sins out, by using God's word, as your defense. Let them be aware that they are sinning against Christ, not just you. When you do not use your own understanding, but the word of God . .they cannot accuse you for judging them, only God's word, will.

Yes, it is God's job to judge all people. And, yes, we are all people ..with the same needs, feelings, and all striving for the same goal: to enjoy a long, good LIFE. Yes, its best that people treat each other the same . .for no one is better than another.

Only God's love ..can allow people to live in peace, for He is about true freedom, peace, joy, love, harmony, mercy, beauty, compassion, eternal LIFE.

Let us encourage one another to love each other with the same love we have for our LORD, Jesus Christ. And let us encourage one another to build each other up to the LORD, thy God, as one Family. May God and our LORD, Jesus Christ be with us. Amen.

With love in Christ,
(a Christian woman; a child of God)

2007-10-27 11:46:13 · answer #1 · answered by ~Angela~ 3 · 0 1

When man learns the true meaning of one God, peace will come.

2007-10-27 16:31:06 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I've said that myself... and got reported.

some people want to be "right," not do right.
and from my point of view, here in the US there is one large group in particular that does the lion's share of the attacking; they litterally believe (or claim to) that all other paths are evil, and anyone who disagrees with them will face nasty punishments.

Truly... how does one get along with people of that mindset?

2007-10-27 15:32:29 · answer #3 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 0 0

His judgement is final, ours is just a thought which is temporary! God knew we were going to make mistakes and He also knew that there would be non believers! it's all good in my book! because only God can judge you now! (blessings to you two pac!) :)

2007-10-27 15:31:38 · answer #4 · answered by meister 4 · 0 1

Antichrist will come with a false message of "peace and unity" and will deceive some before wiping out millions.

Jesus said He is the only way to heaven. His Word in the Bible rejects your message.

2007-10-27 15:28:38 · answer #5 · answered by Chris 4 · 1 4

They all do here in Australia , we have very strict Anti discrimination laws.

2007-10-27 15:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am with you.
I think some people here are either kids playing or immature adults just playing a joke.

I doubt people act like they do here in the real world. I hoep not, anyhow.

2007-10-27 15:28:47 · answer #7 · answered by batgirl2good 7 · 2 3

i agree completley, i do think debates are a good thing, but argueing and behaving like children and calling names, these things are getting old!

2007-10-27 15:29:43 · answer #8 · answered by bre 3 · 2 0

because everyone believes they're right. everyone needs to just consider the fact that they may be wrong, and stop trying to save others.

2007-10-27 15:29:08 · answer #9 · answered by Agnostic Front 6 · 1 2

If it wasn't religion, we'd invent something else to fight about.

2007-10-27 15:33:29 · answer #10 · answered by Alex H 5 · 2 1

Don't ask me to be quiet when your religion is being forced on me through our laws.

I could never abide that silently.

2007-10-27 15:29:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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